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Olaparib-for Stage 2

K-Gobby Member Posts: 144

I have researched on this site and only see Olaoarib on Stage IV only thread.

I am Stage two with Brca2 and Her2+.

My chemo ended last year in November, then I was moved to the "sister" of this new drug. 27 days in my blood numbers plunged. I was supposed to have a mastectomy then in mid January. Covid struck, so I had to wait till Feb 9th to remove the tumor.

Seems my particular diagnosis is not common. Thank you Mom/Dad and the universe. This drug is for Stage 4 ovarian and Her2 neg. "But, if a drug has been approved for one use, physicians may elect to use this same drug for other problems if they believe it may be helpful."

For me, my Medical Oncologist thinks it may be helpful. 200mg in the am and 200mg in the evening. I visited the doctor June 3rd, so the meds have to be specially ordered.¹

I received an email from my insurance that a claim was approved!!! But not of course for June 3rd yet. For perspective, my Feb surgery was just approved. That is what they spoke of. Can we talk about the cost/approved in network cost and the amount paid by insurance. Crazy. I feel deep sadness for those w/o insurance.

Today I have been on letrozole(femara) for 4 months. I have eloquis for a bit longer for my blood clot. I started Perjeta/Herceptin infusions and yesterday was my 4th. Those go till October, just before Halloween.

My worst side effects were constipation from pills to prevent nausea. Extreme fatigue with infusion chemo and dead nails and loss of hair.

One day at a time. If fatigue begins, I immediately notify triage. I know you will understand, that often In Chemo care, the finally feeling good sets you up for another round. The Doctor says great. Let's start something new.

Blessings all for restful sleep.


  • 2019whatayear
    2019whatayear Member Posts: 468
    edited June 2022

    I’ve been taking oliparib since 7/18/2021 300mg 2x a day -

    I’m BRCA 2 , stage 2 finished active treatment 3/2020. Got approval for 1 year oliparib based on new recommendations from the OlympiA trial

    first Month was pretty rough with nausea and fatigue- it’s better now -

  • K-Gobby
    K-Gobby Member Posts: 144
    edited June 2022

    2019what a year.

    Thank you for replying. I used Zofran and senna laxatives through my 13 chemo infusions. I have another nausea pill too. I will be on the look out that first month.

    Just when I really started feeling good. I do not see many people posting about Brca2. Plus my Her2+ puts me in a 2% bracket. I was so happy to see your post. Someone with experience.

  • 2019whatayear
    2019whatayear Member Posts: 468
    edited June 2022

    there is a group on Facebook -PARP Inhibitors -Drugs ans Trials it has a lot of members who are on a parp lots od BRCA mutants — but fewer BC more ovarian cancer - it’s a very helpful group. You can also private message me amurinw

  • K-Gobby
    K-Gobby Member Posts: 144
    edited June 2022

    Thank you. I will check out that Facebook page. And message you if I have questions!