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Biopsy today

kleigh8286 Member Posts: 3
edited April 2023 in Not Diagnosed But Worried

I'll try to make this short as possible, but I have been having problems with my right breast for years now. I always get sent for diagnostic mammos and ultrasounds and everything is fine. In 2021 I had to see a breast surgeon and she sent me for an mri and even that was normal. Last June my screening mammogram came back abnormal so had to have another diagnostic and ultrasound. Once again those were BIRADS 1.

Which brings me to this week. I've had issues with swelling lymph nodes on one side of my neck and was feeling around and felt a new lump on my right breast. Mentioned it to my doctor while I was there and sent me for another diagnostic. Yesterday my diagnostic Mammogram found a 2cm focal asymmetry with questionable architectural distortion. Ultrasound looked fine and she Said it looked like an island of fibroglandular tissue. But because of the mammogram she said it was BIRADS 4 (didn’t give a letter after it) and needed a biopsy. Had a sterotactic biopsytoday and now I wait.

I guess my question is 9 months ago I was completely clear and this ultrasound didn't really show anything. Wouldn't that have been seen in my last one? Trying not to freak out, but my breast has been so monitored with no issues and now I needed a biopsy. I appreciate any insight if you made it this far :)


  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558
    edited April 2023

    Hi Kayleigh8286,

    We're so sorry for all the worries you've endured over the years, and the reignited ones now. We know it is nerve-wracking to wait for results, but just know we are all here for you while you figure out what's going on.

    Others will surely be by shortly to support you. Please keep us posted with what you find out. Sending good thoughts your way!

    --The Mods

  • monarchandthemilkweed
    monarchandthemilkweed Member Posts: 175
    edited April 2023

    So sorry you find yourself here. But 9 months time is long enough for your breasts to change. Plus no imaging modality is perfect or can see everything. Unfortunately. I had busy breasts and a known cancer gene prior to my cancer diagnosis. Six months prior to being diagnosed my mammogram and ultrasound were clear. My cancer was found on a routine MRI 6 months later.

    Waiting is the worst. Try and keep busy doing things that feel good. And stay off Dr Google!

    good luck and update when you can

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,299
    edited April 2023

    kleigh8286, I'm sorry that you find yourself waiting for a biopsy result. Architectural distortion is often biopsied because it is possible to have an unseen malignancy causing it. Also, these abnormalities do not always show up on ultrasounds. 80% of biopsies are benign so there is a good chance it is nothing concerning. However, it is much safer to sample the tissue and make sure there is no problem. I hope you get a benign result.

  • kleigh8286
    kleigh8286 Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2023

    Thank you guys for your replies! I think I’m just so surprised because it always just comes back normal. So having to get something biopsied threw me for a loop. I know there’s really nothing I can do but wait at this point and the odds are good it’s benign.

  • wondering44
    wondering44 Member Posts: 261
    edited April 2023

    hi there,

    My annual mammogram was negative/birads 1. I found the lump and got the cancer dx about 10 months later. Imaging isn’t full proof unfortunately.

    I wish you a negative biopsy result. Crossing fingers for you

  • saimajunaid
    saimajunaid Member Posts: 2
    edited April 2023

    I'm sorry to hear that you are going through this. It is understandable to feel anxious and worried about the results of the biopsy. However, it's important to remember that an abnormal mammogram or biopsy result does not always mean that you have breast cancer.

    It is possible that the new focal asymmetry with architectural distortion was not present on your previous mammogram or ultrasound. Breast tissue can change over time, and new abnormalities can develop. Additionally, some breast abnormalities may not show up on imaging tests until they reach a certain size or have a certain shape.

    The fact that your ultrasound looked fine and the radiologist described the abnormality as an "island of fibroglandular tissue" is a positive sign. Fibroglandular tissue is a normal part of breast tissue and is not typically associated with breast cancer. However, a biopsy is needed to determine the nature of the abnormality and whether it is benign or malignant.

    It's important to follow through with the recommended diagnostic tests and treatments as advised by your healthcare provider. If the biopsy result comes back as concerning, your doctor will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan based on your individual needs and medical history.

    In the meantime, try to stay positive and take care of yourself both physically and emotionally. If you have any concerns or questions, don't hesitate to reach out to your healthcare provider.

  • kleigh8286
    kleigh8286 Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2023

    I just wanted to thank everyone for your replies! I just got the results and they were benign! The radiologist wants me to start every 6 month diagnostic mammos, but that’s it for now. Thanks again

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,299
    edited April 2023

    kleigh8286, Great news! Thanks for letting us know. It's good that they are following you more closely in the future.