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Direct to Implant with Mesh?

ava55 Member Posts: 43

Hi all

I was hoping for some information on any of you who have got Accelular Dermal Matrix or ADM mesh implants following a reconstruction after mx.

I would love to hear what your experience was like, what were the results like and how fast you recovered after.

I have a large area of DCIS 8cm intermediate grade and having a bilateral mastectomy and sentinel node biopsy at the same time. So also worrying about what this shows up.

Thank you in advance for the support!


  • typhoon
    typhoon Member Posts: 59
    edited January 2022

    Ava55 - I told you about my recovery from surgery in your other thread. My BMX was skin and nipple sparing, direct to implant reconstruction using AlloDerm (a brand of accelular dermal matrix); the placement was pre-pectoral (above the pectoral muscles). The only thing I asked of my plastic surgeon was that she make me look as much like my pre-surgery self as possible. I could not be happier with the results - my reconstructed breasts look a bit perkier than they did before, and the tops of my breasts aren't quite as full as they used to be, but otherwise I look like myself. I can address the fullness issue with fat grafting if I want (haven't seen the need for it yet). One year after surgery, the scars are barely visible (the incisions were in the inframammary fold and run a few centimeters up the outsides of my breasts). All in all, a very good experience ( good as any experience with cancer treatment can be) and outcome.

  • ava55
    ava55 Member Posts: 43
    edited January 2022

    thank you Typhoon! Lovely to hear a success story and interesting about the scars being very faint now which is great to hear. I really appreciate your message. I hope I am as happy with the outcome. Xx

  • serendipity09
    serendipity09 Member Posts: 769
    edited January 2022

    Typhoon - I also have Alloderm but it has started to give, it seems the TE's were too heavy, so the option to switch me to ADM was presented , but since I have had radiation and not sure what is going to happen. I see the PS tomorrow and will know more. I recall her her telling me that the ADM is more textured and "rough" and that I'd be able to feel it through my skin for a year or two. Again, I'll know more tomorrow and will follow up.

  • typhoon
    typhoon Member Posts: 59
    edited January 2022

    Serendipity09 - I'm so sorry to hear that you are having issues with your implants! I was able to avoid the TE route - had enough skin to cover the fairly small implants, and radiation was not recommended, so it is very likely that my outcome was predicated on the best possible circumstances. It could have been quite different if I'd needed additional treatment steps, and who knows what twists and turns this sneaky disease might take in the future. I hope your PS is able to give you some good options - please do let us know!

  • serendipity09
    serendipity09 Member Posts: 769
    edited January 2022

    Thank you typhoon! I wasn't able to go to my appointment with the PS today I could barely walk. Her office emailed me and said they'd contact me tomorrow to reschedule. UGH! So frustrating.

    Yes, this beast is sneaky and not to be underestimated.

  • typhoon
    typhoon Member Posts: 59
    edited January 2022

    Ugh, indeed. Hope you're feeling better quickly, and that your PS is able to make things right for you as easily as possible.