ER/PR+ recur as another type?
I feel like this is such a dumb question, if so sorry. I was diagnosed with DCIS er/pr+ back in October. In November found out I also had the BRCA2 mutation. Just last week had a prophylactic dmx with diep reconstruction. Pathology came back clear but the nerves remain about reccurance. Since my last diagnosis was er/pr+ is that the only type that can come back or can it be say triple negative or triple positive?
(See moth's comment below. Mine here is not correct relative to the "same cancer." )
If it is truly a recurrence, it is the same cancer, the same type. However, a person could have a second cancer at the same time, or more typically later, that is a different type.
Congratulations on the clear pathology!
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They don't (or didn't used to ) test for HER2 with DCIS. I had what 3 docs classified as a local recurrence two years after a mastectomy for DCIS. It was still ER/PR negative - only now it was HER2+ and had morphed to IDC. In the mean time, hooray that you are NED (no evicence of disease)
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breast cancer can and does mutate and recurrences can have different hormonal profiles. Marker loss is more common than marker gain. In metastatic setting many of us do repeat biopsies to check if we're still dealing with the same thing.
A different new primary is also possible.
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Okay, thanks moth. My mistake. I'll amend my earlier comment so as to not confuse the issue.