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Recovery from fat grafting?

jumpstart Posts: 13
edited January 2022 in Breast Reconstruction

I will be having fat grafting on one side to even things out a bit following mastectomy, but will have to travel abroad for work approximately 10 days later. Just to check how long recovery usually takes - to feeling comfortable and having full movement etc - after fat grafting? What garments would I need to wear and for how long? And how long until I can sleep on my stomach without fear of smooshing the breast out of shape or melting away fat?

Sorry for all the questions, I am outside of the US and I haven’t gotten a lot of practical information from my surgeon yet

thanks in advance!


  • veggal
    veggal Posts: 261

    Those all sound like questions your doc needs to answer. I hope yours will be helpful.

    I was only required to wear compression for 3 days and had extensive liposuction. This is not typical.

    It took about 3 weeks to feel back to normal. Make sure your surgeon clears you for the travel.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,451

    I agree - you need to get your docs approval to travel. Like VegGal - I couldn't have traveled for 3 weeks. I still had one drain left at 3 weeks.

    Edited to say - this is the recovery JUST from the mastectomy - not even considering fat grafting. I would be good if you to to "my profile" and post your diagnosis & treatment so people can better answer your questions.

  • Thanks both for the replies! for clarification, I will be having fat grafting only (and only on one side) to even things out after having a mastectomy last March. I believe the donor site will be my stomach. I will definitely consult with the surgeon, but also would be grateful to hear some more recovery stories if possible :)

  • specialk
    specialk Posts: 9,265

    jumpstart - I have had a number of fat grafts, for different reasons, sometimes alone and sometimes combined with other surgery. My experience has been that fat grafting, by itself, with an abdominal donor site is not a bad recovery. I drove within several days, didn’t need pain meds other than Tylenol, the donor site feels like you did way too many sit-ups, but I strongly recommend compression garments, and for quite a while. The thing about using the abdomen is that the lipo cannula makes tunnels as the fat is harvested. Those tunnels can fill with fluid and harden or cause a seroma. Wearing compression for a minimum of 6-8 weeks can prevent that kind of issue. I traveled out of state 10 days after a bi-lateral fat graft and implant swap - actually twice - but would caution about too much lifting, such as luggage, etc. Will you be traveling alone or with someone who can help you?

  • I had one done in February 2021, I felt very good the very next day, I received only 50cc by the way.I just wear my regular sport bra but I did not sleep on my side for personal choice but I think it's ok.I don't recall any discomfort at all and I think I went back to my regular activities super quick.I hope this helps.

  • Thanks so much Special and Fleur - that is super helpful!

  • Hi people!

    I want to do reconstruction surgery after bilateral prophylactic mastectomy that I did 9 years ago. Honestlyو I am struggling with lots of hesitation. As I dont want big boobs( well, I get used to flat chest somehow and just look for a normal chest appearance) , my surgeon suggest to do only fat grafting that is also my perference as it will be from my own body, less invasive without necessisity of further procedure. But the problem is that I cant find result from other patients who merely do fat grafting. It seems like completely unpredictable. I dont even know how my new breasts would look like. I wonder if anyone here have done reconstruction merely by fat grafting without implant or any other method? If you come accross any data, please kindly share .