Treatments delayed due to low neutrophils

rahrah2023 Posts: 13
edited July 2023 in Stage I Breast Cancer

My neutrophils have dropped to 1.2 and my OC has delayed my chemo treatments. I have had 9 of 12 treatments. How long does it take to recover to a healthy level of neutrophils? I am really devastated and could use some guidance.



  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,840

    Hi @rahrah2023,

    We're so sorry you're experiencing this. We wanted share this page from the main on How Chemotherapy Affects Your Immune System, including what you and your doctor can do to improve your blood counts.

    Some more helpful resources:

    We hope this helps and that you get back on track soon!

    —The Mods

  • nume
    nume Posts: 85


    It`s a curve. Depending at what point the blood analysis was taken: if it was at minimum, it will take about a week to get at 2.5. But if it was still going down, it takes some 10 days.

    I had 0 neutrophiles and it took less than a week.(At the time I was having infusions once every week and I had one treatment postponed. After the the next infusion I had Neulasta and the neutrophiles went up immediately. But Neulasta comes with side effects…

    Since the end of the chemo I never had any neutrophil drop.

    Take care, stay away from any potential infection and have LOTS of vitamin C(it helps). Hope it helped.


  • rahrah2023
    rahrah2023 Posts: 13

    Thank you so much for the advice. My doctor said at least a week off so I am scheduled for my next treatment this Friday. Will post the outcome after my appointment.

  • rahrah2023
    rahrah2023 Posts: 13

    Good news!

    Neutrophils are up from 1.2 to 2.9. I had my treatment today and have two more to go. Thanks for the advice. Will load up on vitamin c.

    Take care

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,840

    Great news, @rahrah2023!

  • cowgirl13
    cowgirl13 Posts: 788

    I had my chemo delayed for a week and no problem after that.

  • nume
    nume Posts: 85
    edited May 2023

    Happy to hear things are back to normal! It seems neutrophiles were already going up! (I know how scary and draining it is)


  • rahrah2023
    rahrah2023 Posts: 13

    Hello everyone,

    It’s been a while. I finished my treatment, had surgery mastectomy Monday July 17th and doing quite well. Pathology report came back all clear! On to the next step of healing. I had enough energy to do a 30 minute walk in my home 😁 Thanking God for getting through this. Just wanted to encouraged all in the fight to never stop fighting.