Large Lump in Armpit
Hi everyone....I'm a nervous wreck. Woke up in the middle of the night on Thursday and for some reason felt the need to touch my right armpit...I felt a huge lump. Got up and went to the bathroom to find my period had arrived. The lump feels hard to me, and deep in my armpit unless I am holding my arm upright. You can actually see the lump form the outside. Had breast exam 2 months ago and scheduled for annual mammogram on Monday. I have not been ill, so don't think it swollen lymph node from virus or anything like that...has anyone had a lump like this seemingly appear overnight? I guess it could have been there for awhile but I think I would have noticed it. 50 years old, my mom diagnosed with BC at age 61.
In my 30s I did feel a lump in my armpit and it seemed to come and go, but more often when I was having my period. I wasn’t sick or anything but at times it would hurt a little. I ended up getting it checked out and it was nothing. The doctor told me “it can just be fat.” I was like, oh.
I think it was probably a swollen lymph node from some hidden infection somewhere. It eventually went away completely. The difference between that and my BC tumor was it would move when I pushed it. BC tumors tend to be hard and doesn’t move.
Hope this helps.
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How could you tell if it moved? This thing feels huge...if I have my arm down it feels very deep in the skin...but if I put my arm up, you can actually see it. If I press it on the side, it kind of feels like it moves this moveable?? I just have no idea!
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I had a lump in my armpit that seemed to appear suddenly when I was in my early 30’s. After an ultrasound and biopsy it was found benign. I did of course later develop breast cance
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Since I was in my twenties I have always had a swollen lymph node, exactly as you describe, in my left armpit. It still bothers me. I'm now in my forties and that lymph node bothered me so much that it warranted a call to the doctor. Mammogram and ultrasound resulted in just a swollen lymph node, but it was because of that lymph node that I found a lump in my right breast and here I am. This is not to scare you, it's just tell you to be vigilant and advocate for yourself. You know your body. If you feel something is not right, your best bet is to have it checked out. I hope it turns out to be nothing!
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I have skipped my mammogram for 2 years due to Covid. I'm more nervous than normal. Especially given this strange lump that literally appeared overnight.
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espo34 - My BC tumor seemed “anchored" on a fixed spot, which was quite different from any other lumps I had felt in my breasts. Hope you know what I mean…
I totally agree with serendipity09 about being your own advocate. Can you ask for an ultrasound as well?
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My doctor told me that typically if it’s cancer it’s stationary. I had a lump appear on my neck years ago that just appeared too but it was squishy. My fit it was pretty sure it was fatty tissue and it was.
I never felt my lump. After my mammogram it was revealed one breast was larger than the other. I knew then it was BC.
On the positive side I am 11 years out last month so keep the faith and keep us posted.
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Hi all. Just to update for anyone reading through this. Had mammogram and ultrasound today. No evidence of cancer, lump in armpit it dermatological they said. If bothered by it I should see dermatologist. I said I am not bothered by it as long as it doesn't appear to be cancerous! So I am feeling relieved now.
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That's great news Espo34! I'm so happy for you!!