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February 2022 Surgeries

sarah_78 Member Posts: 119

As of today I am officially scheduled for 3rd of February, having left mastectomy and lymph node removal of the same side. I had neoadjuvant chemo (TCHP) and hoping to have no cancer cells left but ultrasound shows some left overs, if they are active I will go on with Kadcyla.

Anyone else scheduled for February?

I will try to keep a list on this post if it helps. We can exchange experience and cheer for each other as we go through it.


Early February: StillNotGinger BMX + DIEP

2. Feb Vandercat lumpectomy (DCIS)

3. Feb Sarah_78 MX (left) + ALND

11. Feb Tayledra BMX

15. Feb KathrynW1thasea, lumpectomy + ALND

17. Feb BCarlucci, 2nd surgery for the margins (DCIS)

24. Feb Skeet69 prophylactic BMX


  • Tayledra
    Tayledra Member Posts: 2
    edited January 2022

    I'm scheduled for a BMX with sentinel lymph node dissection, reduction and TEs on February 11. Unfortunately, I won't know whether I'll need radiation or chemo until we get the post-surgery pathology reports back, and being patient about that is hard.

    They didn't think I needed any treatment in advance of surgery, and I don't know yet when I'll be seeing the medical oncologist (they probably need those path reports before they can answer questions or make recommendations.)

  • Skeet69
    Skeet69 Member Posts: 7
    edited January 2022

    i am scheduled for prophylactic bilateral mastectomy with tissue expanders on Feb 1. They are hoping it will be skin and nipple sparing. Fingers crossed.

    Doctor said they will use nerve blocks in my back to minimize pain. Anyone had that? Sounded creepy. I may be sent hone same day due to covid surge here in Oregon but i hope to stay the night as we live 1.5 hours from the hospital.

    Good luck and many orayers for others going through this. Scary times for me but good support system in place.

  • StillNotGinger
    StillNotGinger Member Posts: 2
    edited January 2022

    Not scheduled but have been told it will be early February. Double mastectomy, DIEP on both sides and possible axillary lymph node removal. I had my sentinel node removed when I had ER+PR+ HR- breast cancer in 2013. I somehow managed to get a completely different kind of cancer. During a pandemic. Yippee.

    I was told I had late stage1 or early stage 2. but my CT came back showing several tiny lung nodules. They were too small to biopsy. My chemical oncologoist and I wanted to hit it as hard as we could, just in case. Done with that (TCHP). Waiting so long for the chemo to be over and second scan to happen was excruciating. The lung nodules are gone. The best case scenario is that we will never know what they were. My tumor shrank quite a bit as well. Hopefully, I will just need to continue with HP, but may have to take Kadcyla.

    Nerve blockers - I have a history of poorly controlled pain. My superpower seems to be growing kidney stones, so I've dealt with my fair share of it. I have to take massive amounts of pain meds in order to manage my pain. It sucks. However, both my SO and PS know this, and they both have said they will make sure I get the pain meds I need. They have waxed poetic about nerve blockers and how much they will help me. They are both VERY skilled doctors with great reputations. The nerve blockers aren't anything strange, so I hope that helps put your mind at ease. Hug

    I am dealing with a lot of anger. My surgery may have to happen in two stages just because of the covid surge. My depression is severly exacerbated by general anesthesia. My husband, daugher and I socially distanced in March of 2020 in order to keep vunerable people safe. We've masked and all gotten our vaccines/boosters. I am so mad that people take pride in the fact that they won't mask or get vaccinated. It has sucked having to go to appointments on my own because our childcare options are very limited. Going through chemo is hard. Going through it without hugs from friends or help from extended family is horrible. Having to homeschool your 5 year old (strongly recommended by my CO) and limit her interaction with other kids is just cruel. Not being able to help my mom (who has had breast cancer twice) who was diagnosed with lung cancer 6 weeks after my diagnosis was so difficult. I lost a dear friend to cancer on Monday. Having to watch her die from cancer and see how isolated she had to be during this whole pandemic infuriates me. Two of my close friends have lost a parent (both of whom were boostered and masked) Several of my family members are nurses who are dealing with PTSD from seeing so many people die and from covid patients and their families being abusive to them. What is wrong with people?!!!!!

  • vandercat
    vandercat Member Posts: 43
    edited January 2022

    Hi. I hope this is not an inappropriate place for this.

    I was diagnosed 1/4/22 with a DCIS in my right breast. The surgical excision has been scheduled for five days from now 2/1/22 and I am panicking daily. I'd really like it if the surgery was the end of it.

  • vandercat
    vandercat Member Posts: 43
    edited January 2022

    Hi all, I am scheduled for my lumpectomy tomorrow at 11:45 AM. I'm glad it's before lunch, as I get sleepy after eating and I don't know if the surgeon might have the same tendency. I had the seed implantation today, so I will only be radioactive for one day. But then there are nine long days until the path report reveal at the post-surgical consult.

  • dulcea
    dulcea Member Posts: 190
    edited February 2022

    Hello surgery sisters,

    I am scheduled 2/11 for implant replacement. I'm rather embarrassed to say that my breasts are too small and I want them changed out for slightly bigger ones. I had a BMX with implant placement in May, hoping for a one-and-done with the same size. Oops. Too small. I have grappled with this decision of surgery again (this will be my 5th), but appearance won.

    Vandercat, finger crossed for you that it doesn't get upgraded beyond the DCIS. Waiting is the hardest part. Keep busy during those 9 days and don't worry until they tell you to. Good luck tomorrow.

    Stillnotginger - Why would your surgery have to happen in two stages? I am imagining the hospital staff are needed for covid cases instead of DIEP recovery. You have every right to be angry. Especially with what you have just been through recently. I don't know what is wrong with people either! I just don't get it. I wish you the best. Hang in there.

    Skeet69 I had the nerve block for my BMX. I forget what they called them but there were needles placed in my back and after surgery, I had two bags hanging off my body (yes, in addition to the three drains!) while they pumped pain meds into the nerves for a few days. I will say that my chest really didn't hurt afterwards for a few days. I felt pain when I tried to use my arms, but just sitting and resting, there was no chest pain. The visiting nurse removed the needles when the bags were empty, about three days afterwards. I hope this helps.

    Best wishes everyone.

  • SalliesMom
    SalliesMom Member Posts: 16
    edited February 2022

    Hi All! I don't know what I would do without this forum and all of you. After diagnosis of IDC on 4/5/21, I am scheduled for a "simple mastectomy" on 2/24 and confirmed yesterday that they'll be taking out a few lymph nodes to check, as well. I am 63, have no living family and never had kids, so I am pretty much alone in this, except for a good friend who will be driving me to the hospital (in a big city far away), waiting for me, and taking me back to his house to take care of me. Neither of us has a medical background and my only experience with surgery is a tonsillectomy when I was a kid and a nose job at 30. I can't believe I will be waking up without my right breast and I'm scared to death. I'm at Stage 3b because my bc invaded my chest wall, so they won't be getting out all the cancer. That much, I know. Beyond that is anyone's guess. I'm not religious, tho I was raised Catholic, but I will be praying, anyway, for myself and all of you. (Unless you don't want me to). This is my main source of info, so thank you all.

  • dulcea
    dulcea Member Posts: 190
    edited February 2022

    Hello Elainekeno. After I made the decision for a double mastectomy, I just remember I couldn't wait to have it done and be on the other side of it and heading toward recovery. They take good care of you in the hospital so try not to be so scared. They are really compassionate when it come to this type of surgery. It sounds like yours is day surgery if your friend is going to wait? What a nice friend you have! You are very lucky. I'm sorry to hear that it has invaded your chest wall.

    I agree with you about getting the best information from this site! It is so informative.

    BC sucks and this is a hard thing to go through, but you will be fine. Take it day by day. Keep us updated.

  • vandercat
    vandercat Member Posts: 43
    edited February 2022

    Hey! I just found out you can reply to yourself. Wow.

    I was surgerized (lumpectomy) three days ago and so far have been a little sore and rather bruised, but otherwise emerged nearly sane from the experience. I talked to the surgeon's nurse a little earlier, who called me because I noted incision itchiness on my daily tracking form. Why didn't I have the presence of mind to ask her if there were any pathology reports yet? I still have five days to go until my post-surgical consult with her. The surgeon is booked well into March.(I may never see him again.)

    To say that I am a teensy bit anxious would be a true thing. I wish I had a good distraction; I'm bored with reading, TV, and streaming services. Can't go out, it's all ice. None of my friends are available to talk. It's just me being bored and anxious, anxious and bored.

  • bacismom
    bacismom Member Posts: 5
    edited February 2022

    How did your surgery go? I had mine this morning and am home with my ice pack lol.

  • vandercat
    vandercat Member Posts: 43
    edited February 2022

    bacismom - I don't know if you were talking to me but I'll answer anyway (LOL)

    My lumpectomy was a week ago yesterday. The next appointment was just a wound check by the nurse. The appointment in the future, in five days, will be the path report and meeting with my BS. If he signs off, I will be referred to a Medical Oncologist and a Radiation oncologist, who will display their wares and try to sell me on their treatment regimes.

    Best wishes to everyone who has found their way into this particular forum.

  • kathrynw1thasea
    kathrynw1thasea Member Posts: 97
    edited February 2022

    Hello ladies,

    I got my “marker” today and I’m scheduled for a lumpectomy and axillary node dissection on the 15th of February. I’ll be doing radiation after about 6 weeks and I’m looking for advice and tips. The things no one ever tells you, like where to find the shirts for drains at a good price and where to find a shirt to make radiation easier. Does heat and cold therapy help with AND? Those sorts of things.

    Any bits of wisdom is welcome

  • sarah_78
    sarah_78 Member Posts: 119
    edited February 2022

    Hi February surgery class!

    I started the thread and couldn't write after my surgery last week Thursday since I didn't have my laptop with me.

    I am 7 days out right now, missing the left boob but kind of doing better than I thought, not much pain or discomfort. I can't stretch my left arm all the way up because I feel tightness on the incision but hopefully working it out slowly should do the trick. Any good exercises you ladies are working on? I am given ones similar to instructed here.

    @KathrynW1thasea: I purchased 2 XL sleeping tops with buttons on the front from clearance sales. I could wear them 1 day after surgery with the drains. Just get 1-2 sizes bigger and with buttons, you'll be fine. Good luck with the surgery.

    @Vadercat: I am also waiting for pathology results, trying to think positive. Wish you the best results with yours.

    @elainekeno Thank you so much for your prayers. Breathe in and out, soon it will be behind you and you will be one step ahead in the road of recovery. I woke up without my left breast and believe it or not, it wasn't so traumatic. They prescribed me very soft bra with pockets and 1 pad filled with cotton, I could wear it 3-4 days after surgery, it doesn't look any different. Try to focus on the positive, it is sweet that your friend comes to help you. I think you two will have a nice time.

    @StillNotGinger: You had your surgery yet? How are you doing?

    @Skeet69: How was your surgery?

    Wish everyone fast recovery!

  • dulcea
    dulcea Member Posts: 190
    edited February 2022

    Hi everyone,

    I had my implant exchange and capsulotomy yesterday. I am pretty impressed at how I feel. There is no pain unless I really reach my arm up or bump into something. I thought they would open up my whole breasts again but they only used a small 2" incision over the previous scars. I have not even needed tylenol but I figured I should take it anyway. The capsular contracture was actually painful but I didn't even realize how bad it was until now. It feels so much better.

    Good luck to everyone in the February club!

  • vandercat
    vandercat Member Posts: 43
    edited February 2022

    Hi Sarah & all. Tomorrow is the day I get my pathology results. I am hoping for the best but, of course, there is that niggling little voice reminding me that sometimes things don't go the way you want them to. The wound from surgery is fine and the swelling and much of the hardness seem to have subsided. I feel fine, I have been exercising and meditating daily. Let's hope that living right and thinking good thoughts does the trick.

  • Skeet69
    Skeet69 Member Posts: 7
    edited February 2022

    my surgery was postponed until February 24 due to my PS having covid. It was a huge disappointment emotionally but i am doing okay while i wait.

  • BCarlucci
    BCarlucci Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2022

    Hi Everyone.... Peace, love and hugs.

    I was diagnosed in December with DCIS and had my 1st surgery on 14 January. My "margins" came back just today, but some preliminary data showed that another surgery was necessary, and it's scheduled for this Thursday 17 February. I'm not very good at any of this, and have frankly been a hot mess through it all. It's very depressing and stressful. Nice to see others in the same boat.

  • sarah_78
    sarah_78 Member Posts: 119
    edited February 2022

    So sorry you need a second surgery for the margins BCarlucci but hang in there, I have heard such corrective surgeries are easier than the first and it is great to know that they do everything right so you don't have anything lingering when they are finished. Take a deep breath, eyes on the prize, you will be done before you know it Heart

    Happy V-Day all Feb-Surgery ladies, much love.

  • BCarlucci
    BCarlucci Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2022

    Awe... Thank you Sarah_78 so much. It's nice to know I'm not alone. It'd be great if the 2nd surgery is better than the 1st. I'm so happy I joined this group. It really has helped to read others stories. My surgeon told me that my pathology report did come back today, and that he's going to present my tumor to a board tomorrow. Whatever they decide could cut my surgery from an hour to 1/2 hour. Not sure what it all means yet. My surgery on Thursday was to remove more of the tumor as well as lymph nodes they were going to trace with a blue dye, and also install the "port" for chemo. Maybe all of this is changing... just not sure. I just want it over with. I'm able to telework through it all which helps too.

    When I was first diagnosed I thought it was some kind of punishment. I wondered what I did to deserve this stuff, and for sure wanted to take it back... Kind of a "my bad". I realized I'm on this journey for a reason. Maybe to find new friends, maybe to inspire somebody else. All I know is that I've been a nervous wreck, and super stressed. It's a horrible disease and to know that I'm not alone and have some busom buddies is helpful. Thanks to all for your inspiration.

  • vandercat
    vandercat Member Posts: 43
    edited February 2022

    BCarlucci - You have all the support in the world here. Were we together, I'd have given you a run for the title of Hottest Mess. I was diagnosed in January and had a lumpectomy February 1st. I just got the results yesterday, and I may be done. I am breathing easier because NOW I KNOW. It's the uncertainty that is so physically and psychologically draining. You have many more layers of not knowing but you also have friends here.

    Put one foot in front of the other, and keep your eye out for people who want to help you, like this community.

  • CBJMel17
    CBJMel17 Member Posts: 5
    edited February 2022

    So I was just diagnosed with breast cancer on my left side ER/PR+ @100%, Her2-, grade 3. So much info swirling in my brain. I’m decided to go with the bilateral mastectomy because of the strong genetic link to breast cancer in my family and only being 37. I have been reading so many posts on the good and bad sides of implants Vs DIEP surgery. I’m leaving not towards the DIEP because I am active and I’ve been reading that the implants sometimes shift the stronger the chest gets or with push-ups. I live alone with my 2 dogs that I have to walk to use the bathroom because I live in an apartment. I met with PS on Friday, but I’m not sure he does the DIEP, but I think UT Medical Center does, if so then I’ll probably be swapping over to there then. I don’t know if the expanders are still used if I decide to go that route or what. Too much to take in all at once.

  • ava55
    ava55 Member Posts: 43
    edited February 2022

    Hi there,

    I just had the ADM Mesh direct to implant done bilateral. Very happy and there was no expander as my ps said this is used only in some cases now with medical conditions. Very little pain very symmetrical and was surprised by how neat it was. The implant was over the muscle and the mesh helped it mould it with the breast and hang down more naturally.

    I initially wanted the DIEP but turns out I didn’t have enough fat (to my surprise as I thought I did) to make the breast, so important before you go changing to understand if you have the right body shape.

    I think the main thing to also consider too is getting rid of the cancer as quickly as you can, so worth checking out when is the earliest they can operate.

    What I have been amazed at is the techniques and skills they have now both in DIEP and implants to make this a much better solution for women.

    Best of luck with everything!

  • kathrynw1thasea
    kathrynw1thasea Member Posts: 97
    edited February 2022

    Hi everyone,

    I had my surgery on the 15th and got word a week later that they want to go back in on the 1st to get a clean margin around a second tumor that hadn’t shown up in any of the imaging. They found it in the biopsy. I’m a little worried about going back into surgery, but I’m glad they found it. What worries me most is the pain I have from the axillary node dissection. I’m almost 10 days out and it still hurts bad enough that I can’t sit and type for very long. I’m trying to work from home but it’s really painful.

    Any suggestions