Bone biopsy

Hi there, I hope everyone is doing fine. I have this upcoming bone biopsy and I would like to hear some insights from anyone who had been in the same situation.
I have this bone pain that involves 20 cm of my fibula (lower bone) since April 2022. MRI shows inflammation/edema in and outside the bone. Pain is getting worst. Per Onco, it might be cancer or osteomyelitis. It doesn’t have the regular manifestation of either so an open biopsy will be done to confirm, and in case it’s osteomyelitis Onco can “ clean it up.” Possibilities are, bone met, osteomyelitis, and lymphoma. I had noopen wound, all blood test are within normal limits, and no sign of infection whatsoever, although inflammation markers are high.
I would appreciate any input about similar or same situation, or anything about bone biopsy.
I had a bone biopsy 11 years ago. I had no pain but the area of concern was an incidental finding on an unrelated PET scan. The spot was close to my femoral head. The procedure itself was easy and painless thanks to great drugs. Versed and painkillers were administered by IV as well as local anesthetic to the area. Mine did turn out to be bc but until you have the biopsy there is no way to guess what yours might be. Wishing you the best.
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exnbrngrl- thank you for responding. I was told I will be under general anesthesia, like a surgery that I neededa pre-op clearance from my primary- this kind of concern me.
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You’re very welcome! I’m sure anesthesia decisions are based on different factors but you should be made very comfortable. Take care
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Thank you all for this question and the responses. I had a PET scan yesterday and a bone biopsy scheduled for next Tuesday. I was wondering what to expect of the bone biopsy. (Diagnosed with stage 1a, grade 3 IDC in august 2020). I have 3 spots they are looking at, so I don't know if they will biopsy the shoulder, spine, or hip.
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I had a bone biopsy. It wasn’t bad. I was supposed to be lightly sedated, but when I told them I could feel it, they knocked me out. Not much pain after. I have also had a bone marrow biopsy. The pain after was worse. I hope they are doing a CT guided biopsy for you. They will see the spot in the CT to take. They did not do that with my bone marrow biopsy, and I ended up with a negative result because they didn’t do it CT guided. I’m covered with it in my bone and bone marrow. Please let us know how it goes.
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Believe, I had a bone/bone marrow biopsy about a year ago. Like kbl, it was CT guided and I had what they called "twilight" sedation. I vaguely remember the doctor and technician talking and some pressure where (L2, lumbar spine) he extracted the piece of bone and marrow. Some discomfort for a day or two following the biopsy. I do remember getting an occasional "zinger," a sharp pain in my thigh when I walked. They told me that I might get those as there are lots of nerves in the area where they did the biopsy. Only lasted a few days.
Best wishes that everything goes smoothly, with minimal discomfort.0 -
Thank you all for the feedback. The nurse called today for the pre-procedure questions and said I would be knocked out. This all started when I went to see an orthopedic about a shoulder that has bothered me since well before BC. MRI came back with many rotator cuff problems, but also concern about lysis in bone. Then 2 weeks later went to ER for back pain (after a lot of lifting) and scan showed compression fracture of L2 and possibly lytic abnormality. Weird thing is my back feels fine now. Biopsy tomorrow but MO won’t see me till 28th. I swing back and forth between feeling fear of the unknown and being okay with whatever comes. Thank you all so so much. Oh, and it will be CT guided
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believe-hoping for a good results on your biopsy tomorrow. My biopsy is scheduled for Wednesday, open bone biopsy not ct guided, I will be under general anesthesia, too. This way, I will know right away if it’scancer or infection. I am expecting the worst but hoping for the best.
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Believe, I’ll be thinking good thoughts for you. Please come back when you have results
Anx, same for you. You will be in my thoughts.0 -
Anx, I am sending positive vibes your way too! I will try to remember to let you know later today how I feel after the procedure. They have scheduled an appt on the 28th to go over results. At this point I do not know if they are picking one spot, or doing all three.
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Believe/ Kbl - thank you. I will keep you posted
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Well I had the bone biopsy today. They went in to the shoulder spot as it was largest and easiest to get to. I wasn’t totally knocked out. Just this twilight stuff to make me not care about what was happening. It was good stuff. I had to lay on my stomach, not my favorite laying position, but then I didn’t care after twilight stuff. Pathologist was in room too to make sure radiologist got some of the abnormal cells. Thanks to guided CT he got them on first attempt. Sore shoulder tonight but I’m okay. Now just the wait for results. I had tried to ask my MO what treatment for spread to bone might look like, but she said we weren’t “going down that rabbit hole yet.” I’m supposed to start watching my 3 month old grandson 2 days a week in October so I am anxious to know what is going on!
Anx, I really hope all goes well for you tomorrow. Thinking of you
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Excellent! That is very much the way my bone biopsy, upper femur, went. I bet that Versed was part of your twilight cocktail. Best drug ever! Makes you not care about anything (May we cut off your head? Sure, whatever 😂) and it has an amnesiac effect which develops more over a few days. I can’t remember how long I had to be observed before they released me but I was incredibly hungry. They brought me a turkey sandwich and some juice. Nothing ever tasted so good 😊. Rest up and don’t jump ahead to speculating on tx. Many of us appear to have the same or similar dx, yet our treatments differ for a multitude of reasons. I am a retired teacher but still sub and help out with my grandchildren as well. It will become easier once you have more known than unknowns. Take care
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believe, I’m glad everything went well. I am having cold feet for tomorrow, my doctor has medical students as his assistants, the hospital (Keck USC) seems to be a university hospital - my first time there, im scared that they will study me, lol.
If ortho Onco finds met, he’s recommending radiation, not sure what my main Onco thinks
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At my facility we have both students, interns, and residents from a local medical school. Patients can deny permission to students, interns, perhaps your facility has a similar option. I was a teacher so I didn’t mind. How could I deny someone a learning opportunity 😂?
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exbrnxgrl- with doctor’s visits , they usually ask if okay for intern to observe us, which I don’t mind, but for surgery, I don’t want them to practice on me.
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Anx, thinking of you today and sending a river of positive vibes your way. I feel pretty normal one day out from my own biopsy. I hope this happens for you too.
Exbrnxgrl, yes that drug was the best. I wish I could have asked for a side order of it to go! And I devoured the plate of snacks they gave me after. I too worked in education. Was an instructional assistant working with kids with special needs. Retired when it got too stressful to worry about catching Covid shortly after treatments. But I do miss them. I may sub one day, but for now spending time with family (I have 4 grown kids and 4 grands) and enjoying retirement.
Thank you again, talking with you all has been a lifeline. I was really struggling with the idea of a metastasis, but you help me to realize that if that’s what happens,I will just put one foot in front of the other and move on with my life!
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Believe, I’m so glad the biopsy went well. I’m hoping for good results for you. I watched my grandson part-time when he was three months old. I actually think he saved me and gave my life meaning. He’s now in preschool, and I only see him about once a month. I so appreciated the time I spent with him. I’m over three years out from actual diagnosis, and I’m on Xeloda and Faslodex. I don’t have his energy to be able to watch him on a regular basis, but I’m all about playing with him when I see him. Enjoy watching your grandbaby. Man, they grow up fast.
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hello, today is not a good day. Unfortunately initial diagnosis is cancer not infection. In two weeks I will know all the details and if it's a new primary or met.
On top of that, I had a bad hospital experience, I was nauseated and throwing up after surgery. I had to stay for one night in the hospital.
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Oh, anx... we are sorry you got such unwelcome news. Sending you cyber hugs and best wishes that your next treatment works for you.
The Mods
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Anx, I am so very sorry to read your news. And I know how hard waiting for official results can be. I am praying that you will soon get a treatment that will get you back to a good place. (As you know, I too am waiting for bone biopsy results, but wasn’t told anything initially. I’m sorry the surgery itself caused problems too. Virtual hugs to you.
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anx, I’m sorry about your news and your bad hospital experience. I’m also sending you cyber hugs. Please keep us posted.
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kbl, ortho told me it’s very bad and recommended radiation, I was told by another doctor that radiation is recommended to the most aggressive kind.
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anx, I’m sorry that you had a rough time and hope you’re feeling better today. Rads are not necessarily for the most aggressive mets. I had a painless grade 1 bone which was radiated. Take care