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Starting Chemo November 2023?

A place for the November chemo sisters to gather and support each other! Please share your start date, regimen, side effects, and tips for others here.

For inspiration and what to expect, see the Starting Chemo Sept 2023 thread.

Good luck with your treatment — we're all here to support you!


  • radtchr06
    radtchr06 Member Posts: 4
    edited November 2023

    Hi to everyone,

    I’m Anita

    I’m introducing myself as I begin treatment today. Taxotere and Cytoxin, four rounds. It feels good to be in the presence of you all- the ones that understand.

    I had surgery in October. I made the decision to remove both breast’s. I’m triple negative and Stage I, ductal. Although everything was surgically removed with no metastasis to lymph nodes- they wanted to be safe by adding the chemotherapy treatment. I think the grade makes a difference?

    This is my second breast cancer diagnosis. Two completely different types in the same breast and 18 years later. I’m on top of my mammograms and feel grateful to catch it early. A lot has changed in 18 years regarding treatment and care. I’m learning more each day.

    Thank you for letting me share and I will do my best to keep up with you. Sending prayers to all of you for comfort.

    Anita 💕

    (Edited by Mods to remove user's last name from the post. We strongly recommend not posting personal information on a public forum, for your own privacy and security.)

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558

    Hello, Anita!

    Starting treatment can be a mix of emotions, but yes, being in the company of others who understand can be really helpful, so welcome to the November chemo group!

    Besides this, you might also be interested in these topics and discussions:

    Second or Third Breast Cancer, for those confronting a new primary diagnosis or undergoing treatment.

    Helpful links about Triple-Negative Breast Cancer

    Hope this helps, and good luck with the treatment. We'd love to hear how you're doing. Come back soon.

    The Mods