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Pain 10 years post masectomy

B123 Member Posts: 239
edited August 2022 in Pain

Hi everyone, I haven't been here for a while but need some advice please, I am 10 years post B masectomy reconstruction and rads. I have had pain and achiness under my arms, my sides and chest. Mainly effected side (right). When I stress I feel like the implants tighten. My Left shoulder is tight with raisining arm and both my wrists and hands ache. I realized I did some exercising/weight bearing throughmy arms 5 days ago for a short time. Could this be why? Why can't I do anything with my arms without having pain? Could this be a bad thing?


  • parakeetsrule
    parakeetsrule Member Posts: 605

    Five days is a long time ago for exercise to be affecting you this way. But it's definitely possible if you injured yourself somehow. Maybe rest and take it easy for another day or so? But if it doesn't start getting better soon you should go see your doctor!

  • B123
    B123 Member Posts: 239

    parakeet thanks for responding. I will try to rest it and see what happens. I am starting to have a panic attack, need to calm myself down a bit I think. I appreciate your help.

  • juliehjulie
    juliehjulie Member Posts: 3

    Hi B123 - I was about to make a very similar post.

    I had b reconstruction (both sides) along with radiation in 2013-2014. Now my chest is tight a lot. I get pinching under my breast or in my sides and shoulders. I finally ended up in the ER today - they thought I was having a heart attack (I wasn't). The XRay came back clear and everything else clear. But now they want me to go to a cardiologist and do stress testing etc and of course, like you were, I'm freaking out.

    Just wondering how this all turned out with you. I still keep thinking it is musculoskeletal? Some kind of stress building up over the years? I try taking painkillers - acetaminophen and ibuprofen and doesn't seem to work so well.

    Anyway please let me know what happened in your case. I'm about to dive down the crazy clinical testing doctor appt rotation next week after my ER visit. :(

  • juliehjulie
    juliehjulie Member Posts: 3

    Also is anyone else having chest pain issues years post mastectomy/reconstruction?

  • Mc16
    Mc16 Member Posts: 2

    I still have a lot of pain from dmx five years ago. Nerve pain and intermittent underarm pain. I do try to do a Pilates style workout a few times a week. It hurts more for a couple of days but I feel that over time I’m getting stronger with slightly less pain

  • B123
    B123 Member Posts: 239

    Juliehjulie, hello! I’m sorry I am not on here too much. Yes I have pain in my chest, shoulders and underarms when I exercise/weight bear and just use my arms for anything strenuous. You will see that I am on here in a panic at times because it is very scary and of course it all comes rushing back in fear. I have gone to many doctors, I had an EKG, halter monitor, all normal. I have begun to see a chiropractor and acupuncture. The acupuncture said that it will always be an issue because of the removal of lymph nodes (pinching feeling/edema/decreased sensation) and the muscles were cut. It’s a big surgery that effects is forever. But it helps me mentally and physically to calm my mind and physically have less pain. I still am very frustrated that I can’t really do weights or any planks or anything like that, because I feel that chest pain and it sets me off into a panic spin. Go to the cardiologist and have the stress test? It will put your mind at ease. I have a lot of neck and trap/shoulder problems since the surgery 10 years ago!! Isn’t that crazy.. So mine is musculoskeletal but I always keep my eye on it, watch what your doing and how you feel after. Life is not the same for usand will never be unfortunately. Please message me anytime! Some kind folks here have helped me, I would love to do the same.. 💗

  • ratherbesailing
    ratherbesailing Member Posts: 135

    My left side was going into a sudden knot five years post-treatment - sometimes so bad I would have run of the road had I been driving. In retrospect, my issues were worse during Covid - I wasn't swimming, which naturally loosens the muscles. The one thing that keeps it under control for me is to stretch, stretch, and then stretch some more. Swimming is great if you like it and, yes mc16, Pilates. I also lie on top of a foam roller (running straight from the back of my neck to my hips) and do slow snow angels. My husband laughs, but who cares!

  • juliehjulie
    juliehjulie Member Posts: 3

    Thank you! I am trying the stretching. Hoping that helps. More physician followups this week. Assuming this is not heart related - thinking of maybe trying yoga? And also acupuncture. I lost lymph nodes too.

    Just feels like my whole chest neck shoulders back is being pinched and pulled... I'm also under a lot of stress right now so thinking that is contributing.

  • B123
    B123 Member Posts: 239

    juliehjulie I couldn’t agree with ratherbesailing more, stretching and using the foam roll is great, snow angels too (lol). I am 11 years (praise the lord) out and I still have limitations and pain. I honestly hate that, and when I do too much I am in pain. Even without any exercise, I get tightness in my neck shoulders upper back and sides (under my arms) even across my chest. I was give a small dose of muscle relaxers (I take at bed only when I really need it) and it does help. Please let us know what the doctors say. Thinking of you..