Bilateral Areolar Duct Excision

momcat1962 Member Posts: 172
edited April 2022 in Waiting for Test Results

Hello All. I had this done on Wednesday due to dark bloody discharge from the right side then 2-3 weeks later frankly bloody discharge o the left. In 2013 I have a duct excision on my left and ADH was found. This time my nipple has no feeling but my right does. I know that can be a consequence of the procedure. Today (day 4) they are still, of course, painful, but seems pinkish (2 cms out from incision), almost like I may be developing an infection. I feel nauseated. I'm going to call someone today. I haven't searched too many surgeries like this here. I should have results next week. Just wanted some comforting thoughts I guess. I think about you all often.


  • obsolete
    obsolete Member Posts: 351
    edited April 2022

    Hello MomCat,

    So sorry to learn about your painful experience in such sensitive areas. Please take little baby steps thru your healing process.

    If you feel an infection coming on with chills, low grade fever, etc., please don't hesitate to seek care.

    Breast cellulitis is a type of bacterial infection that affects the skin of the breast. When I had rashes from cellulitis following surgery, I had developed tender red hot patches that seemed to spread overnight.

    Sending you positive thoughts and wishes for feeling better.

  • momcat1962
    momcat1962 Member Posts: 172
    edited April 2022

    Thank you! I did call the dr. She said it seemed too early for an infection to begin. I am much better today! I will update with results.