Changing chemo drug

sukhbrar Posts: 9

Hello, my mom is currently going thru chemo. She had her first chemo few weeks ago “TC”. And she ended up going to ER, admitted in the hospital because of colitis.

per the oncologist, chemo caused the colitis. Now she is giving us two options either stick to taxotere but less dose (every 3 week) or change to taxol (weekly)

anyone any suggestion on what to pick?

or any experience related to this?


  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Posts: 5,372


    I have no advice on the chemo issue (yup, stage IV and never had chemo!). May I suggest that you ask the moderators to consolidate the two identical threads you’ve started? That way, all the feedback will be in one place and those who post can read what others have posted without having to toggle between two threads. Wishing your mother all the best.,

  • Hi!

    I did weekly Taxol. It is supposed to be Taxotere's gentler cousin. It did give me diarrhea, which I managed with Imodium. Also, it made food taste funny so it took a while for me to find items that I could eat. Personally, I found it more tolerable the Adriamycin + Cytoxan, which gave me quite a bit of brain fog.

    Your Mom will probably have to take some steroids prior to infusions. Steroids make it difficult to sleep. My MO prescribed me Ativan for steroids night so I could get some rest.

    Good luck to you both!

  • Sukhbar,

    What is your mom ER/PR/Her2 status, and is the cancer still local? This info has relevant to taxol or taxotere and in-turn time in between cycle.

  • She is Her2 positive & it’s behind her chest (front of her heart). It’s not spreading (yet). Her first chemo was TC & she got sick with colitis. It’s every 3 week. Taxol will be every week. Or Lower dose of taster every 3 weeks

  • My mom is debating between weekly (9more to go) or every 3 week (3 more to go). But good to know about steroids, thank you for sharing

  • nnguyen
    nnguyen Posts: 52
    edited December 2023

    Perhaps pick the 3 weeks option at lower taxotere dose for less toxicity and time for her body to recover, less traveling time, less exposure to other illness from being in the clinic weekly.

    Has she received the regimen Trastuzumab (Herceptin) and Pertuzumab (Perjeta) , or Trastuzumab and something else (usually a taxane)?

  • I agree. Weekly chemo seems alot when she is already going thru mentally.

    and no, so far it’s just TC and then phulphila injection (for 5 days).

  • >so far just TC
    Strange, trastuzumab based regimen has been a first line standard of care for HER2 positive BC for several years now. Unless your mom has a heart condition that is contraindicate for trastuzumab or ???

    Have you thought about getting a 2nd opinion?