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Fentanyl nausea

kariz Member Posts: 17

Dears, how are you dealing with fentanyl nausea?

The patch (smalledst dose patch) gave me the most horrible nause and vomiting I had in my life, way worse than chemo, had to remove the patch after a few hours.

The pills form didn’t cause such crippling reaction, but still caused nausea and vomiting.


  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,267

    Nausea and vomiting are common SEs of both the fentanyl patch and pills. I ended out switching to hydromorphone (Dilaudid) tablets which worked well and caused constipation that could be dealt with. The theory is that the patch is not ingested so it won't affect your stomach but in my case fentanyl seems to have the same effect however it gets into my system.