Complex sclerosing lesion aka radical scars

Hi everyone my story starts out like this in 2017 I had my first mammogram for spontaneous nipple discharge which ended up being clear but my dr wanted me to have them yearly since my moms mom and her sister both had breast cancer. Well being young at the time I didn’t keep up yearly. The next I had was 2019 which came back clear, then in 2022 I had one again and it showed microcalcifications in a cluster birads 3, so I waited and had another one in 2023 still microcalcifications but they were increasing a biopsy was recommended so I went forth with the stereotactic biopsy. Pathology showed complex sclerosing lesion, columnar cell change, usual ductal hyperplasia etc no atypia and no malignancy. My breast surgeon recommended lumpectomy to remove the radical scar since they can hide cancerous cells. So here I am one week til my lumpectomy and very nervous 37 year old mom of 3! I also have been scheduled for the Scout procedure Thursday few days before surgery. If anyone has anything to share about experience with radical scars and the procedures I would greatly appreciate it. I am also one year post op a hysterectomy ovaries still remain, for hyperplasia, endometriosis and other things.
Hello @charchar8, and welcome to! We're so glad you've joined our community, we hope you find it to be a place of support and information.
Given your recent diagnosis of a radial scar and upcoming lumpectomy, you might find our article on radial scars helpful. It provides information about what radial scars are and treatment options. Feel free to check it out here:
You may also want to join our February Surgery Support Group to connect with others who are going through similar experiences as you navigate your upcoming procedures.
Hope this helps. Good luck with everything and keep us updated on how you're getting on.
The Mods