Last biopsy result finally

wondering44 Posts: 261
edited May 2022 in Waiting for Test Results

Today I received my last biopsy results. All three biopsies came back benign. Fantastic news! Boy, that took what seemed like an eternity.

I have to do my right mastectomy again for the incorrect pathology results and that the mastectomy was not a complete mastectomy that left behind residual tissue. Due to the additional mastectomy, I won't be able to keep the breast, so I have opted for a bilateral mastectomy to achieve the best aesthetic results as close to possible as what my breasts looked like before the cancer dx. It will take about a year to complete the surgeries to correct it. I look back at my previous "lucky" post that said "one and done" for reconstruction. Sheesh...

I have peace of mind today, even with my previously received "botched" care, and I can move forward to begin the steps to support my family with their results.

My sister did not get benign results. She was diagnosed with myeloma last week. Yesterday my mother-in-law did not get benign results. She previously had breast cancer, and she is waiting to see if it is metastatic or a new primary. Please keep my family in your positive thoughts while they fight the fight.


  • cathy67
    cathy67 Posts: 410


    So so happy for your three benigh results! Still remembered we talked about biopsies early this month, mine also back benigh. Sorry to hear your other family members' results, it is time for you to care them support them.. I pray all those are small and early.

    I pray this is my last biopsy, too too much to suffer during dreadful waiting.


  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,840

    Wondering, we also are happy to hear your benign news, but are so sorry to hear about your sister and your mother-in-law. Please know we are thinking of them both, as well as sending you good wishes for your upcoming surgery.

    --The Mods

  • K-Gobby
    K-Gobby Posts: 144


    Thank God for benign. Double prayers for your family. It is good that you can support each other. We can beat this, one treatment at a time.

  • jen2957
    jen2957 Posts: 75


    What a welcome relief to get benign results on your biopsies. I know it must be difficult to feel very celebratory when you have family members who have had more difficult news, but I hope you allow yourself a moment of peace after all of the stress and worry of waiting. As you support your sister and mother-in-law, know that we are all here to also support you. Keep us updated as things unfold.


  • wondering44
    wondering44 Posts: 261

    Thank you everyone. :-)

    I did not share my good news with my sister. I don't pretend to imagine her mindset or how full her plate is today. She is in her 40s and trying to manage it.

    I did share my news with my mother-in-law. She has been through breast cancer and has been a ROCK of support to me. She can enjoy my good news with me while I listen to her "CRAP" news as she vents her frustrations.