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How bad does this MRI report look? Biopsy not back yet..

MapleBud Member Posts: 4
edited February 2022 in Waiting for Test Results

If any radiologists or oncologists by chance are on this site and happen to see this, I'd love your honest feedback... as well as responses from any ladies who have had similar imaging results. In early 2016 I had breast cancer in right breast, had lumpectomy and radiation and 5 years of Tamoxifen (stopped last August due to fatty liver). I get a mammogram and a few months later an MRI each year. In Sept my MRI showed a focus of enhancement and I had to go back in early January for a new MRI to check on it. It was still there and new MRI mentioned "there is persistence of the 6 mm enhancing focus with a type II and II kinetic curve. There is some linear branching enhancement most of which is below threshold. Bi-Rads 4a. Biopsy is suggested." I am terrified it's a new cancer. This is in the opposite breast from the previous cancer. I had the biopsy the other day and the radiologist told me after that it was a 50-50 chance of cancer, but yet it says birads 4a on report, which should mean less than 50% chance. I also spoke to my oncologist as we had a preset phone appointment about further hormone blocking treatment due to stopping Tamoxifen. He said based on my MRI I needed the biopsy and he was being evasive and acting like he thought it's cancer, so I definitely felt awful after that appointment. I am still awaiting results and am an anxiety ridden wreck. I have read so much online and it only makes me feel worse, not reassured. Any input would be appreciated.


  • MapleBud
    MapleBud Member Posts: 4
    edited February 2022

    That should have said type II and III kinetic curve of the focus of enhancement.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,421
    edited February 2022

    Please try not to read meaning into the voices or faces of the docs or techs. They all have their own lives and maybe their child is sick or they're hungry. There's no way to know what your docs tone of voice really meant. Maybe he/she was reading other charts while he talked to you.

    Try to stick with the 50/50 that your doc gave you. I have read many times that if tests aren't classified BIRADS 4 - insurance companies may not pay for future tests.

    Stay off google - the information is often old and maybe incorrect - but certainly can be misleading. It's hard not to put the cart before the horse and we do understand it's awful waiting. Find something to engage your mind & block out the anxiety - like binge watching TV or walking in the forest.

    Good luck with future results. Please do come back & let us know.

  • MapleBud
    MapleBud Member Posts: 4
    edited February 2022

    Thank you MinusTwo for your words. I've been finding it difficult to occupy my mind. I also feel bad if I am complaining or worried about getting cancer again, as I know so many women have it more than once. I deserve no special exemption or treatment. But I have anxiety disorder and the dear of going through cancer again is overwhelming. I also feel annoyed with myself for not being upbeat and positive like many women who fight cancer are. As for insurance maybe not covering MRIs, I live in Canada and there's no issue there. I have not been denied any test or medical treatment nor do I have to pay for it.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,350
    edited February 2022


    I echo minustwo’s comment. You should also be aware that this is a peer support forum. We all either have bc or are in the diagnostic process. Although we occasionally have a medical professional who has bc post, we are regular folks just like you. So although some of us have been part of bc world for ages and may be more familiar with terminology than a new patient, we are not doctors.

    Being upbeat and positive? Why would you be annoyed with yourself? I am very upbeat and I still have stage IV cancer! It certainly makes my life easier (I’m not a worry wart or anxious) but it doesn’t do anything for my bc. I would definitely try to stop reading faces as a why to determine the extent of your current concerns. Take care

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,421
    edited February 2022

    I'm generally upbeat but I do my share of crying. Nothing wrong with getting those emotion out. Fingers crossed.

  • parakeetsrule
    parakeetsrule Member Posts: 605
    edited February 2022
    OMG. It's okay and normal to not be upbeat and positive about the possibility of having cancer again! Worrying about that is just adding additional stress on top of the stress of this biopsy. Feel however you feel without shame.

    But regardless of the biopsy results, just don't let the anxiety and negative feelings take over your life. Get help with that if necessary.

    Fingers crossed this turns out to be nothing!
  • MapleBud
    MapleBud Member Posts: 4
    edited February 2022

    Thank you ParakeetsRule ❤️