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Confusing radiological report - advice?

crywoolf Member Posts: 4
edited September 2022 in Not Diagnosed But Worried

Hello, I'm wondering if anyone might have insight about my ultrasound report:

"Targeted ultrasound of area of concern right upper outer quadrant showed poorly defined hypoechoic change up to 29mm diameter right breast 11-12 o'clock. The area contains individual locules with central echoes measuring up to 14mm. There is no definite solid or drainable component. There is some associated vascularity.

Summary: Heterogenous hypoechoic changes in area of concern could be due to resolving infection. Ultrasound could be used to guide biopsy."

If nothing is "solid or drainable", what is it...? Thanks in advance if anyone has input!

Context: Was referred by ER to a specialist for a large palpable mass which had grown pretty quickly, and was very painful with redness and swelling. They gave me antibiotics, and I'm on my last day of it now - the lump is the same size (about 3cm length) but there is no swelling or redness now, with minimal pain (they also gave Arcoxia to reduce pain and inflammation).


  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558

    crywoolf, welcome to! We are sorry that your concerns brought you here, but glad that you reached out. Hopefully our members chime in soon with their input and support. Until then, we would recommend you to take a look at the following threads and articles from our main site that may help you understand better breast cancer symptoms and image results:

    Imaging & Common Symptoms FAQs

    Hope this helps! Come back to let us know how you're doing!

    The Mods

  • cookie54
    cookie54 Member Posts: 828

    crywoolf Sorry to hear you are having breast issues, it can be alarming for sure! I am glad that the antibiotics have made a difference in the area of concern. By it reacting to meds it sounds to me like there is a good chance it was infectious, inflammatory process. Guessing you have a follow up post antibiotics? Maybe repeat imaging to confirm resolution?

  • crywoolf
    crywoolf Member Posts: 4


    Thank you for responding! Yes, I have a follow-up ultrasound in a month - I just spoke to the specialist who ordered the first ultrasound. She said that it's probably an infection, and that the ultrasound showed inflammation but it's hard to say anything else now - I've just finished the antibiotics, and if my body doesn't flush the rest of it out they'll do a biopsy. She said in that case it's probably granulomatous lobular mastitis (what a mouthful, haha) or cancer.

    But I'm not too worried because like you said, it's responded to the antibiotics! The lump is still big but the other symptoms except pain have gone. I'm more curious than anything about how the tissue was neither solid nor drainable, but I forgot to ask during the consult 😅

    Thanks again :)

  • cookie54
    cookie54 Member Posts: 828

    Great to hear, sounds like your docs are on top of things! Best wishes for total resolution , take care

  • crywoolf
    crywoolf Member Posts: 4

    Hello again to anyone reading this! I'm back with a question. It's been slightly over a week since my follow -up with the specialist, and the intermittent shooting pains are back. A new patch of slight discolouration and weird texture has developed under the nipple.

    Do these seem par for the course for a resolving infection? The specialist said to call her immediately if things get worse, but I'm not sure if this counts as "worse" - the sharp pains are severe but very short, like getting stabbed with a needle, and they are neither more nor less severe than the original pains. About a 7/10 when they occur, which is only when I'm lying down or raising my arm in a certain way.

    The discolouration is very slight, greyish and with raised lines - a bit like hives. But no itching.

    I'd appreciate any thoughts/advice! Thank you!

  • cookie54
    cookie54 Member Posts: 828

    I feel like if you have any doubts call your doctor as they can advise you best. This way you will have peace of mind. Wishes for continued healing

  • crywoolf
    crywoolf Member Posts: 4

    cookie54! Sorry for my delayed response, but thank you for replying. :)

    Just updating here that I've had a second ultrasound and follow-up, and am having a biopsy done next week - they think it's either granulomatous mastitis or cancer.

  • cookie54
    cookie54 Member Posts: 828

    Hi crywoolf, Good luck next week with the biopsy. Sorry that you have to get one but hoping it's benign and you can put this behind you. Keep us posted, hugs and good vibes .