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Ghost and Other Phenomena: What's your Story?

sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
edited August 2023 in Humor and Games

I have had many in my life, not sure when the earliest occurred. Perhaps, the inner voice that cautions is the strongest in me. It's totally different than the right left angels talking to each other on our shoulders. It's the voice that says something different. Mine have always been short seriously abrupt messages. "No', "Leave it go". The messages are again abrupt. My reaction was always "Please, more info". But that inner voice, when I didn't listen, trouble followed. An example, intense feeling of an impending car accident for months. A near miss with nothing happening. My reaction was "Can we just get this over with?" Then on a day we were all supposed to go in the same car. My twin announces she'd like to take my son to the big toy store. Ordinarily, that would have been a discussion, let's do both. My inner voice said "leave it go". Shortly, my car was totaled. The hit was on the passenger side. Where they would have been. One example, so many more in a life time. I learned to listen.
What's your story? :)



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    @moderators Please, change title to "Ghost and Other Phenomena: What's your Story?"

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,788

    Done, @sas-schatzi! Thank you for starting this. It's a very interesting thing to discuss, and appreciate you bringing It up.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    I love this topic, as I have experienced similar things in my life. I think we all do, a kind of sixth sense!

    I would include "angels" in this, and I am not one who is a member of any established religion. I have been "warned" about a dog running in front of my car miles before it happened, and so many little things like that in my long lifetime. BTW, I didn't hit the dog with my car because the feeling caused me to slow down and be vigilant.

    The incident(s) that were most impactful in my life involved my deceased sister, who died of MDS after having breast cancer and non-Hodgkins Lymphoma at the same time.

    It had been almost 16 yrs since my first breast cancer Dx. I went for my mammogram after work, which for me was 3:00 as I worked in a school. I got there early and they took me back right away. I thought "great I will get home early" but that didn't happen. I didn't get home until 7:30 as my mammogram was fine, the US was not. (Dx later as ILC)

    *Back ground story: When I was first diagnosed in 2003 my sister gave me a small clear "stone" with a silver angel inside, a year before her diagnosis. I took that angel to all my appointments. It was with me on my surgery day, through all my chemo, and radiation treatments. it reminded me that no matter what, I was loved by so many! Years later, I had a student who was having a huge issue with anxiety. I told her about the angel stone and gave it to her to carry with her and remind her that no matter what, she was loved. I searched for years for another stone like that one and while I saw similar ones, not one like that!

    So, while I was waiting for my records to be copied, the nurse navigator came out and said she had something for me, she handed me a little box, inside was a velvet bag and inside the bag was an angel stone EXACTLY like the one my now deceased sister, had given me! I KNEW my sister was with me! I felt her presence so many times since them, especially when I was diagnosed for a third time in 2022.

    Call them ghosts, angels, whatever. These phenomena exist and I am glad they do!

  • katg
    katg Member Posts: 257

    I think this topic is all about coincidence or 6th sense as maveriecks Mom said. Yours is right on. How does that happen. 6th sense. A feeling and action on our part.

    Something odd that happened to me in my early 30's. I was coming home from work and stopped at a Grocery store as i usually did after work. As i left my car this man asked me a question from a car a couple of stalls away. I do not recall all he said, but he was asking me for some help. I began to feel a little bit uneasy and began walking backwards towards the store. As i moved that way he became more insistent. He said come back here! I was looking at his car and noticed someone hunkered down in the drivers seat. I told him I could not help and he may need to call someone or the police. He really got angry and said come here. I kept walking backwards and walked swiftly into the store. My 6th sense said something did not feel right. Get away from this guy.

    I went in the store shaking all over. I looked back minutes later and the car was gone. Is this how it happens? At the time, I was very fit. I lifted weights and according to my brother, I could lift what men could. I felt strong, but how easy might it be to be overpowered by a man.

    Years later, they publicized about a serial rapist who drove around with his lady as the driver. Was that him?? Or someone like him? A thief?

    Like many times in my life, a feeling can wash over me, that to me says 'focus". What do you see? It is not right.

    It was 34 years ago.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited August 2023

    @mavericksmom phew, my stomach dive bombed when you got to the new the paragraph with the nurse navigator bringing the box. No one knew, odds immense. Lovely. So, happy for you.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    @katg very very off the charts spookie. Glad you survived it. Certainaly, sounds like a planned abduction.

  • katg
    katg Member Posts: 257
    edited August 2023

    sas-schatzi…. It was so long ago, but i was completely unnerved, which is why I walked backwards to the store. I waited a long time till I left, going out with another customer to check my car. I went home a different way.

  • ctmbsikia
    ctmbsikia Member Posts: 776
    edited August 2023

    When I was a little kid I am pretty sure I saw my Aunt. She was my mother's youngest sibling who died in a car accident on an icy road at age 23. She stood Godmother for me at my baptism since my other Aunt who was supposed to had run off to New York City that weekend with some boy. That's what I was told years later. My Mom's other sister were super close. I spent many days and nights at their home, and one night that's where I saw her. She was very bright, angelic like, and boy was I glad that 1st experience was with a peaceful ghost.

    In my teen years I would get a bunch of deja vue feelings. Just a few words spoken that I had a sense of hearing before. Seeing something on the road that again, did I dream I saw this? Being in a place that also felt like I knew ahead of time that I would be there. Sometimes down to the clothes we were wearing. It was uncanny and I often wonder that these so-called people that claim to have a gift, maybe they're right. I don't know. It gave me chills and sub consciously I was able to shrug it off. Turn it off. It was starting to freak me out. Funny, in my old age now, I get absolutely nothing.

    The last time I ever felt anything or had a sense of someone telling me something was 30 years ago at my sons birth. I had gone in with broken water and no labor. Spent the night with no meds or anything, and the following day at shift change I was to be induced. IV was started about 8am and things were going well until I asked for the epidural. That Doc should have looked at my chart but instead asked a laboring woman how tall are you? I gave the wrong answer, like 1/2 a foot more than I was. Once injected my BP crashed to 80/50. I was given some O2 and while people were running in and out of the room something (not someone present) said "Don't shut your eyes" then it repeated. So, I listened and didn't shut my eyes. I did the best I could to deliver that kid by pushing when I was told even though I felt nothing clear up to my collar bone. The counteracting meds they gave me worked to get my BP back up, but I was scared for a few minutes. My son was starting to go into distress, but I kept pushing and he came out @ 12:40pm and he's fine. Turns 30 on the 29th.

    If I remember anymore, I'll be back.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited August 2023

    @ctmbsikia First paragraph, about seeing your aunt, Interesting seeing her, but their was no distress. I am no where knowing about anything on paranormal. But what I read in your description, is very happy loving environment—family &surroundings. Guessing all are gone now? Was it the loving environment your words say?

    Second paragraph, that's when my Deja Vue things started happening too. They still happen not as frequent. Hey, at my age 73 frequent can mean anything. My modis opperandi now is tomorrow maybe for stuff I don't want to do. Like take care of mail.
    But your descriptions of the deja vue with clothing etc. The deja vue, "I have been here before" I remember it's not been associated with happy thoughts. It was always a "warning" type thing. Like you said short message. Think "Thinness"
    I read a history of Celtic Christianity a couple decades ago. Celts covered Europe/Germanic area's driven back to Britain and the conquering etc. But as the story goes when the Romans went into Ireland, they didn't see much they wanted there. They left the Irish alone. The evangelization by St. Patrick brought Catholicism. The Pagans of Ireland believed in the "Thinness" between this world and the next. Catholicism preached the praying to God and the Saints. Therefore, they accepted Catholicism b/c it fit within their belief system.

    How it applies to this discussion is truly, I think there is thinness, and they do talk to us.

    Okay never —ever—-said it, There you go, on record

    On the third paragraph, shitty anesthiologist. Scared me though when you said you couldn't feel anything up to the collar bones. Tells me it was a spinal injection v an epidural injection, there's just millimeters between puncturing the epidural and puncturing the spinal column, but then the ability to push would have been impaired. But it wasn't, so something faulty in what I know.

    GREAT DELIVERY and YAY on the son.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited August 2023

    I have a story that is dark. Very dark. If i were able to put a view screen over it I would. So. stop reading if you can't handle dark.

    Do I start with the front story, story, or backstory. Backstory, thrifted a vibrating electric bed from the thrift. The president of the board donated it. As a thrifter and owner of the same manufactered bed at $1900. $125 was sweet. Story went he bought it for his mom and she passed. Key to bed history.

    My Dear Husband passed sleeping in this bed. He's had a horrible day, finally settled. Multiple Hospice staff in front room. I set up a comfortable chair for the aide to sit in that she could respond to anything. I was standing off her right side. Dear husband started flopping like a fish, then flipped out of the bed. There was no roll it was a flip. Poor Dear Husband on the floor and we both said at the same time "did you see that?" He was conscious, and talked him through how to raise himself. Previously taught him as he was > 300lbs. More details not germane. Key here was I have witnessed many seizure's as a nurse. This was not a seizure. Not Tonic/clonic. Even if someone says differnt a flip of a >300lb man out of the bed was something to see.

    We now have the backstory story, and the middle story, it now comes to my end story. Dear Husbands story was dark. Mine is off the charts. Have some more wine.

    The bedroom that this bed is in, was used by me and my SO who Imet several years later, but b/c of several construction projects was relegated to storage of everything that we could stuff in that room. That scenario of no use lasted several years. Finally, it was all cleared.

    One night, I had a couple of drinks, mellow. I walked into the room on the way to the BR, I got a overwhelming sense of happiness with the thought to crawl into the bed and just lay there and think of DH. Could have gone to the side of the bed but chose to crawl from the end. This is where it gets DARK. I felt a something on my shoulder and something on my hip. I was thrown to the floor. There was framing and marble strips material against the wall opposite the bed , but a few feet away. The framing and the marble came down with multiple slamming. I woke up with the stuff all over me. My major injury was to the neck, minor injuries from the slamming, but well remembered. Any other spot for the neck injury would have been critical. Had to clear away the stuff. First called someone that would have an idea of what just occurred. His word was Poltergist.

    Now someone being of a contrarian view, could say you had more than you think to drink and you fell into the construction materials. These materials even if fallen into were not at any angle that would cause them to fly on top of me. The marble was several pieces longest being 6 Ft. My falling into wouldn't make it flip. Had difficulty removing them at the time. Moved them again recently, had to have someone else move them. Even the smaller ones.

    Didn't go in that room for months except in full daylight, checked out exorcism, debated about junk yard, debated about selling. Couldn't just send it to the thrift, to send on the poltergist to some unsuspecting person. Couldn't send it just to the dump to have an evil at the dump. Latest thought is to advertise for sale " Blah, blah about the bed, can't guarantee the poltergeist will come with it . Now that is very bizarre. Ergo, a knowing person would purchase them.

    Guess that's where I need help. WTH do I do now .

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Sheesh had no clue I was going to create this topic but for a random statement on the Anger thread. Totally baring my close held secret of the last year since Mar 2022.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Okay another story, I started selling Real Estate about 1988. Did it for a few years. Explained to the prospective sellers about Disclosure. They look at each other and the wife says should we tell her? They declare they have a ghost. With the 20 questions the stories were clarified. I went back to the Real Estate office and presented it to multiple agents. First everyone laughed, but it was just when disclosure laws were enacted in Ohio and Ghosts weren't in the legislation. I was a newbie. I didn't get the listing. BUTBUTBUT right around that time there was a case in New England where buyers sued an Agent/ company/ seller for Non-disclosing that there was a ghost. I saw the follow up a year latter.

    The seller and agent lost the case. Damages were given to the buyer. The selling agent said after the verdict paraphrase " If we had known that there was so much interest in ghosts, we would have advertised it that way". Hence my question, what to do with the damn bed.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    @mavericksmom, @katg @ctmbsikia Mav wouldn't hyperlink hmm? Gals, I know you have more stories. It's like pringles.

  • serendipity09
    serendipity09 Member Posts: 769

    @sas-schatzi what a terrifying experience! I'd say the bed needs to go, making sure you do so in a respectful manner though. Sage? Holy water? Prayers? I don't know, but doing so in a way that will allow the spirit to not stay in your home.

    I have always been sensitive to spirits, not in a bad way and not all the time. I just know when there is one present.

    I'm not one to believe in coincidences, I believe in signs.

  • katg
    katg Member Posts: 257

    Great topic. I just want to say that a number of times. Super tired and out driving or doing this and that and not being focused, I do not remember all the instances, but i remember hearing, KATHY. I would turn around to see who was there and no one was there. I would then though focus on what was in from of me.

    I like to think that is my universal God keeping me focused.

    This a topic to come back to when we get those moments of clarity.

    The bed story was scary. Life brings crazy times.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Yes ladies, the bed story was and is scary. I'm sitting next to the room and I avoid it after dark. @serendipity09 I've resigned myself to getting rid of it. The how of the ridding is the question.
    New story: around 1970, i awoke in my bed at my parents home, a swirling cloud was over my twins bed. Then it was gone. Next morning when I should have headed back to my campus. I drove two hours to her campus. There had been a big campus altercation after a game. Sister Sue was in the middle of it. My guess is she sent me a signal. We both were weirded out.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,865
    edited December 2023

    I’ve always felt that I was a bit sensitive to the other side. Got few stories of my own to tell.

    When I was in grade school, we lived in a triple decker house, always hated the basement, got creepy vibes from it. Don’t know if anything happened there, but you couldn’t pay me enough to go in that basement. Just got a weird vibe from it, was glad we moved a year later.

    Sophomore year of high school, day before Valentine’s Day I felt out of sorts the whole day, like I felt something bad was going to happen. Sat down to lunch at school with some friends and before I could even take a bite of food, I got a sudden chill up my spine and I froze. My friends asked me what was wrong as I looked as if I was going to cry. Told them I had no clue what made me do that. Later that night while doing homework, my mom got the call that her parents had been in a bad accident on the way back from helping a family friend make funeral arrangements for her husband who had died the day before. Needless to say, my grandmother was badly injured but survived. My grandfather died as a result of his injuries from the accident. My stepdad saw the blood drain from my face and caught me as I almost fainted while bawling and saying that I had known that day something was terribly wrong.

    Another doozy of a story connected to the accident that killed my grandfather, but with a bit of a happy ending. In August of 2000, I went to spend two weeks with my grandmother for her birthday. First adult trip alone. A week into my vacation, she wasn’t feeling well, so after dinner and helping clear up from that, I said if she wanted to go to bed early, I would go over to visit with my aunt and cousin who lived across the driveway and watch tv. She was okay with that and so off I went. After watching a couple of movies and having a nice visit, I went back to my grandmother’s to go to bed. Just after I got into bed, I heard the stairs from the kitchen creaking. Where I was sleeping was right over the kitchen and I was thinking “Oh Crap! Someone’s broke in to my grandmother’s house and I have to defend both of us.” So I as I am reaching for my glasses and the stairs continued to creak, I see a head come up over the railing of the stairs. I was staring in shock at the sight of my grandfather turn in my direction, smile at me and continue on into the room he shared with grandma before he died. I guess it was his way of giving me a chance to say goodbye because only my mom and older sister were able to go to his funeral.

    Had a few experiences on Civil War battlefields. First time was at Gettysburg, was starting down the stairs from one of the observation towers there and heard what sounded like a cannonball striking the metal roof of the tower. I hurried down the remaining stairs as fast as possible to look up when I got down to where my now DH and I had parked to see nothing out of the ordinary. Had another experience at Lookout Mountain in Tennessee where there had been a brief battle on our honeymoon and heard voices on the hill to my left where there was no trail. My hubby was out taking pictures of what remained of the Confederate rifle pits and as he was taking pictures, he saw a face stating back at him but nothing showed up in the pictures!

    The night that I was in the hospital following my cancer surgery, as I was trying to sleep, I felt as if someone was patting my right shoulder as if to say everything was going to be fine. When my hubby and my mom picked me up, I told my mom about the incident and she said it was probably my Daddy coming to check on me as he had passed away when I was really young. She said he always did that every night before he went to bed and would always pat my right shoulder as I slept.

    Had a few others involving my late step-grandmother and my late older sister. So I think with all that I have experienced, there must be some truth to the paranormal.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    mommyof3, Yes the thinness. You have a gift.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    I got rid of the Poltergist bed. !!!!!!

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,865
    edited December 2023

    Awesome Sas!

    Another of my experiences involved my paternal grandmother. My Senior year of high school started with the knowledge that at some point knowing we were going to lose her as her health was declining. The last time I spoke to her, she thought I was still in grade school and was talking to my older sister. That really felt like a gut-punch but when I spoke to one of the nurses at the nursing home I was working at, she said it was normal and to not feel like I was forgotten. So a couple months go by and I was preparing to go on a trip to England with some other kids from school and my History teacher and her husband. By this time Gram was in a really bad decline and it looked like the end was coming soon. I debated whether to skip my trip or go, my entire family said that I should go as there was nothing I could do about Gram, so on Easter Sunday eve of 1993, off on my trip I went. My mom and stepdad had told me that if something had happened to Gram while I was on my trip they would not ruin my trip and call me, as they felt that was something Gram would not want for me. I boarded the plane with the unsettling feeling that something was wrong just like when my mom’s dad died and could not shake it. Try as I might sleep on the plane, I could not at first. At some point, over the Atlantic I finally fell into a relaxing sleep to all of a sudden be jolted out of my sleep and just staring at the seat in front of me with a blank look for several minutes. One of the other kids that was on the trip snapped me out of it and asked me what was wrong, told him I had a feeling something was wrong and I’ve had that feeling before.

    So after that the feeling went away and I had a total blast on the trip. The day we flew home the feeling returned. My parents had told me that since they saw me off at the airport, unless something had happened to Gram, they would meet me at the drop off spot for those on the trip to meet their families. As I stood in line to go through the arrival checkpoint, I look up and there were my mom and stepdad and I knew Gram was gone. I got through the checkpoint with no fuss and before they could say anything, I said “You don’t have to tell me Gram passed. I knew on the flight over.” Mom looked at me and nodded. I asked when and she said early on Easter Sunday. Again I confirmed it and said I knew the moment she passed as it jolted me awake. I was bawling my head off as my History teacher came over to find out what was wrong. My mom told her and she told my mom to keep me home the following day as I needed time to deal with the news and she would let the school know for my parents that I was out of school for that day and why. A few years after this I was told by my aunt the exact time that Gram had passed and it confirmed my suspicions about that night on the plane to England.

  • katg
    katg Member Posts: 257

    I love this story. Souls entwined and the universe or God saying I have her.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,865

    I was very close to my daddy’s mother. She always spoiled me and my siblings rotten!

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,865

    I’ve always had a feeling that my older nephews were gifted like me.

    Back story to this is my mom and sister married brothers, so my stepdad’s parents were grandparents to all of us kids, including my younger brother and sister. My stepdad’s parents treated me as if I was related to them not by marriage, but as if by blood. My grandma was always giving me grocery bags full of romance novels after she was done with them. My step-grandmother died unexpectedly four days after Christmas ‘99. The day of her funeral I wore a touch of the rose scented perfume she had given me that Christmas. A week after her funeral I came home from work and went to change out of my dingy work clothes, as I opened my bedroom door, I got hit with the smell of that perfume. I backed out of the room and closed the door, running downstairs to ask if anyone had gone into my room that day and got a firm “no”. I proceeded to ask my mom to see if she could smell anything. She went up and caught the same smell. She asked me if I had put any perfume on that morning before leaving for work and I said “no”. She told my stepdad and younger siblings it smelled like roses in my room. I told them I had worn that perfume to the funeral and they believed me. My stepdad said it was his mom’s way of letting me know she missed me.

    Well my nephews had experiences of their own after her death. My elder nephew swore he heard her calling his name many times and his younger brother would tell me that she would come to see him and sit with him until he fell asleep.

    My oldest niece had an experience when she was wearing a dress that was my step-grandmothers. I was visiting my sister’s family one night and my niece came into the room where we all were sitting. My brother in law had just came back in the room and stopped by where I was sitting near my niece as my sister took a picture of us. When she checked the picture out on her computer, it looked like there was the form of an angel in the background behind the three of us. I think my step-grandma came to make sure we all were okay.

  • threetree
    threetree Member Posts: 1,852

    Really like the idea of this thread. Had never seen it before and will look for it in the future. Interesting stuff.

  • ctmbsikia
    ctmbsikia Member Posts: 776

    Wow mommyof3 you do have the sensitivity! Thanks for sharing your experiences.

    Sas-glad the bed is gone!

    A few recent things. I distinctly heard my Dad's voice in just my right ear a few months ago. I can't remember what he said, I think just hello. In my older age, when I hear or feel something I quickly try to dismiss it although I do believe it happened.

    I lost my husband of 35 yrs. in 2020 (that God awful year) to cancer. I try to make light of all the vile things I have to do now and LEARN how to do in his absence. Just taking out the trash makes me angry. I tell family and friends that when I see him again, I am going to punch him square in the face. In short, I still have anger issues.

    So, my daughter was home last weekend. I was telling her that I found some mouse droppings in the cabinet under the sink, and one other cabinet. I should mention that I HATE mice. I told my husband that if I ever saw a rat in the house or anywhere, I would likely lose my mind on the spot, and he would have to take me away to a home never to return to sanity. I was serious. He used to tease me over the years catching a few mice with the normal snap traps -he just had to dangle those things in front of me before disposing of them.

    Anyway, I had to buy some traps. No way am I using those snap ones ever again. I actually researched different types and spent like $50.! I got an electronic one where I can dispose of it without having to see it. I told her that the light was on the trap which meant there was a mouse in there. I mustered up the courage the next morning to just empty it, however, when I opened the cabinet, the light was off, and sure enough nothing was inside. Later that day after we were doing some chores she said "Mom, do you smell that? It's holiday soup!" I walked right by her to put something away in the bedroom, and when I returned to the living room, WHAM! I clearly smelled it. The other morning when I was getting ready for work, I heard some banging in the attic space. Is he up there working on closing up entry from rodents? All week I've seen no evidence of mice, and the traps I have set are empty.

    Did he actually just take care of this for me? I sure hope so! I'm going to try and keep my courage up and straighten up in the cabinets and wipe them out before Christmas, so I'll report back if you want.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,865

    I think he’s taking care of it from the Great Beyond.

    My older sister loved Garfield, so she had pretty good sized Garfield collection. She was known as a prankster to all who knew and loved her, I had been the unwitting victim a couple of times. Although there was one time that I helped her with a prank she played on my brother in law once. When she died, my brother in law gave me a Garfield magnet of hers and one of her Garfield stuffed animals along with a little bit of her ashes sealed in a baby food jar. I put the stuffed Garfield and her ashes in my china cabinet where I could see it. On the shelf below in the corner, I had this Christmas mug that plays music when exposed to light. It was hidden in a corner that no light could get to set it off. A couple days after I had put these things in the cabinet and hubby was gone to work, the Christmas mug started playing by itself while I was folding laundry. I got up and walked over and it stopped the second I stood in front of the Garfield that was surrounding her ashes. So I returned to folding the laundry, and just as I was reaching for the last piece of laundry I needed to fold, the blasted mug started up again. I looked down at the piece of laundry I was holding and it was a Garfield t-shirt! I looked right at my china cabinet and hollered “Ok Sis!” and the cup shut off again and as it did I swore that I heard her laughing and called me the nickname I hated!

    She still comes to visit occasionally, like this morning just to let me know she’s still around. This morning she set off the blasted Christmas mug and I almost dropped my favorite coffee mug!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Ya'll have AMAZINg stories. These are stories that people don't tell b/c they would think us crazy. Okay update on the damn bed scenario. Yes, I got rid of it. All the particulars irrelevant. Poltergist still here. Story later. I got rid of bed that to replace would be perhaps 3k. Thankfully, it was thrifted @ 125. Just a plug for thrifting.
    The few days ago story, NO clue what the poltergeist direct experience was except for terror- running to the kitchen grabbing Sacred Heart picture and running to the couch. It was done. The minute I grabbed the pic. It was okay.
    The story about the Sacred Heart picture is incredible too. Moved in 1992, called local church to have the house blessed. They left a blessed picture of the Sacred Heart of Christ. The night after the blessing my son choked on a piece of steak. I did the whole Heimlich Ems activation thing. The second set and thrust worked. I have visual, auditory memory of the scenario. The next day, the open space on the kitchen wall the newly framed Sacred Heart pic went up. I know some discount a belief outside ourselves. But I don't.
    Now I again have to what to do with the evil in that room. Buggers.

  • shanagirl
    shanagirl Member Posts: 465

    I just came across this thread. I love the idea of these stories either 6th sense, angels or loved ones who’ve passed. I have angel crystals and healing stones that I keep on my night table nex to my bed that I believe hold vibrational healing vibes and connections to angels and hold our good intentions. I thought of that when I saw your story @mavericksmom. 🩵

    I have a story that happened during the weeks before I was diagnosed with Bone mets last January. I dreamed about my Grandmother, who I loved very much and passed away when she was 92. I was a young mother of 3 at the time, and I took it really hard, and grieved over her for a long time. All these years later I had a very vivid dream of her, and felt during the dream she was coming to me to let me know I would soon be joining her. When I awoke the next morning I told my husband that I believed she came to me to tell me I would die soon. I told my husband that I want to die before he does because I feel our kids and grandkids need him more than me😊😉. Then a few days later my oncologist called to tell me to come in for scans because my tumor markers had jumped high suggesting there were traveling tumor cells in my blood. I was then diagnosed with Stage IV bone mets the following week. I was sure I was going to die soon with Stage IV cancer and that’s why she came to me in my dream. Now I think about her all the time and wonder if my stable scans this year mean that my treatments will give me the extra years to live long like my grandmother did. So now I wonder if she came to me in that dream to let me know I won’t die right away after my diagnosis but will have years ahead of me. 🤷‍♀️I wonder.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Oh @shanagirl Your post brought tears to my eyes! I definitely think she visited you to let you know you will live much longer! Isn't it funny how our "angels" visit us? My sister-in-law passed away right after Christmas. She had a terrible disease, Inclusion Body Myositis, which affected her ability to swallow. I saw her last in the fall and she looked great but was on feeding tubes. Very sad, especially since she was an amazing cook, as well as quilter, seamstress, school librarian, gardener, wife, mother of two beautiful daughters, and five loving grandchildren.

    After the funeral, at the luncheon, I spoke with her oldest daughter and she told me a story of how after her mother passed, she and her dad were in the car and an eagle, which is rare to see where they live, circled their car, and "carried on" in front of them to a point that it definitely seemed to be trying to get their attention. Then a few days later, the eagle appeared to them again, in a similar way. Someone told her that the eagle is a sign of a person transitioning from earth to heaven. She said she totally felt her mother's presence!

    I can't prove there is a "heaven" awaiting us after we die, I don't even think about it, but I DO know that there is something because I FELT my sister's presence multiple times and like your grandmother, I KNOW she still exists in a different form. Knowing that allows me to focus on "living in the moment." I just try to appreciate each day I share with the people I love and those who I cross paths with.

    Thank you for sharing your inspirational story about your grandmother. Nice way to start a day!

  • shanagirl
    shanagirl Member Posts: 465

    @mavericksmom I so agree with you. I feel in my soul that there are many dimensions that surround us with many portals and vibrational energies that envelope our earth and our own spark within can interact with those higher vibrational dimensions. .My oldest daughter had a very close relationship. With her grandmother also. My mother. My daughter feels my mother comes to her often in the form of a blue jay visiting her. My mother always wore a blue jay pendant necklace and my daughter was fascinated with it. I also feel that there are very low vibrational entities that can feed off of our negative vibrations and that’s why I always try to stay in a more positive state of mind and state of being.Vibrational entities that feed off negative vibrations are low dimensional entities fee off the 3rd Dimensional state of energy that emanates with chaos, rage, fear, hate, violence and mental depravity… I believe our penial gland which gives us our. 6th sense, and higher vibrational forethought Is what protects us from the lower entities that thrive on negative vibrations. I can even feel when a lower vibed person approaches me. Our higher state of vibration within our own penial gland (third eye , 6th sense , intuition, etc) is what helps read a lower negative person who’s state of being allows these lowered entities feed off their energies and can actually bring down my own vibrational high. Oh well, I tend to get into deep thought in this regard. But explained simply is how my own positive energy and positive vibrational being can be described this way.
