Just diagnosed. Surgeon choices?



  • my BSO is a rockstar. I would recommend anyone in our crappy club go see one if they are able

  • hippmark
    hippmark Posts: 102

    Sara maude, May I ask you. I developed a blood clot due to a picc line for chemo. I have been on Eliquis for a month now. Bad side effects!! I asked my Doctor to switch me to something else. He put me on Lovenox. You indicated you didn't like that either! Just had my first shot this morning. Common side effects are nausea and diarrhea. Don't need that either!. You mentioned Xalralto. What side effects have you had with that, if any? I tend to get whatever side effects with any meds. My body does not like drugs very well!

  • sarahmaude
    sarahmaude Posts: 344

    hippmark, I have no side effects from Xarelto. Other than what would be expected which is a little easier bruising. My MO heard how much better my arm was and exclaimed, “I love Xarelto.” I can also say I easily went online to their website and got a discount card which brings my copay down to $10 per month.

    Lovenox would be a big no for daily treatment. I’d be looking for anything else. That said, I’m grateful that three days of it allowed me to safely have my surgery. In my case, lovenox mad me feel jittery and fatigued. I also didn’t like being a twice daily pincushion.

  • hippmark
    hippmark Posts: 102

    Thanks for replying. Some get side effects, some don't. I seemed to get all of them with Eliquis. Not sure Xalralto would be any better as it's basically the same type of drug, but I can try it!