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Starting Chemo January 2024? Gather here for support!

If you're scheduled to begin chemotherapy this month, join and share here for support. Please share your diagnosis, planned chemo regimen and start date, so we can all support you as you navigate treatment — we're all here for you!


  • I am tentatively scheduled to start TCHF on 1/15. I am stage 2a Hormone Neg, Her2 POS. I’m terrified to be honest. My heart starts pounding just thinking about chemo. I am to have a treatment every three weeks for 18 weeks (6 total).

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,829

    Hi @djschmidt1, thank you for sharing this. It can be nerve wracking starting treatment. Outside of the forums, do you have anyone that you've been able to confide in for emotional support?

  • Yes my sister in law in Tx has been through all of it, so she is helping me. I also just signed up to talk to a local cancer counselor in a few weeks.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,829

    That's wonderful to hear. It's admirable that you are seeking support from multiple sources. Remember that we're here for you as well whenever you may need it. You're not alone!

    The Mods

  • I think the anxiety and the waiting have been the worst of it. Got my first infusion yesterday morning…feeling a bit achy, but so far not any worse than a flu. Really hoping it stays this way!

  • well I am one week out from first treatment (TCHF) and its been a really rough week. I’m really hoping that I can get some relief when I see the dr tomorrow because it’s been hard. My side effects are almost too much to list, starting from my mouth to my intestines, it’s been pretty miserable. I was planning to work but definitely not going to be able to manage on chemo weeks if not beyond. Fingers crossed he an help me tomorrow.