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Matted/fused nodes and survival?

lanna1 Member Posts: 16
edited February 2023 in Stage III Breast Cancer

Hello to everyone. 

I'm very scared because I had on surgery bunch of matted positive lymph nodes. (I haven't had chemo before the surgery.)

It would mean much to me to hear if you had matted nodes and survived. Because I have read that many people with matted positive nodes metastized.

My question is only for those who haven't had chemo before surgery, because chemo can cause matting of nodes.

I would like especially to hear from people who sre Es+, Pr+, HER-, but others are welcomed to.

Thank you so much!!!!!!!


  • ausykaren
    ausykaren Member Posts: 63

    Hi Lanna1,

    Sorry you find yourself here. I’m not sure if my nodes were matted but I had a lot of positive ones with cancer spilling out of them. I had surgery before chemo. That was nearly six years ago. So far so good. Hopefully others further out chime in here.

  • francesca30
    francesca30 Member Posts: 63


    I was diagnosed last Feb 2019. I’ve had a number of positive lymph nodes - not sure if they were matted. I’ve had surgery before TAC chemo.

  • beeline
    beeline Member Posts: 193

    Hi Lanna1,

    I had matted nodes and extracapsular extension and I am still here to tell the tale nearly 4.5 years later! I didn't have chemo before surgery -- they assumed it was stage 1 because my lump was so small.

    There are lots of women here with more years under their belts than me, but I wanted to chime in. Hang in there!

  • lanna1
    lanna1 Member Posts: 16

    Thank you very much for the answers. My situation changed meanwhile. Preoperativelly, there was (sonographically and at CT scan) a conglomerate of matted nodes which turned out malignant at biopsy. The doctor said I'm stage 3. Now I got hp postoperative report (the first patologist and the second did revision) and i have only two positive nodes! I was in shock, asking what happened with matted conglomerate of nodes. They said it turned out it is not a conglomerate but ONE malign node which is lobulated what means that one node looks like a grape/ like a conglomerate of matted nodes! That node looks that way either naturally either it changed its shape because of the cancer. What a surprise!

  • FaithAndTrust
    FaithAndTrust Member Posts: 14

    llanna1 that's great you have lobular breast cancer?

  • lanna1
    lanna1 Member Posts: 16

    Thank you! No, i have ductale cancer. Lobulated nodes can be with any type of cancer.