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Painless Lump And Crusty Nipples

alysonh1087 Member Posts: 8

Hello all, I'm new here.

Initially, I discovered a pea-sized lump in my left breast, but I forgot all about it because it wasn't huge or anything.

What brought me here was the newly discovered hard, painless lump I discovered in the milk duct of my right breast. It feels like a smooth rock with a flat surface. At first, I thought it was the size of a pea, until I pressed down harder. It's actual size is a lot bigger than what I thought, (a little bigger than a marble) but you have to really press to feel the actual size of the lump. At first, I didn't pay it any mind because I thought it was a cyst and would leave within a few periods. It's been in there for a few months now.

I then started thinking it was a fibroadenoma but then I discovered my nipples were very crusty. This crust doesn't look like discharge but rather, my skin turning a yellowish, greenish, whitish, blackish color. I know those are many colors but my nipples are covered in that stuff and they are scaly and the skin is getting damaged.

My breast also don't produce discharge, so it's just my skin changing, which I find very weird. I tried peeling it off and it hurts. I peeled most of it off of the left nipple & now there's white crusty left in a slit, in the middle of my nipple. I didn't even bother with the right because when I did, it hurt.

I considered eczema but there's no itching or anything. It's just the scaly, (like a fish), and crusty nipples with all of these weird colors.

My areola around the right breast, (the one with the lump) has a dent in it at the top & it's starting to become discolored and has a dark green line running through it. (It looks similar to how a vein looks.) It just looks very diseased.

The odd thing is—I have no itching. There a little redness in between the creases of the nipple and that's all for now.

I'm worried I have cancer of the milk duct and early (Stage 0) Paget's Disease. That would be extremely rare for someone my age, (33) —but not impossible. I'm hoping I'm wrong.

It's just very weird and my rib pain, has been getting so much worse, specifically the part that connects to the breast tissue. My spinal/ribcage issues have rapidly escalated and I'm wondering if it's all connected.

I have an appointment on March 9, and I'm gonna tell my doctor and update as my story progresses, just in case anyone else has the same symptoms and it turns out to be or not to be cancerous. I think it would help others.

I wonder—Does Paget's Disease always come with itching and symptoms?


  • alicebastable
    alicebastable Member Posts: 1,962

    You've done a strange amount of very specific self-diagnosing. Go to your gynecologist! And good luck. And stay away from that quack Dr. Google; he's an idiot.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,345

    Please stay away from Dr. Google as alicebastable suggests. I know it is very hard to wait (most of us have been there) but we are not medical professionals. Google is a very poor diagnostic tool. I would also suggest that you stop pressing hard on the lump and/or peeling anything. Take care

  • alysonh1087
    alysonh1087 Member Posts: 8

    Hello, thanks for your responses.

    Google actually was the thing that gave me more hope that I have a fibroadenoma, rather than cancer. It was Reddit that made me start thinking it could be cancer.

    Either way, you both are right. I also will try to stop picking at the breasts.

    It's just very anxiety inducing to know there's something like a rock solid lump, sitting inside your breast.

    My appointment seems so far away, although it's about a week or a little over a week away.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,345


    As I mentioned, almost all of us have been in your shoes. I want to add one more thing. Breast cancer is generally slow growing and not considered an emergency. Waiting a week or even a few weeks will make little difference in the physical sense, though the emotional aspect of waiting is difficult. I am very happy that you’ve decided to forgo self diagnosis via Dr. Google 😊. Take car

  • alysonh1087
    alysonh1087 Member Posts: 8

    Hello, thanks so much for your encouragement, I appreciate it. I just got back from my appointment.

    She measured a lump at 3×4 cm, crusty nipples in the right breast. The doctor said the location of the lump is a "7'0clock" (I have no idea what this means).

    She found fibrocystic breast tissue in the left breast, no lumps, tons of pain, even on the ribcage, & crust of the nipple also in left breast, (so bilaterally.)

    Her main concern was that I'm 32, am a virgin, (so no children/breastfeeding, & she said it isn't an infection of my nipples.)

    She felt better because the lump felt moveable.

    She ordered a mammogram & ultrasound and she stated if there was nothing found, she'd refer me to get a biopsy.

    I'm a little more optimistic. I'll update later when the appointment is.

  • wondering44
    wondering44 Member Posts: 261

    Hi Alyson,

    Cancer doesn't discriminate with age or sex - just and fyi.

    You can't do much but wait for the mammogram and ultrasound to get more information. Try to stay busy with anything that will keep your mind from pressing the lump or picking at the skin. The radiologist will need a clear look at everything and picking and pushing may interfere with what they need to do it.

    I second Alice and exbrnxgrl to stay off Google and stop picking/pushing. exbrnxgrl has a wealth of knowledge at the cancer stuff. Until you talk to your physician and get to your mammogram and ultrasound try to hear her advice. :-)

    Wish you luck on your scans.

  • alysonh1087
    alysonh1087 Member Posts: 8

    Hello wondering44, thanks for your input. I'm happy to report I've been doing a great job at leaving my breast alone... 😅

    I'm getting a bilateral mammogram & ultra sound. For some reason I was thinking it was just laterally. I'm kind of scared of the mammogram because they said it's painful.

    Found out the referral will take 48-72 hours so, I'll update when that appointment is later.

    I can relax until my appointment unless some weirder happens. (which I doubt.)

    I wish all of you the best & thanks so much again.

  • alysonh1087
    alysonh1087 Member Posts: 8
    edited March 2023

    It's now March 22 and still no word from the Radiology department. My doctor did put the referral in because I see it on the "My Chart" website.. but they're supposed to call me.

    Honestly, I'm getting very frustrated to the point where I'm ready to say "oh well"..

    I probably don't have cancer, anyways. I just wanted to update just in case anyone was in my same boat and wanted to know any updates.

  • kaynotrealname
    kaynotrealname Member Posts: 447
    edited March 2023

    You can call them and ask what the delay is. I'm glad you're not feeling as stressed because you're right in that it is most likely not cancer. But you still need it checked out because that's just wise. Plus, it can't be any fun to deal with these symptoms and I'm sure you'd like whatever is going on to go away.

  • alysonh1087
    alysonh1087 Member Posts: 8
    edited March 2023

    You're right, Kay, it is wise. They finally called and the appointment is April 7th, so not too far out. I'll update when I get results.

  • kaynotrealname
    kaynotrealname Member Posts: 447
    edited March 2023

    Good luck and please do let us know.

  • alicebastable
    alicebastable Member Posts: 1,962
    edited March 2023

    shwetaaarya, If you'd bother to read both pages of this thread, you would see that the OP has, indeed, been seeing a doctor and is scheduled for testing.

  • mountainmia
    mountainmia Member Posts: 857
    edited March 2023

    alice, I've notified mods about this member. I'll send you a private message.

  • alysonh1087
    alysonh1087 Member Posts: 8
    edited March 2023

    Thanks to both of you, I appreciate it!

  • lw422
    lw422 Member Posts: 1,419
    edited March 2023

    Alice & Mia--glad I'm not the only one who noticed this.

  • alysonh1087
    alysonh1087 Member Posts: 8
    edited April 2023

    I got my results back immediately and it's just a fluid filled cyst! I'm Soo happy! I didn't want to have a biopsy under any circumstances.

    I want to point out, just in case someone has breast dimpling- I had breast dimpling near the lump and it turned out to NOT be cancerous.

    I have a hormone issue I need to take care of.

    Thank you to all of you who contributed to this thread. I highly appreciate it and I wish you the best.

  • yippeekiyaymf
    yippeekiyaymf Member Posts: 25
    edited April 2023

    This is amazing! SO happy for you!

  • AKJ
    AKJ Member Posts: 115
    edited April 2023

    I’m so glad. It’s important to get stuff like this checked out.