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Very Scared New Lump

Lumpectomy & Radiation 2010 for Stage 1 infiltrating Breast Ca. Then 2 years ago diagnosis of necrosis from radiation on outer side of nipple which they are watching. Now in past 2 months new non movable firm nodule marble sized alsolike a marble hard & round poking up out of my front rib or from between rib & feels attached to the rib near original cancer site. I can't get to oncologist until 1/13/22. I am dying inside. Anyone know if necrosis can present itself this way or any other benign lump could pop up like this. Just to give me something to hold on to until I can get into see my oncologist for the time being…I am terrified it is radiation induced sarcoma or breast ca reoccurrence.
I am terrified🥲


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,297

    Could be a benign lump or even scar tissue. Try not to borrow trouble ahead of time and find something to keep your mind occupied for the next 6 days. Good luck.

  • mountainmia
    mountainmia Member Posts: 857

    I had an odd bit of scar tissue pop up about 2.5 years after surgery. It was round and hard and a big surprise. Scar tissue. So yeah, could be.

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956

    I had a lump pop up that was roughly the size and shape of a flattened ping-pong ball. It made my oncologist a little nervous until it was proven to be a fat necrosis.

    Try to distract yourself until you can see your doctor. There are a number of things it could be that aren't sinister.

  • susanmarie
    susanmarie Member Posts: 4


    Thank you I am sitting in my car on my lunch break from work crying. I just read your response & it gave me a bit of hope that this is just scar tissue from my existing necrosis. It is just very hard & does not move at all it is hard like bone & the shape of Hershey kiss ugh! It feels definitely attached to upper rib near sternum or between rib. I am so scared now I can barely breath.

    Thank you so much!


  • susanmarie
    susanmarie Member Posts: 4


    Thank you for reaching out to me it is comforting just hearing it could be something else
    Take care,
  • claireinaz
    claireinaz Member Posts: 710

    I had a weird lump pop up 2 years ago in my scar. I went to my PS who ordered an ultra sound and the radiologist actually did the scan with me (explained it and we looked at it together on the US screen) and it was nothing. My PS orders MRIs every 3 years to check implants. The one I had in Fall 2020 was clear. I just had a torso/pelvic CT scan for another scare, and I was clear.

    Have you seen your doc yet? It's scary to find out what it is, but I bet you'll get good news. You haven't posted the treatment you had when you had your initial dx; what was it, if you don't mind sharing? It helps us be able to reassure you more.

    Claire in AZ

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956

    Susanmarie, did you see your oncologist on 1/13? Any updates?