Worried for My Sister
My sister received following mammo report:
Right Breast- group calcifications central superior breast. Assymetry in medial breast
Left Beast - grouped calcifications upper outer quadrant
She is scheduled for diagnostic mammo and US next week
I am so worried for her . Family history is I had DCIS 20 years ago. No other history in family. my closest friend died from MBC after a stage 1 diagnosis 8 years prior.
My mind is going.to. a very dark place.
How worried should I be?
Thanks for reading
Your worry is understandable but will not change anything and just sucks up the energy you have, and will convey stress and upset to her. No one knows what her diagnosis will be. That is why she is scheduled for follow-up. Birads-0 means we don't know, and we need more information.
I wish her well.
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No one can say how worried you should be. Nobody knows what's going on yet. Follow ups after mammograms are extremely common and it's way too early to be going to dark places.0
It sounds like your family health history is very favorable if your DCIS from years ago is the only cancer-related incident. Try to help her (and yourself) by doing fun things together (live or virtually) between appointments.