Ultrasound questions

I’ve had an obvious lump in my breast that i discovered maybe 6 weeks ago and had an ultrasound last week. I’m wondering if anyone can help me understand why they think it doesn’t need a biopsy? My doctor asked me to have the scan repeated at a specialised breast scan clinic so maybe they will do one there I guess. The scan tech really worried me by saying my lymph nodes were reactive and tutted and sighed lots then I received my report saying it appeared benign. I’ve googled lots but it’s so hard to understand when I’m new at this! Do these words usually refer to benign or malignant masses?
“In the area of concern, there is a small ovoid heterogeneous hypoechoic area measuring 7 x 4 x 7mm. No edge shadowing. No calcification. It does
contain internal vascularity. ? Small fibroadenoma versus small focal area of glandular breast tissue. There is adjacent duct dilation consistent with
current lactation. No dermal inflammatory change. Right axillary lymphnodes have fatty hilum and thin cortex.”
Thank you so much!
Ausmum - Looks like you are current breast feeding? Breasts can change so much. Try not to interpret the "sighs" or "smiles" of a tech. Maybe her Mum is sick or her breakfast didn't agree with her. Also try not to pay attention to that fake "dr" google. Information may be outdated or even false and as you said, it's hard to understand. SInce your ULS reports said B-9, I'd wait until after the repeat scan. Good Luck
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Hello, Ausmum, and welcome to Breastcancer.org! There's no doubt it's difficult not to worry, but breast changes are very common in women, and most of them are not related to cancer. The article What Mammograms Show: Calcifications, Cysts, Fibroadenomas, from the main Breastcancer.org site lists some benign results of testing. Hope this helps ease your mind while you wait for your next appointment.
Good luck, and please keep us posted on your second scan!
The Mods