My birads 4c experience

Hello , I’m Marion 38 ! I like to share my experience … I was being monitored on diagnostic mammogram plus US every 6 months. Last month something change … my lesion birads 3 still appears stable but in 6 months suddenly 3 new masses show up in mammo .. hypoechoic , irregular , with posterior acustic shadowing , very suspicious.. yesterday I received my results b9 !!! I’m so happy I even going to throw a party today !! I really want. It to post this because I know there’s many women like me who’s rn are looking for hope !! I spend so many nights in every single forum trying to find comfort and I did. Thank you the moderators they always respond my messages I’m grateful. Sorry for my English btw 😅 .. besos (kisses ) Marion
Fantastic news Marion! So happy for you!
Thank you for posting and giving hope to all of us who are waiting for results!
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Fantastic news - congratulations!
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I'm so happy for you! I also had a BIRADS 4-C experience in December that turned out to be benign.