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Two Lumps BIRAD 4c

LemonPink Member Posts: 8
edited January 2022 in Waiting for Test Results

I’m 38 years old. Family history of cancer. So I had a scan today for a lump I found less than 2 weeks ago. I had scans done in August for a fibroadenoma and a mammogram on both sides. Good news is the lump in my left breast from August seems fine. Bad news is that the new lump is actually 2, possibly 3 lumps. Two are classified as BIRAD 4C. Grouped pleomorphic calcifications were noted with the lumps as well. I’m not optimistic at this point. Also know that breast cancer under 40 doesn’t have awesome prognosis. I have my biopsies on Thursday. Should have results by Monday. I have two small kids. I don’t know how I can do this. Thank you for listening


  • redcanoe
    redcanoe Member Posts: 72
    edited January 2022

    I had breast cancer at 34 last year and I can totally relate to how scary it is to hear that outcomes are worse for women under 40. I've had a year to do research and wrap my head around it and I've come to the conclusion that yeah, it's a bit worse but still the majority survive. It feels like the end of the world but I'm still here. I hope your results are benign. So far, you've done a really great job taking care of yourself, you go checked in August and again now. Take comfort in the knowledge that if it's cancer, you've probably caught it as early as you possibly could have.

  • sunshinegal
    sunshinegal Member Posts: 68
    edited January 2022

    Oh, sending you big hugs. I was originally dx at age 36, so I understand the fear that an early diagnosis brings. However, try not to rehearse a tragedy that hasn't happened yet. You haven't actually been diagnosed, after all! I just went through a BIRADS 4C biopsy, and it turned out to be a benign spot of fat necrosis. Also, while it's true that young age sometimes means a more aggressive lesion with a worse prognosis, that's not inevitable! I am now 48, and I got married and had 2 kids after my first (Stage 0) BC diagnosis. Although I'm in treatment now for a local recurrence, life is good.

    Having said that, we are here to listen. The not knowing is truly the worst part, and we all know / remember being where you are.

  • parakeetsrule
    parakeetsrule Member Posts: 605
    edited January 2022

    Cancer in your thirties has a whole different level of suck. I'm sorry. You may not know how you'll get through it, but you will. Maybe one day or one hour at a time, but you will. ♥️

  • 1982m
    1982m Member Posts: 224
    edited January 2022

    I’m sorry. A BIRADS 4C is scary. My tumour was a BIRADS 4C as well.

    I am 39 and was diagnosed earlier this year in July. It’s scary and frustrating and unfair. However, it does feel kinda doomsday at first, once you know what your facing it does get better.The absolutely worst part is the waiting and then the scanning for staging. That was a really difficult time.

    To be honest even though I am 39, I’m really hopeful that I’ll beat this cancer and not have to face it again. And if I do, I figure treatment will be even better prob in the next 10 years.

  • parakeetsrule
    parakeetsrule Member Posts: 605
    edited January 2022

    Yes! I'm currently taking a medication that did not exist as a treatment option even five years ago when my cancer first came to visit. The drug I'll probably take next was in trials I think, but it wasn't a real option yet either. I'm realistic about the odds but hopeful about new treatments!

  • LemonPink
    LemonPink Member Posts: 8
    edited January 2022

    Thank you for the encouragement!! Biopsies are scheduled for Thursday AM. I have had them before but still not looking forward to it. Should have results in 48 hours. Not sure if they would call on a Saturday or I get to extend my worrying a few days into Monday 😂

  • mountainmia
    mountainmia Member Posts: 857
    edited January 2022

    LemonPink, good luck with the biopsies. But just a note -- even if usual procedure is to have your results back in 48 hours, it could be a lot more than that. I went to the lab yesterday for a blood draw. At 7:45am the phlebotomist I saw was already stressed. She said it was good I'd come in so early, because most of their staff would be out for the day. (I assume covid issues.) So your lab staffing could be quite short, delaying your results. Don't assume a delay is bad news for you! They'll get them to you as fast as they can.

  • LemonPink
    LemonPink Member Posts: 8
    edited January 2022

    Just had my biopsies. Ended up being three instead of two. The radiologist who did them was hopeful that given my age and history of may cysts and fibroadenomas these will also be benign. He said the statistics are on my side for that. I am sore and just icing today. He thought we might should have results tomorrow. So finger crossed, praying it’s more of the lumpy bumpy junk in my breasts. Thank you for everyone’s prayers and support. Hope to post a good update soon.

  • parakeetsrule
    parakeetsrule Member Posts: 605
    edited January 2022

    Fingers crossed it's boring lumpy bumpy junk!! ♥️

  • LemonPink
    LemonPink Member Posts: 8
    edited January 2022

    Doctor called with update. Labs backed up due to snow storm/staffing so no results until Monday. Spent all day waiting for the call!! But it’s nice that he checked in on me and have an update. Keeping fingers and toes crossed and praying through Monday. My work is fully remote next week so at least I won’t be in the office when I get the call. Thanks for everyone’s support!

  • parakeetsrule
    parakeetsrule Member Posts: 605
    edited January 2022

    Oh that was nice of him to call! It stinks heading into a weekend with no word at all!

  • LemonPink
    LemonPink Member Posts: 8
    edited January 2022

    Just an update. All three came back as cancer. One lump is grade 2, the rest are grade 3. No info yet on hormone receptors etc. Those results will take a few days. Waiting for the call to schedule with a breast surgeon and then the journey begins. I’m headed over to the next board. Thank you to everyone

  • gamzu710
    gamzu710 Member Posts: 203
    edited January 2022

    So sorry to hear your news, LemonPink. Welcome to the club nobody wants to join. We're a friendly bunch.

  • sunshinegal
    sunshinegal Member Posts: 68
    edited January 2022

    Darn it! I'm sorry. I've gotten a lot of support and information from these boards - it's a good place to be, if for a bad reason.

  • parakeetsrule
    parakeetsrule Member Posts: 605
    edited January 2022

    Noooooooooooooooooooooo. I'm sorry. :(