Pathology did not include hormone receptor status

I had an excisional biopsy on Thursday, March 16th. I just got the results today - DCIS, grade 3. There is other information on the report, but nothing that relates to the hormone receptor status. When the nurse called me to go over the information, she said that she didn't see it either and would ask the pathologist. She said usually it's there.
Does anyone know if they have to run extra testing that takes longer for this info? I am already trying to process that I just got a cancer diagnosis and now my mind is spinning to places wondering if they forgot to check it and if they still have the tissue, etc.
Just looking for any reassurance or similar experiences anyone else has had. I have so many questions about the diagnosis in general too, but one thing at a time.
Thank you so much!
Sorry to hear of your diagnosis.
Yes, it did take longer for my hormone receptor status test results. Not sure why that is, but I had to wait about a week to find out those results. Hang in there.
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Yes, longer for me, too. I think that's not unusual. Sorry you are still waiting. I hope it comes back soon.
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Yep, the first thing I learned was that I had IDC. The hormone status came later, and HER2 even later.
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Thank you all for letting me know that your hormone receptor info came later too. That has helped ease my mind about that piece of things. It's hard to feel like the bandaid has been partially ripped off but it's still dangling with some uncertainty.
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I had breast cancer three times, the last was same as yours, DCIS grade 3. My first time 2003, I had IDC, second time in 2018, I had ILC same breast.
I was upset because I had a left Mastectomy in January 2019 and was denied a bilateral mastectomy, and I ended up with cancer in my remaining breast. But, I was very happy the Dx was DCIS with micro-invasion. Why? Because if you have to get Dx of breast cancer it’s the best kind to get! It has stayed in the ducts and can’t metastasize. It is still possible to get a diagnosis of IDC after surgery with biopsy but a good chance all you have is DCIS!
I ended up having another mastectomy last fall due to being diagnosed three times and having a strong family history, although I am BRCA negative along with 56 other genes!
I didn’t need any chemo or radiation with the DCIS, but I do take an Aromatase Inhibitor due to my 2018/2019 ILC!
I know it is upsetting to get a cancer diagnosis but while still not an easy road ahead, it could be so much worse.Please continue to post, you will find a lot of support here!
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The uncertainty persists!
The pathology of the biopsy is not the final pathology of the tumor. I found I was always waiting for some other test result. Waiting for the final pathology, waiting for the lymph node biopsy results, waiting for the oncotype test, etc. Each of these things could majorly impact treatment and prognosis.
That's just how it is in the early stages. The hormonal status of your biopsy will also open a new scope of uncertainty.
All we can do is hang in there and try to take care of ourselves for the ride. Good luck!
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Thank you for the perspective, Salamandra! Befriending uncertainty is certainly a growth area for me. It all feels so surreal right now. If you don't mind explaining to me, I don't understand what Oncotype is as none of the medical personnel I've dealt with so far have mentioned that. Is that a workup that they do on all tissue that is removed?
I will try to keep breathing and take things one day at a time. Thanks for the support!
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Mavericksmom, I appreciate you helping to give me perspective. I am extremely grateful for the screening and the fact that it seems that what they have found at this point is very early stuff. Thank you for sharing your journey and I hope you have healed well from your surgeries and may you stay cancer free!
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joce, no one has discussed Oncotype yet because they need the hormone and HER2 information back first. If Oncotype can be used for your tumor, it will give some direction on treatment plan. Here's more about it.