Helpful tips on using the new discussion forums

Some quick links to resources
Watch some videos to help you get started: Forum overview and Updating your Profile, post signature, and avatar
If you'd like to re-upload your previous profile image (avatar), go to Profile Dashboard to get detailed instructions on how to find and re-upload your photo.
To copy and paste your previous diagnostic and treatment signature into your community profile, go to the Post Signature page.
Your custom signature is now called your Tagline. Learn how to get your custom tagline to appear.
Check out our extensive Community User Guide.
Read our Helpful Tips for How to Best Use the Forums.
Check out our FAQ.
Having a technical issue? Report a problem.
Have an idea or constructive feedback? Share with us.
Learn how to send a private message to the moderators.
Practical tips to get the most out of using the community discussion forums.
For more information, be sure to check out the User Guide.
Register to create an account, if you haven’t already to actively participate. The more you share in the forums, the more you get out of being a member. Learn how.
Fill in or edit your profile to help find members like yourself, and to get information most relevant to you. Learn how.
Add a profile image (Avatar) to your profile. Learn how.
Use the search before you ask a question or start a discussion as you might be surprised to find others are already discussing the topic. Learn how.
Post a comment to an existing, relevant discussion. Learn how.
Mention others in your comment to let someone know you are talking about or to them. Learn how.
Start a new discussion in the appropriate category if there’s a topic you’re interested in that isn’t being discussed yet. Learn how.
Tag your new discussion with the available tags (such as “lymphedema,” “hair loss,” or “tamoxifen”) to help you and others find keyword-related discussions. Learn how.
Bookmark your favorite discussions to get notifications for new comments. You can edit notification settings from your profile. Learn how.
Embed an image, a video, a Giphy, or a social media post URL or add a link in a comment or a new discussion. Learn how.
Add an attachment to a comment or new discussion. Learn how.
Use the reactions (“like”, “care”, “lol, ” etc.) to support other members’ comments.
Use the Quote feature in the reactions menu to reply directly to a member’s post in your comment. Learn how.
Check out the Active Topics. This is the easiest way to see and participate in the most recent discussions within our community. Learn how.
Private message with up to five registered members at a time to continue conversations outside of discussions, to privately share information with one another, or to interact directly with a moderator. Learn how.
Check out what’s going on with other community members on the Activity page in the Quick Links, where you can see what’s happening across our forums. Learn how.
Set your notification preferences. You’ll receive a notification if a member mentions you, makes a post to a discussion that you’ve bookmarked, sends you a private message, and lots more. Pro tip: Select an email alert for any bookmarks or private messages for an easy way to stay on top of the conversation. Learn how.
Tips for creating engaging discussion posts
Here are some practical tips to create the most engaging community discussions.
When starting a new discussion, make the title or question as descriptive as possible. A good discussion title is a short preview of your post and is what gets people to engage.
Put your discussion in the right forum within the right category. The right forum can be the one that has a relevant forum name or it can be a category where this kind of post is often made. This is important because it ensures others find your discussion easily.
Proofread. Our forum automatically saves drafts as you type. If you’re writing a long post, save it as a draft and come back to it after a few minutes or as long as you need. You can always post it later.
Use tags. Tags are helpful for others to find keyword-related discussions.
Embed an image, a video URL, an attachment, or a link. These add visual interest and make your discussion post more dynamic.
Mention others. Credit other members if you are building off their previous comments or if you want to draw them into the discussion. Put the @ symbol before a username so the person you mention gets notified.
Take ownership. Most important of all, take ownership of the discussions you have created. Respond to comments promptly and thoughtfully. Thank others for commenting on your discussion. Bookmarking your discussions will allow you to get notifications for new comments. You can edit notification settings from your profile.
If you need more help using’s community discussion forums, our team of moderators is here to support you. Get in touch with the moderators by sending them a private message.