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Biopsy next week

East1234 Member Posts: 10
edited December 2021 in Waiting for Test Results

hi everyone. I recently just got called back after my first mammogram for a follow up mammogram and ultrasound because of focal asymmetry. I’ve heard this was common, so I wasn’t panicked until the radiologist told me she found something that is “probably” benign. She gave me a choice of a follow up ultrasound in 6 months or a biopsy. The report said there was a hypoechoic circumscribed parallel mass measuring .6 x .4 x .7 cm. She said low suspicion of malignancy, but the report said BIRAD 4. I’ve been on the crap end of statistics before, so I am pretty terrified that this is cancer. My biopsy is next week. Anyone have a similar report? I guess I just wanted to type this outloud to people who would understand. Thank you for sharing your stories <3


  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited November 2021

    East1234, It is my understanding that a Birads 4 rating is necessary for insurance to cover the biopsy and most Birads 4 turn out benign. That said, not all are benign, of course. In your shoes, I would have opted for a biopsy now rather than waiting and wondering for six months. Hang in there, do something fun between now and next week. Here's a hug ( ) and wishes for a benign outcome. If this does not work out that way, then you have found a wonderful resource of folks who have been there, done that and are willing to share as we keep on keeping on!

  • East1234
    East1234 Member Posts: 10
    edited November 2021

    thank you so much! Smile

  • salamandra
    salamandra Member Posts: 753
    edited November 2021

    It's birads 4 because you told her you wanted a biopsy. If you'd told her you wanted to wait, it would've been birads 3. She has to code it birads 4 for the insurance to cover a biopsy.

    Try to hang on to that "probably benign"! It's probably benign :)

  • East1234
    East1234 Member Posts: 10
    edited November 2021

    thank you! I’m just learning that it’s coded BIRAD 4 for insurance purposes. Which is silly that insurance won’t cover biopsies for things that have a low chance of being cancer…. Because there is always a chance! How was the biopsy for you? I’m so nervous about the result that I haven’t thought about the actual procedure.

  • salamandra
    salamandra Member Posts: 753
    edited November 2021

    Which is silly that insurance won't cover biopsies for things that have a low chance of being cancer

    Birads 4 is a pretty low chance - I think as low as 3%.

    How was the biopsy for you? I'm so nervous about the result that I haven't thought about the actual procedure.

    For me it was fine. The team was supportive, explained everything, someone held my hand, it didn't take long. I wore a comfortable bra and they gave me an icepack to put in it after.

    I think biopsies can be harder for someone having multiple masses done at the same time, or if it's in a particularly tricky location in the breast, or if someone in general has a hard time with medical procedures. But if none of that applies to you, I'd say it was really almost a non-event. Comparable or less annoying than a sore shoulder after a flu shot. They did tell me not to bicycle home and I had to take it easy on that side for 48 hours or something.

    Good luck and let us know how it turns out!

  • East1234
    East1234 Member Posts: 10
    edited November 2021

    thank you for your comforting words. Biopsy is on Monday. I’ve had 2 c-sections, so I’m hoping the anticipation (and the wait after) is worse than the actual procedure

  • clematisgal
    clematisgal Member Posts: 3
    edited November 2021

    Hi everyone. I am Sandy and I am having a right breast core biopsy in five days. I have a 4mm mass in my right breast above my nipple. I am trying to stay calm. My mother died from breast cancer at the age of 57 year old. She lived only one year after being diagnosed. I am now 64 years old. Hoping for the best outcome for both of us, East 1234. We can get through this..together. I will be in touch here. Thank you all. Sandy

  • East1234
    East1234 Member Posts: 10
    edited November 2021

    hi sandy. I’m sorry to hear about your mom. If you happen to get worst case scenario news, try to remember that there have been SO many advancements in treatments. What else did your report say? My mass is 7mm, found in my first routine mamo, I turned 40 a few months ago.

  • East1234
    East1234 Member Posts: 10
    edited November 2021

    and I forgot to add, good luck with your biopsy. Sending you all of the positive thoughts

  • salamandra
    salamandra Member Posts: 753
    edited November 2021

    Hi Sandy,

    My mother also died from breast cancer in her mid-50s. I miss her every day. I think there is a whole other layer for those of us going through this after and without our mothers. I actually bought the plot next to hers in that week and a half wait between my malignant biopsy and my first appointment with my surgeon.

    I figured I'd need it eventually anyway!

    But I was lucky and my cancer is treated and hopefully will not be back anytime soon and it's looking like eventually could be a good long time :)

    Wishing good news and strength to all!

  • East1234
    East1234 Member Posts: 10
    edited November 2021

    i just had my biopsy. It was pretty painless, the numbing stuff stung, but no worse than a shot and it was quick. It wasn’t bad at all, anticipation was SO much worse than the actual procedure. Just wanted to update for anyone who needs to ease their fears about core needl biopsies. Now I wait for 3 days, ugh. Good luck with your biopsy, Sandy!

  • TheNannie
    TheNannie Member Posts: 4
    edited November 2021

    I can empathize with you and good luck, think benign, but I know it’s hard. I have a scheduled biopsy Friday and am nervous especially because it’s a reoccurrence after 8 years. My first was invasive carcinoma-estrogen driven, and I got a mastectomy after chemo about 8 months later. Followed by a DIEP a year later. The present Dr said it s possible it is fat necrosis...? About 4 weeks ago I noticed different feelings in my breast-tight, tingling, little discomfort, and got a ultra sound that showed a dark spot that wasn’t there in 2016. Anyway I hope your biopsy is negative. Good luck

  • East1234
    East1234 Member Posts: 10
    edited December 2021

    My results came back. It’s Fibroadenoma with focal ATYPICAL DUCTAL HYPERPLASIA. I’m panicking. :-

  • kksmom3
    kksmom3 Member Posts: 101
    edited December 2021

    I bet they will take it out, but it's not cancer!

  • mle42
    mle42 Member Posts: 124
    edited December 2021

    Hi East1234, this is good news! I know that sounds like a super scary result, but both fibroademonas and atypical hyperplasias are benign, aka not cancer. Check out this page on benign breast conditions. And here are pages with info specifically on fibroadenomas and atypical ductal hyperplasia. Hopefully you will have a chance to discuss the report with your doctor so they can explain what it all means and what your next steps should be, but honestly, you don't need to panic!

  • East1234
    East1234 Member Posts: 10
    edited December 2021

    thank you! So my OB (she ordered the mammogram) called me with the results. I think she made it seem a lot worse than it is (after googling and reading your responses) I'm going to call the breast imaging place tomorrow to get clarification. She did say I need to meet with a breast surgeon, so that makes me nervous. Thank you for your replies! I now realize that it's fairly good news, I apologize if my post was ignorant / insensitive

  • mle42
    mle42 Member Posts: 124
    edited December 2021

    Absolutely no need to apologize! This is the place to come where you can be open and honest about what you're feeling. And I should have acknowledged that just because something isn't cancer doesn't mean it can't still be scary or traumatic.

    Meeting with a breast surgeon is a great idea, because they will probably be able to give you more information than your OB. Whether the decision is to take it out now, or watch and wait, you're going to want to have that established relationship with a surgeon.

  • salamandra
    salamandra Member Posts: 753
    edited December 2021


  • East1234
    East1234 Member Posts: 10
    edited December 2021

    me again. I spoke with the radiologist and she said the mass was a fibroadenoma as expected and the ADH was found by chance. I meet with the breast surgeon in a couple of weeks, but my fear is that cancer is lurking around those cells. They didn't see any other masses on the ultrasound so I'm hoping my fear is completely irrational. Thanks for listening