Need to hear from any long term grade 3 survivors

I am doing quite well and have gotten through all active treatment. The last step is my 3-D nipple tattoos. Anyway I am struggling a little right now. It's not bad but I could use encouragement. My original diagnosis was a grade 3, hormone positive tumor. No lymph node involvement and no LVI but that grade 3 haunts me nonetheless since it seems so many people have recurrences with them. Any long term survivors out there?
16 years here (the
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August 29th will mark seven years since my diagnosis. Not only was I grade 3, but I had five distinct kinds of cancer in seven tumors across both breasts. I also had micrometastes in one lymph node. Oh, and my Ki67 was And I'm still here.
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Thank you both so much. I needed to read that. May you both have many more!!
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I see that the rest of my post was cut off. I don't know if you did chemo, but chemo works best on the fast growing grade 3 cells; so if you did chemo, being grade 3 is actually a plus. No lymphnode involvement is also a very, very good thing! As is doing
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I did do chemo. 4 sessions of T/C and now I'm on lupron/letrozole. Doing fine physically. But still get nervous. One year out next week myself…..
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You should really, truly be fine. Plan something fun and out-of-the ordinary for next week (something is wrong with this won't let me put an exclamation point at the end of Celebrate....and I bet the parentheses symbol won't be at the end of this either
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Hello Kaynotrealname ~ I am also a grade 3 and can relate to that haunting feeling you’ ve described in regards to recurrence. You are not alone & I am sure there are many long-term survivors out there, who at one time or another felt the same way we do. It's comforting & inspiring hearing from the lovely people within the BC community, who responded to your post & shared. Wishing you all the best of everything always. 🤗
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Thank you, Hangin :) So much good luck sent your way, too!
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I just "celebrated" nine years out from beginning chemo back in 2014…. It gets easier as time goes by, though a recent ache in my left hip makes me nervous from time to time. My cancer was triple positive, and that kind of cancer typically recurs within the first five years after diagnosis. Once I passed the five year mark, I relaxed a bit more.
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Hello Kaynotrealname ~ Right back at you! I am toasting each & everyone of you with my morning coffee. Celebrating your milestones. Wishing you all the best of everything always. 🤗
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Congratulations, Elaine! I hope at some point I stop glancing over my proverbial shoulder.
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my sister is 13 years IBC 3C. Still going strong
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Love to hear it, Beach! Long may it last!
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I am 15 years out. Triple positive, to boot.
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I am 10 years out from triple positive.
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I got a notification for some comments and realized that I was on this thread a year ago :) Anyway, congratulations to the two of you! It's always wonderful to hear of long term grade 3 survivors. I'm not there yet, but I'm a hormone positive grade three year two survivor as of Friday :) Feeling great and healthy.