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10+ years Cancer Free but.....
Member Posts: 4
Hi - I was diagnosed in 2010 with a Stage 1 IDC, no lymph node involvement, so had lumpectomy and brachytherapy and took Tamoxifen for 10 years. Long story but two weeks ago I went to see my gastro doctor thinking I might have diverticulitis (I'm 61 and it runs in my family). He did a contrast CT scan of my abdomen and pelvis. All clear, however they found a suspicious lesion in the upper right quadrant, so sent me to my breast surgeron, she did exam and ultrasound and does not see so is sending me on to my oncologist. However, she looked further with the ultrasound and found my axillary lymph nodes are suspicious and having fine needle aspiration tomorrow. Could there be breast cancer there and they aren't seeing it?
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