Neuropathy treatment at home

Hello, I’m taking care of my mom so I’m wondering if someone can guide…
she is patient of breast cancer reoccurrence. Hertue positive. And chemo is TC (every 3 weeks)
she is wearing cold gloves & socks during the chemo treatment. But I was wondering is it helpful to wear them at home everyday or every other day before her next chemo to help her with neuropathy issue? Instead of just doing the cold therapy the day of chemo…
any recommendation? Thank you
I am sorry to hear of your mother’s diagnosis. Many folks choose to ice their hands and feet to lessen/prevent neuropathy but I have never heard of anyone icing after or between infusions. Perhaps someone who has more information on this will post. You mention hertue positive . Did you mean HER2+? I think that may be what you’re referring to.
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I am Her2 positive and iced my hands and feet during chemo to prevent neuropathy. I did get some mild numbness in my toes and 2 fingers, but nothing serious. My understanding is that the cold constricts the blood vessels, thus preventing the chemo from reaching your extremities during the infusion. I don't think it would have any effect between infusions, but your mom should ask her doctor to be sure.
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Hi @sukhbrar,
We just wanted to check in on you since you first joined to make sure you'd seen the responses above from our helpful members.
In addition, we thought you might find this article helpful:
We hope this helps and that your mom is doing well through treatment!
—The Mods
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Thank you both for sharing info :)