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Biopsy on Monday and I am unable to sleep

L_L_L Member Posts: 21
edited March 2022 in Waiting for Test Results

I am going for biopsy on Monday and I have been really trying to keep myself occupied with little things I enjoy. But, I am still not able to sleep at all and my feelings are all over the place. Sometimes I feel I am worrying unnecessarily and I can handle the biopsy and any result, but sometimes I am terrified. Seeing so many of you brave women here gives me strength and hope. I am just putting my feelings out here as I know everyone here have gone through these phases and can relate.

I was only told to have something(food) before coming to the appointment as it might take up to 2 hrs even though the actual procedure is 20 to 30 mins. I am going in for Mammographically guided core biopsy around 1 p.m. After reading couple for threads, wanted to know if I should take Tylenol or Aleve before the appointment.

I have my posted my results in another thread, but here it is again. My first ever mammogram was July 2020 and there were benign appearing classification in the LEFT breast and scattered fibro glandular density on both breasts BI-RAIDS 2 benign

Study Result Impression from FEB 2022

1. Single view lateral right breast indeterminate asymmetry with no orthogonal view or clear sonographic correlate. Further evaluation with stereotactic core biopsy recommended.

2. On ultrasound, there is a 9:00 right breast hypoechoic or cystic indeterminate mass without a clear mammographic correlate. At the juncture, six-month follow-up with right breast ultrasound is recommended. There are also other hypoechoic or cystic 9:00 smaller masses that could be followed.

BI-RADS: 4 - Suspicious (4A-Low Suspicion for Malignancy)


DENSITY: Breast Density Category B: The breasts have scattered areas of fibroglandular density.

On additional images including tomography, 6 mm asymmetry in the outer right breast on the CC view persisted with no corresponding finding in the lateral projections.

Sonographic evaluation of central lateral and inferior outer right breast was performed by the technologist and revealed a 5 mm nonshadowing hypoechoic or cystic mass at 9:00, 6 cm from the nipple that after obtaining post BB films appears more laterally located than the asymmetry on the CC view. In addition, also at 9:00 there is a flattened benign appearing 5 mm cyst plus a 3 mm probably complicated cyst both 6 cm from the nipple.

Breast physical examination was not performed.


  • dani_p
    dani_p Member Posts: 36
    edited March 2022

    I can certainly relate to how you're feeling - I just had my biopsy yesterday for grouped calcifications in my left breast. Each stage is a waiting game....waiting to get the biopsy scheduled, waiting now to get results. It's going to be a long weekend!

    I didn't take anything prior to my biopsy. They told me it could take up to an hour and a half but I was done in about 1 hour. I did wear a snug-fitting sports bra, which a brochure they gave me recommended. I also iced 30 min on/30 min off for about 4 hours after the procedure. I was pretty sore last night, but nothing that ibuprofen couldn't take care of. I wore the sports bra to sleep and I think that helped. Today is better, still a little sore but ibuprofen and the sports bra have helped with that.

    Good luck on Monday!

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558
    edited March 2022

    We're thinking of you both, l_l_l and dani_p!

  • L_L_L
    L_L_L Member Posts: 21
    edited March 2022

    Thank you dani for all your tips and suggestions, appreciate it. The waiting game is truly the tough phase and I hope your results come in soon and it's benign. There was early morning Friday opening, but I choose to take the Monday appointment as I know it wouldn't make any difference in results coming in, but will add 2 more additional days of waiting during weekend. I totally understand how it must be for you and I hope you can take your mind off by doing little things and get some rest. I will wait until after the biopsy and take something before bed for the pain. I am planning to wear a comfort bali brand bra which is very similar to sports bra, which I wear for hikes and walks. Take care and have a restful weekend!

    @Modertors thank you for thinking of us!

  • dani_p
    dani_p Member Posts: 36
    edited March 2022

    Hope everything went well today!

  • L_L_L
    L_L_L Member Posts: 21
    edited March 2022

    @dani Thank you for thinking of me, very sweet of you. How are you doing? Did you get your results yet? The biopsy went okay overall, I am very sore at the moment and have mixed feelings. Iced up and took Tylenol. But, I can say I was so relieved to get this over with as I was so terrified. I even asked and listened to my music 🎶 while the procedure was done to help me relax a bit. It was bit more time consuming and little complicated than expected. For the first 45 minutes with me lying on the table (stomach facing down) they could not locate it at all with multiple tires, views and images in that position. Had to go through 3D mammogram again and they did see it there. So they decided to set up a new room to do the biopsy with me sitting up in chair. They had to give me additional shot for numbness after the incision as I was still feeling the sharp pain. I think they took couple of samples?! I felt really sharp pain after the third try and they decided to check if what they got was good enough. Looked like they got good samples and finished up with putting the marker and then more images as expected. I felt good with the tech, nurse and the Dr overall and they made sure I am okay and held my hand and kept me in loop. It all feels like a dream. Hope to get results in couple of days.

  • dani_p
    dani_p Member Posts: 36
    edited March 2022

    How are you doing today? I found I felt much better the next day. I just got my results this morning. Intraductal papilloma with microcalcifications. It's a benign condition, but I'm being referred to a surgeon for further excision. Hopefully you hear soon and get benign results as well!

  • L_L_L
    L_L_L Member Posts: 21
    edited March 2022

    Hey dani! I am so glad to hear that results turned out to be benign. I hope you are feeling better today. Good luck with your appointment with the surgeon and I hope all goes smoothly for you. I am doing better pain wise, but I feel really off. I can't explain the feeling, I thought I will be okay after the procedure, but seems like without even knowing or thinking out loud, I am really affected by it all. I am reassuring myself that it might be benign, but it's not helping much. I hope I get the call by tomorrow. I have to follow up on the other one in 6 months, but I guess I will get some answers with this for now. Thanks for checking in! <3

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558
    edited March 2022

    Awesome news, dani_p! And thank you for sharing!


  • L_L_L
    L_L_L Member Posts: 21
    edited March 2022

    Update: I got the call yesterday and was informed most of the findings are considered benign, which was a huge relief and I am being referred to breast surgeon for mucocele-like lesion. Just got the result in my portal and wanted to update with details.

    Benign fibrocystic changes including usual ductal hyperplasia, pseudoangiomatous stromal hyperplasia (PASH), apocrine metaplasia, and small (2 mm) focus of mucocele-like lesion." The results are considered benign and concordant. However, with a mucocele-like lesion, if surgical excision of this lesion were to reveal atypia and this would alter clinical management (such as with more frequent screening or chemoprevention), then surgical excision would be recommended. Therefore, surgical consultation is recommended. If surgical excision is elected, this would be amenable to mammogram-guided Magseed placement. A six-month follow-up limited right breast ultrasound and possible right diagnostic mammogram (with tomosynthesis) are also recommended.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 357
    edited March 2022

    Thanks for returning to give us an update. Happy to hear about the benign findings.

  • L_L_L
    L_L_L Member Posts: 21
    edited March 2022
  • cugymgirl
    cugymgirl Member Posts: 25
    edited March 2022

    Excellent news!! I i am so happy for you. I have been on here all week checking in for an update. :)

  • L_L_L
    L_L_L Member Posts: 21
    edited March 2022

    @Cugymgirl that is so sweet of you, thank you! This place have given me much needed empathy and support when I didn't know where to go and I so appreciate you all! Heart

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558
    edited March 2022

    I_I_I, we are so thrilled to hear this news!! Thank you for updating us!

    If you would like to read up on benign conditions and what they may mean, please see our page on Benign Breast Conditions.

    --The Mods

  • L_L_L
    L_L_L Member Posts: 21
    edited March 2022

    Thank you Mods, I really appreciate all the positive vibes and thoughtful messages. "Benign Breast Conditions" was the first place I looked to learn more right after I got the report and also posted my results there to get some thoughts on it.

  • katg
    katg Member Posts: 247
    edited March 2022

    How wonderful to hear the words Benign!!!! Last July i had a hope mine would come back that way, and i really let go of the results and went about my business. Results? Cancer. Still i was comforted by the stage and the PA who referred me to the City of Hope. Just had a left mastectomy's Feb 9th and the right breast is out May 31st. BRCA2.

    What i know is this forum lets us share and support one another. Anything after benign is managemabel. Ask questions, do the test, and become confident you can walk through it with dignity and grace.

  • katg
    katg Member Posts: 247
    edited March 2022

    How wonderful to hear the words Benign!!!! Last July i had a hope mine would come back that way, and i really let go of the results and went about my business. Results? Cancer. Still i was comforted by the stage and the PA who referred me to the City of Hope. Just had a left mastectomy's Feb 9th and the right breast is out May 31st. BRCA2.

    What i know is this forum lets us share and support one another. Anything after benign is manageable. Ask questions, do the tests, and become confident you can walk through it all with dignity and grace.