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TC vs. CMF

lef Member Posts: 32

I had a lumpectomy a month ago. The tumor was smallish with micrometastatic carcinoma in one lymph node. The doctors initially thought that I would need radiation but not chemo, but after getting my oncotype (28), the medical oncologist is strongly recommending chemo, too. She's given me two choices: AT (4 doses, each 3 weeks apart) and CMF (8 doses, each 3 weeks apart). I'm struggling to balance the benefit of getting this over with as quickly as possible and feeling less awful even if it will take twice as long. I'm curious whether anyone else has dealt with a similar decision -- or if you can share any experience with either of these regimes. (I'm 64.) Thank you.


  • cowgirl13
    cowgirl13 Member Posts: 782

    Hi lef, it would be helpful if you could identify/name each chemo. BTW, I was 63 when I was diagnosed and that was 13 years ago.

  • lef
    lef Member Posts: 32

    Thanks for sharing that, Cowgirl13.

    TC (the 4 dose option) is Docetaxel and Cyclophosphamide.

    CMF (the 8 dose option) is Cyclophosphamide, Methotrexate, and Fluorouracil.


  • kaynotrealname
    kaynotrealname Member Posts: 438

    It might be worth asking your oncologist about the success rate. CMF is considered second generation chemotherapy. TC is considered third and third generation has shown about a 20% more success rate. I don't know if that hold true specifically for these two regimens but it can't hurt to make sure if those results would matter to you.

  • lef
    lef Member Posts: 32

    Thanks, KayNotRealName. I did discuss this with my medical oncologist. She feels that, in my case, the regimens would be similarly efficacious. She specifically said that, if she thought one would be materially better, she would not be suggesting the alternative.

  • cowgirl13
    cowgirl13 Member Posts: 782

    You might want to get a second opinion. Would be helpful to know your hormonal status.

  • lef
    lef Member Posts: 32

    Hi, Cowgirl13. Estrogen +, Progesterone -, HER2 -.


  • joanneulsch
    joanneulsch Member Posts: 1

    Hi Lef,

    How did you do with the CMF treatment? I have seen two doctors at top hospitals that say CMF every 2 weeks for 4 months is simmilar efficacy to TC, and less toxic. I am starting in a few days. I was headed towards TC but do not want to risk peripheral neuropathy etc.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,549

    Hello, @joanneulsch, and welcome to our community! We're glad you joined us and hope you find the support and information you're looking for here.

    Please note that as this thread is a bit old, @lef might not see your message right away. It might be more effective to send her a private message directly. It's easy, just tap on her username and click on "Message."

    Best of luck with your treatment, and we look forward to hearing more from you!

    The Mods