Screening Mammogram Report: How concerned should I be

kennedyparalegal Member Posts: 3
edited February 2022 in Not Diagnosed But Worried

Okay for those of you used to reading these here is my report:


Prior imaging studies performed at East Stroudsburg Radiology on

01/20/2021, and at an outside location on 03/23/2015 were reviewed.


The following digital mammographic views were obtained: bilateral craniocaudal, bilateral mediolateral oblique, bilateral craniocaudal exaggerated to axilla, and bilateral additional 3D tomosynthesis was

performed Computer-aided detection was utilized by the radiologist in

the interpretation of this examination.

The breast tissue is heterogeneously dense, which could obscure detection

of small masses.

In the left breast at the 6 o'clock position approximately 4 cm from the nipple is a focal lobular asymmetry which appears increased in size when compared to the prior study which could potentially represent an intramammary lymph node nonetheless

additional diagnostic views are recommended.

No suspicious microcalcifications are seen.



Finding in the left breast requires additional evaluation. Recommend additional mammographic views and breast ultrasound, if indicated.

I read this to say that there was an asymmetry last year that wasn't noted on that report (I double checked) that has increased in size this year. It doesn't say how much it has increased and even though this report came out several days ago I have not heard from anyone. I reached out to my gyno yesterday and her nurse said just to wait for breast health services to give me a call. I am tempted to call them but figure the receptionist would have no idea what to do with me since I have never had an issue with my breasts before so it's not like I have a doctor there.

Update: Posting here worked like going to the bathroom at a restaurant. They finally called. Diagnostic mammo and US scheduled for Tuesday.


  • ctmbsikia
    ctmbsikia Member Posts: 776
    edited February 2022

    Hi. I wouldn't be too worried. More pictures is a good thing. Hope you get a call soon to set it up.

  • kennedyparalegal
    kennedyparalegal Member Posts: 3
    edited February 2022

    Thank you. It's good that the next step is scheduled.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,802
    edited February 2022

    Dear kennedyparalegal,

    Welcome to you. We are glad that you reached out with your question. Here is a link to some information about Questions about Imaging and interpreting Mammograms.Thanks for the update. Love the analogy to there restaurant. Keep us posted on what you learn on Tuesday and send us a message if we can provide additional support.

    The MOds

  • kennedyparalegal
    kennedyparalegal Member Posts: 3
    edited February 2022

    I had my diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound today. The results were okay. Feel like I am stuck in limbo for a while longer. The "probably benign" at the end just isn't the firm answer I would like to have. I will attach the report for more experienced folks to look at. I go back for another ultrasound in six months.


    Patient is 51 years old and is seen for diagnostic evaluation of finding on previous mammogram in the left breast.


    Prior imaging studies performed at East Stroudsburg Radiology on 01/20/2021 and 02/08/2022, and at an outside location on 03/23/2015 were reviewed.


    The following digital mammographic views were obtained: left craniocaudal spot compression with tomosynthesis, left mediolateral oblique spot compression with tomosynthesis, left lateral. Computer-aided detection was utilized by the radiologist in the

    interpretation of this examination.

    The breast tissue is heterogeneously dense, which could obscure detection of small masses.

    Additional evaluation was performed for a focal asymmetry in the lower left breast originally seen on 2/8/2022. On the present examination, in the lower, slightly inner left breast, a well-circumscribed low-density mass measures up to 1.4 cm. Targeted

    ultrasound was performed.


    Real-time directed ultrasound of the left breast was performed.

    Targeted ultrasound of the lower left breast was performed in the 5:00 to 7:00 axis at a distance 4 cm from the nipple. On the present examination, an oval avascular predominantly anechoic mass with internal echogenic components measures 1.5 x 0.5 x

    1.4 cm. Posterior acoustic enhancement is present. Imaging features are suggestive of but not definitive for a complicated cyst.



    Probable complicated cyst in the left breast at the 7:00 axis corresponding to focal asymmetry seen on recent mammogram. Recommend short interval follow-up ultrasound to reassess the area. Follow-up in 6 months is recommended.

    BI-RADS Category 3:

    Probably Benign - Short Interval Follow-up Suggested

  • alicebastable
    alicebastable Member Posts: 1,965
    edited February 2022

    That follow-up schedule sounds very standard for those findings.