It it safe to take L-glutamine?

Hi, my mom is recently diagnosed with ER/PR + , HER2 – cancer that has spread to lymph nodes. Stage still unknown due to unknow how many lymph nodes are involved.
She started her first chemo. Her doctor says it is safe to take L-glutamine during chemo treatment to help with mouth sore, gut lining and improve immune system. However, I checked many websites that states L-glutamine will give cancer cell energy and cancer cell will grow faster on L-glutamine. So cancer patients need to be careful when taking L-glutamine.
We don't know what to do? Please share with your experience with me whether your doctor recommend L-glutamine or not. If it is recommended, how much do you take daily?
Thank you.
Hi @sunshine888 , Anyone can publish websites and some are more accurate than others. Your mother's doctor is the best source of information for her specific situation. Below is a link to Memorial Sloan Kettering's online integrative medicine information. They are a reliable resource and they agree with her doctor. I hope her chemo doesn't cause too many uncomfortable side effects.