Recently diagnosed

Wondering if there has been anyone in the same condition has me. Age 56 and received diagnosis of invasive ductal carcinoma. 3.8 cm tumour, grade 3, one lymph node positive, estrogen positive, progesterone positive, HR 2-. My oncotype score came back 23. I am in the grey area where the benefits of chemo are slight but not ruled out. My distant recurrence score is 19% (if I take hormone therapy). I am currently panicking as my recurrence score is high but I don't know if there is a benefit to chemo. Wondering if anyone has similar diagnosis to me and can let me know what they decided to do. My doctor says the decision is up to me.


  • LevSis
    LevSis Posts: 1
    edited January 2022

    Hi. I just saw my Dr. today. Never posted before. Here goes, I am 70, had a bi- lateral mastectomy on Dec. 15, no reconstruction. I’m doing fantastic right now. I was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma, right breast, 2.3 mm tumor, grade 3, 1 sentinel axillary node positive. Estrogen + progesterone + Her2- Oncotype 20, 17% recurrence in 9 years. I chose no chemotherapy, my Dr. agreed. I will be taking a hormone pill for 5years. I am seeing the Dr. On Wednesday to discuss radiation. I believe I’ll probably be facing that on my right under arm, 5 days a week for 5 weeks. Will know more on Wednesday. I totally understand your concern in regard to chemo. At my age I thought differently and saw it as an 83% possibility of cancer free survival. I am very strong and active and fear becoming frail. What a shock all this is. On the positive side I’m almost back to full range of motion and strength prior to surgery. Very little pain 5 days after surgery. I wish you the best and peace of mind in the decisions you are contemplating

  • hippmark
    hippmark Posts: 102
    edited January 2022

    Hi. I am recently diagnosed too. Age 63. I am waiting my Oncotype score, but I am already scheduled for chemo due to other factors such as stage and one lymph node involvement. I know your current MO said it's up to you. You could always seek a second opinion if you still are still uncomfortable. That could reassure you as to what you choose to do. Perhaps discuss with your MO the negatives and positives of both. Or the possibility of a lighter dose chemo that is not dose dense. I would get all the information I could and then make the decision. I know those grey areas are the hardest!

  • nns121317
    nns121317 Posts: 116
    edited January 2022

    My stats are below, and my Oncotype was 25. However, I'm only 42, and being treated as PR- (the biopsy came back 5% positive, MO doesn't believe that) combined with my extensive family history of cancer (all kinds), he felt chemo was necessary - just didn't believe radiation and hormone therapy would keep me alive long-term. However, while he recommended AC+T, he gave me the option of only TC if I was hesitant.

    It really comes down to whichever option gives you the most peace, whether it's living now without any of the possible long-term side effects of chemo and dealing with a recurrence if/when it occurs, or hitting cancer with everything now, maybe having long-term side effects, but knowing you did everything you could even if it comes back. The grade 3 would make me lean towards chemo though.

    I looked at it as getting one bite of the apple - can't go back and choose chemo (for a curative effect) after a distant metastasis. And chemo is unpleasant, but I'm on my last infusion of AC and don't regret it.

    Good luck!