MRI found something, can't get biopsy until 1/3

Hi All,
New here. Underwent breast MRI due to genetic testing coming back negative (strong family history) but personal risk being at 25%. Received this report:
FINDINGS:Right breast MRI: The background parenchymal enhancement is moderate. The breast composition is heterogeneous fibroglandular tissue. No abnormal enhancement or lymphadenopathy. Left breast MRI: The background parenchymal enhancement is moderate. The breast composition is heterogeneous fibroglandular tissue. Linear nonmass enhancement in the upper outer left breast measuring 1 cm (image 1:30 of axial series) demonstrates mixed kinetics warrants additional evaluation with MRI guided biopsy. IMPRESSION:Linear nonmass enhancement in the upper outer left breast warrants additional evaluation with MRI guided biopsy. *If MRI is recommended by the Radiologist, a separate order from the referring physician or primary care physician for MRI imaging will be needed. BI-RADS Category 4: Suspicious Findings - Biopsy Should be Considered
I am very concerned and have tried calling to move appointment up but no luck with cancelation yet. A friend in the medical field said the "mixed kinetics" gave him pause but couldn't explain it in a way I could understand. Can anyone translate this for me?
Terrified in DC
When it comes to these things, we all want the tests/biopsies done yesterday! Two things to keep in mind:
Most (the majority) of birads 4 findings are benign. About 66-77% will yield benign findings.
If you're worried about the negative effects of waiting, please know the breast cancer is generally very slow growing and is almost never considered an emergency. Things will not grow/spread /escalate in these next few weeks and not worsen any long term prognosis IF you have bc. Estimates are, for those who have been dx’ed, that the cancer has been growing for at least 5 years before it was even large enough to be detected, so waiting a few short weeks for a biopsy would not compromise your health.
I know that you just want to move forward and get some definitive answers. Most of us have been in your shoes so patience and distraction will be your friends over the next few weeks. Keep pursuing the cancellation list too.Take care.
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Hi @dcanalyst , and welcome here. Great answer from exbrxgrl. The waiting is always VERY difficult. All that is really hard to understand without the biopsy. We hope you can get your appointment soon for peace of mind!
Gentle hugs, The Mods
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I found a lump in 2018. The mammogram and ultrasound-guided biopsy confirmed the lump was cancerous. They also gave me an MRI to see if there were other areas of concern. The MRI found a large area of non-mass enhancement in a different location within the same breast. My surgeon showed me the MRI scan. There was an area about the size of a quarter that was red and yellow whereas the other part of my breast was dark gray in color. She explained that the red and yellow indicated an area of increased blood flow within my breast. Increased blood flow is associated with rapidly growing cells, which might be cancerous. I had an MRI-guided biopsy for the area of non-mass enhancement. In my case, the area of enhanced blood flow was due to atypical hyperplasia (pre-cancerous).
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Hi dcanalyst. You will be fine with the January 3rd date. It was 21 days after seeing my breast surgeon that the MRI biopsy was preformed and then another 3 weeks for surgery. Exbrnxgrl gave you great advice, the same advice I got from my surgeon. Also, my MRI breast biopsy was painless! I did ask for a sedative to relax me. It helped tremendously. She prescribed Diazepam. I was instructed to take one hour before the biopsy.