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Courage to Stay Positive Through Chemo and Surgery Decisions

I’m off to round 4 of Tchp tomorrow. I’m feeling overwhelmed and anxious about the long day ahead. Needing a bit of encouragement this morning. Also meeting with surgeon on Thursday to decide between single mastectomy plus lumpectomy or double mastectomies. I have two kinds of cancer one in each breast. The past five months have been a lot but I have three more Tchp before surgery. Thank you for any encouragement and advice.


  • I gather from your chemo regimen you are Her2 positive. I am too, but I did THP as my MO didn't think I needed the carboplatin. She offered it to me if I wanted it. You are at the hump, where finishing feels like an insurmountable task. Once you get on the downhill slope, you will realize that you can make it. I also had 2 different types of breast cancer but both tumors were in my left breast. I chose a double mastectomy (prophylactic for the right side) without reconstruction. I wanted symmetry, and I wanted to reduce my chances of dealing with another cancer developing on the contralateral side. I know it's rare, but my situation is already rare, so I figured it was more likely for me than the usual odds.

    Her2 Positive is a long treatment plan, but you can do it! Hugs!

  • Thank you for sharing your experiences.