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Starting Chemo March 2024 Support Thread



  • rlschaller
    rlschaller Member Posts: 190

    Hi gals, Infusion day, day 8 of cycle 2 of Trodelvy went smoothly today , then 2 weeks off til I start cycle 3. My wbc is better, only need one injection this weekend of zarxio. And the rash has faded. Feel sleepy from the Benadryl, but fine. The main mass continues to lessen and shrink, the breast is no longer hard but jiggly….and the skin nodules fading, no longer a surface issue with blisters.All moving on the right direction so far . If all goes well I simply stay on this, which so far I can manage.

    MO did not feel I needed a PET scan at 3 month marker again since her physical exam of the breast shows such improvement. She is not worried about the cervical dot /lesion on the last scan or other progression in the body right now. I was surprised, but she said that as I was leaving for treatment so need to discuss in 2 weeks. I just started working with her, as my former MO left the practice I go to. She’s been in the field over 40 years and I trust her, but need to understand what standard of care she is following, whether the tiny dot on my cervical spine (which is inconclusive for cancer) is not an issue to watch. Clearly the breast is healing, but still I need clarity. More to come on her thinking…. And mine!

    Thinking of you @luzio19130 and @margesimpson - no need to post, just sending you both heartfelt positive vibes , care and healing for your next steps.

  • rlschaller
    rlschaller Member Posts: 190

    Had my cycle 2 day 8 infusion of Trodelvy and now am officially through 2 full cycles. No rash yet, fingers crossed! I did loose all my hair though… in a matter of 4 days lol. 😂 so glad I’ve been through that before with other treatments last year, or I would have been shocked. I had grown attached to my heart once it grew back, but am happier that the Trodelvy is shrinking the tumors in a major way, and clearing the local advanced disease on my skin . So far so good. We’ll see of course over time, but right now am grateful for the Trodelvy as it’s working. And am happy to share that I went to this amazing hair salon here in NYC called Bits N Pieces, and was fitted with an amazing wig. I feel beautiful and it looks fabulous ( if I say so myself) . Like having choices.

  • margesimpson
    margesimpson Member Posts: 72

    @rlschaller thanks for your update, I can’t believe how fast the hair fell out- I had heard people say they were bald by the second cycle! It sounds like you’re taking it really well!

  • rlschaller
    rlschaller Member Posts: 190

    @margesimpson I so wanted to be able to keep my hair honestly, but I was prepared for it, which made it easier. And I love my wig ! How are you doing?

  • margesimpson
    margesimpson Member Posts: 72

    I’m just cruising along! I seem to have at least one week a month where I crash and feel terrible for a week, I’m coming out of it now. In time for my needles tomorrow. I also have a meeting tomorrow to see if I’ll be eligible for home supports (cleaning etc) I should have applied months ago.

  • rlschaller
    rlschaller Member Posts: 190

    I’m glad you are cruising along and feeling better. Fingers crossed for your home supports meeting 🙏❤️

  • rlschaller
    rlschaller Member Posts: 190

    Hi gals, finished cycle 3 of Trodelvy today. Im finding it to be easier than my past chemo regimens. And I know everybody manages it differently, it’s such a mystery. I know / read of 2 gals who were on it for 1/12 - 2 years, one is still going with it, and the other switched as it stopped working. And for some 3 months when it stops working… trying not to project a future that is based on others past. Day at a time, joys to create and grateful for each breath. Smiling breaths! And meditation on impermanence are the orders of my day Lol….Right now it’s been smashing down the breast tumor and cervical spine Mets, so we’ll see what the PET scan says. I go tomorrow! Wish me luck I’ll keep you posted. Hope everyone is safe during hurricane / tropical storm Debbie here on the east coast. - Rhonda

  • luzio19130
    luzio19130 Member Posts: 8


    I'm happy you are responding well to the Trodelvy. I lasted only 3 months before I needed the break, but the scan showed it worked on my lymph nodes. I hope you get good results from your scans.
    I just started a course of radiation that will be five days a week for six weeks. Day three and all is well. As I lie on the table beneath the moving radiation machines twirling overhead, I think about Marie Curie and how medical pioneers like her made this treatment possible. Since I have no other options at this point I am grateful.
    Sorry that I don't always respond to these posts. My mood is variable at best!


    P. S. Schwarber just hit a home run 🤗

  • rlschaller
    rlschaller Member Posts: 190

    Michele, I love the Marie Curie analogy, great image actually. And the gratitude to those with the wisdom to bring us these choices for healing. I will add you to meditations for healing, I hope it works for you. No worries about posting, as it feels right for you, and I it feels supportive. If not, silence is good too. As a NY Mets fan .. let’s not talk about this season, I’ve always rooted for the Phillies too. And a Schwarber home run is a stand up and cheer moment. Maybe we should start a baseball thread in the lifestyle section of the forum? I just might… nice to talk about things that are fun and joyful ie non cancer stuff too! Warmly, Rhonda

  • rlschaller
    rlschaller Member Posts: 190

    Hi gals, starting cycle 4 of Trodelvy tomorrow, 2 months on this treatment. Still getting rashes but it’s mild and I can deal with it. No other side effects. Will meet with my MO to review my PET scan results tomorrow. She called me last week to say they see inflammation or infection in at my stomach from the PET scan, the radiologist called her to point it out. Perhaps colitis but I have no symptoms.. no nausea, no diarrhea , no belly pain either.. so they are confused. MO made an appt for me to see a gastroenterologist next week and wants me to have an endoscopy to check it out. She didn’t say anything else about the PET and I was too surprised about the inflammation / infection news to ask , so I’ll find out tomorrow. Otherwise the tumors seem to be melting so far, from physical exam, and the skin continues to clear. I hope it continues this way , seems to be moving in the right direction, From the Trodelvy thread it seems it works for up to a year or two, we’ll see. Spirit is good and I’m happy . Hope all is well with all of you.

  • chantal10
    chantal10 Member Posts: 34

    Hi all! I have been on this mets journey awhile now and my next line of treatment will be Trodelvy. Does anyone have experience with keeping their career going while on it? I also have 2 very active teenagers to keep up with. I am just crushed that I need to begin this Chemo journey again. Thanks all. I am feeling scared and hopeless really. I'll snap out of it but I am having a moment.

  • rlschaller
    rlschaller Member Posts: 190

    @chantal10 understandable that you are feeling scared and so sorry that feelings of hopelessness are present too. I hear you. When I had to start chemo again in January, and with Mets to deal with as well, I was shocked. I started on Enhertu, and Then when Enhertu stopped working in June, and my next line of treatment was Trodelvy I was scared too. It takes time to get your mind and heart around being on treatment and then having to change treatments, deal with moving onto the next one, so much uncertainty. Let yourself have as many moments as you need, and then yeah.. move forward with what you can do. And know we are in your pocket with hugs and support.

    I work full time, I have a very active career and am super busy. I work 9-5, also teach and run a research project . My side effects are minimal, though others have different experiences. I do have to manage low WBC with injections after the infusion which I administer at home, and have some constipation issues but I just discovered stool softeners lol…and they work wonders . Occasional rash, but I have a cream and take antihistamines . All manageable. My fatigue has been very minor, just mild “off” feeling for a morning , feels like I’m walking through water, but it passes quickly. I just started traveling for work too, and that’s going well so far. So with that said, I’m loving Trodelvy. Only Two months in, but it’s working well, my PET scan showed favorable partial response, my tumor has shrunk from 9 cm to 6cm, and the Mets at my cervical spine are gone.

    I love my job and my projects continue to grow and provide a lot of meaning, and Trodelvy has not interrupted my career at all.

    I hope this helps. - Rhonda

  • rlschaller
    rlschaller Member Posts: 190

    hi all, update on my PET scan. Good news the Mets at my cervical spine have all resolved, and the breast tumor has lessened so onward. Favorable partial result. Grateful no progressions this time. 🙏 happy Friday.