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Biopsy Scheduled for Monday

speccomo Member Posts: 12
edited May 2022 in Waiting for Test Results

I hate that this is my first post here. But I have biopsies in both breasts (mammogram guided on the left, ultrasound guided on the right) scheduled for this coming Monday.

I knew the right wasn’t looking good - 1.2cm mass, with spiculation to 6cm. But they had trouble locating the mass on the left with the ultrasound. So they did a second mammogram immediately after the ultrasound, and the report today shows a 6mm “suspicious appearing asymmetric density.” They also noted BI-RADS 5 on the ultrasound.

I’m 60 years old, and had my first ever mammogram exactly 2 weeks ago (having no insurance for years will do that to you - thankfully I have good insurance now.) I know there’s nothing to do until the biopsies are done and the results come back, so my brain is working overtime on every conceivable scenario. Just trying to keep calm and focused. And so grateful for a community like this.


  • rah2464
    rah2464 Member Posts: 1,192

    Speccomo sorry you are having to go through this. I wish you all the best in your upcoming biopsies. Imaging can fool everyone ( it is why they do the biopsy) so we will keep hoping for benign results.

    You are taking all the necessary steps and it is a grind during the wait in between procedures. If you can, try to find activities to keep you busy and please don't google too much. Come here and ask questions that you may have.

  • purplecat
    purplecat Member Posts: 227

    Speccomo, waiting for biopsy results is among the most stressful experiences I’ve ever had, and I’m sorry you are in the midst of it. I’ll second what Rah2464 says above: try to stay busy, and stay off the Internet. Hang in there

  • cathy67
    cathy67 Member Posts: 411


    Sorry that you have to be here, I also hate to be here. Arrange yourself a wonderful weekend, try something new, enjoy sunshine.

    Fingers crossed.


  • speccomo
    speccomo Member Posts: 12

    Thanks for the encouragement, everyone. And I’m doing my best to have a good weekend - went to a car show and then to the local farmers market this morning, and heading to the opera this afternoon. And lots more music in store for tomorrow, so I have some really nice distractions before Monday. And then more waiting.

  • wondering44
    wondering44 Member Posts: 261


    The great thing about a Monday biopsy is that you should get your results in a couple of days instead of having to wait through a weekend to get them on a Monday or Tuesday. Throwing a positive your way. :-) I hope the opera rocked!

  • speccomo
    speccomo Member Posts: 12

    Quick update after the biopsy. Everything went well. I even got in and out faster than anticipated - the people scheduled around me were a bit off on their appointment times, so I had no waiting between procedures. The bruising doesn’t look too bad (yet). I was diligent about icing, but I’m still achy today. It probably doesn’t help that hubby elbowed me on the right breast when he rolled over in his sleep at 3am! (And he was being so careful not to touch me all night!)

    Results should be back in 3-7 business days. So, this Thursday at the earliest, and with the holiday, possibly as late as next Thursday. Hoping for sooner rather than later

  • cathy67
    cathy67 Member Posts: 411

    Pray for benigh result, you moved forward today.


  • speccomo
    speccomo Member Posts: 12

    Results are in - IDC on both sides. But at least I have a diagnosis now and can move on to next steps.

  • wondering44
    wondering44 Member Posts: 261


    I am sorry to see your dx; however, I am glad you found this place. You will find a lot of info here from many great women who have traveled the cancer road.

    Things should start to move quickly after the holiday weekend, and you begin to meet your doctors. Once you meet with your Team and a plan is in place, you will hopefully find some relief from the stress.

    It is a roller coaster ride. Try to get a strong support crew together to talk through all the fears and frustrations. Having others listen to you does help. It is okay not to keep a strong face in front of your family and friends.

    I send hugs and warm thoughts your way.

  • cathy67
    cathy67 Member Posts: 411


    Sorry to hear that! Think of you, pray for you.


  • rah2464
    rah2464 Member Posts: 1,192

    Speccomo sorry to hear of an official diagnosis. The stress and pressure will lessen a bit once you have a targeted plan in place. Try your best to distract yourself over the holiday weekend so you can recharge a bit to tackle things next week. Easier said than done, I know.