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Starting Chemo April 2024 Support Thread



  • lbn2222
    lbn2222 Member Posts: 42

    @grammie2 hope you get some more rest and side effects stay manageable! Hugs back at you!

  • chickenlovva
    chickenlovva Member Posts: 58

    @lbn2222 LOL, lots of hormones going on with them, and a lack of mine so it can get pretty intense! I'm glad your second treatment went well! Sending hugs and love!

    @grammie2 I'm sorry you're so tired but glad the SEs aren't too horrible! Praying they stay mild for you and all of us! I'm dreading my second round next week I was soooo tired for days.…I'm going to ask about something for the headaches I had this time and maybe something other than Zofran which could have been the cause.

    Anyone else get random bouts of mild nausea days after? I do once in a while. I don't eat regularly like I used to either. So weird

    Hugs to you all! Love from MN!

  • halyy2024
    halyy2024 Member Posts: 36 so happy to hear that! What wonderful news

    todays been a hard day. Cold capping doesn’t seem to be working, the shedding will not stop and my capper that I hired said he hasn’t had any client have shedding for this long. As it’s shedding it’s getting tangled so badly that I’ve had to cut pieces out that I can’t comb through. It is so time consuming and draining. On top of that I feel very fatigued, nauseous, and achy today. I’m mentally and physically exhausted and so tired of all this…I can’t believe we still have months left to go. I can’t even remember what things were like before the cancer diagnosis. Ughhh….perhaps tomorrow will be better. Sorry for venting.

  • lbn2222
    lbn2222 Member Posts: 42

    @halyy2024 so sorry to hear you're having a tough time. All of this IS exhausting - please be gentle with yourself.

    I am definitely questioning whether the cold capping is worth it. Maybe it would be easier to shave my head and get it over with rather than stressing about the constant shedding. I feel like my hair (and emotions) are so fragile. My oncologist is encouraging me to keep going with it. I'm trying to reframe for myself that I am protecting the hair follicles for the long term and helping myself with regrowth. Don't know whether that helps you but sharing the things I'm hanging on to.

    Happy Mother's Day to you and to all the mom's on our thread! Hope we all get a boost today.

  • grammie2
    grammie2 Member Posts: 210

    @chickenlovva thank you! I'm just not sleeping well and waking way too early. Got a nap in today and feel much better. I haven't had to take Zophran thankfully. But I think Neulasta is giving me some muscle aches today. Had to take Tylenol along with the Claritin.

    @halyy2024 so sorry to hear about the struggles. It's frustrating when you try to be proactive and try to prevent some of the bad stuff these drugs cause.

    I am only doing the hands and feet icing to prevent neuropathy and nail damages. I didn't try the cold capping. I'm worried about my hair never coming back. It was after my first treatment that I realized that was a good possibility. Ugh.

  • chickenlovva
    chickenlovva Member Posts: 58

    @grammie2 I hope you can get some sleep tonight!

    And Happy Mother's Day to everyone on here as well! We are all beautiful super troopers!

  • halyy2024
    halyy2024 Member Posts: 36

    @lbn2222 right there with you with the capping struggles! Gonna try and push through for the regrowth

    @grammie2 its rare that it would cause permanent damage, I wouldn’t stress about that I’m sure it will grow back!

    Happy Mother’s Day to all of you mommies on here 💖

  • sarahjunefox
    sarahjunefox Member Posts: 58

    It feels like most people are doing 4 rounds of TC on this thread, I wonder why I'm doing 6?! I'm trying not to dislike my oncologist but she is really cold and clinical and I really didn't gel with her. My surgeon was an absolute dream, he took ages explaining everything to me and never rushed me or made me feel stupid. My oncologist is literally the polar opposite. Sigh.

  • Member Posts: 230
    edited May 13

    hi @sarahjunefox. I’m doing 6 rounds of TCHP, once every 3 weeks, before surgery or anything else. I’m in the lobby for my first appt now. Ready to do this! (If for no other reason than I skipped my coffee, because caffeine before chemo seems like possibly not a good idea, so I erred on the side of caution. But I’m really looking forward to them telling me if/when I can have my coffee.)

    I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother’s Day weekend! 💕

    And I hope everyone is feeling much better— I hope you got some sleep, @grammie2 , and that everything went well, @lbn2222, and that your scalp isn’t too sore, @halyy2024. I’m still so sorry about your hair 😔

  • grammie2
    grammie2 Member Posts: 210 said a prayer for your first treatment!!

    @sarahjunefox I'm the same as We are HER2+ and the protocol for that is 6 rounds of TCHP.

  • Member Posts: 230

    thank you, grammie!

    One chemo session on the books and DONE. The WBC med wasn’t done through insurance yet, so I may have to go back, if it happens in the next day or so, or skip it until next time. Otherwise, I’m bracing myself, waiting to feel a side effect. I came home and had my coffee and half of a high protein chicken wrap….. still nothing. So far, so good. My body seems to be accepting it all well.

    I feel relieved I’m going to be able to do this— I keep waking up at like 3 or 4 AM from dreams about having anaphylactic shock and not being able to take the chemo, and cancer cells exploding to other areas like the Big Bang. This is the first step to mitigating all of that.

  • grammie2
    grammie2 Member Posts: 210 that's great that it went well!! I know what you mean about the reactions. I was nervous about that too, but made it through the second one without any major issues and you will too!!

    My concern is my tumor not shrinking. I've heard people say that theirs is gone after two or three treatments and that is the desired reaction. I don't think mine has shrunk very much after 2. I think they will do an ultrasound after the 3rd to see though.

  • Member Posts: 230

    I’ve read sometimes it takes a few rounds. Then the surgery removes it, and the radiation mops up any strays. I know what you mean though. I would like to see total eradication and annihilation in a major good way. I hope you see great progress when they do a second look.
    They have me on the books for a breast and axillary ultrasound on 5/22 already. Seems very odd… I can’t imagine any change that fast. My affected area is HUGE. I guess, if I can see it as least hasnt grown any, I can get peace of mind, and that would be gold.

  • grammie2
    grammie2 Member Posts: 210 mine too. I'm Stage IIB as well. And that's good they are already doing the US!!!

  • Member Posts: 230

    Oh boy. Here we go! Been up since 1AM with some pretty substantial stomach bloating and cramping. I popped 2 Imodium. Laying here hoping that was the right call and I don’t actually need senecot instead. The verdict is still out and I’m afraid to relax and go back to sleep because I do not trust my stomach right now! 😂 Not that these rolling pains will probably let me sleep!

  • grammie2
    grammie2 Member Posts: 210

    Oh no @Baileyboo . I hope you are feeling better and got some sleep!!

  • Member Posts: 230
    edited May 14

    So I chose my OTC remedy well! I am better because I am not in that pain now. But there are lasting new issues! Good Lord, thank God I work from home.
    My son, on Mother’s Day, was like, how long before you’re turning into Mom-Mom, sharing poop-related horror stories with all who will listen? We’re already getting there, buddy, already getting there! She was not technology savvy at all and had no group to ask and commiserate with. This would be terrifying without you all! She only had people in waiting rooms. She did this alone for 4 yrs with multiple myeloma until she told us she was terminal. That woman has renewed strength and bravery in my eyes every day. It’s will get me through this first side effect with humor and grace.

  • grammie2
    grammie2 Member Posts: 210

    I totally agree about this group!!! I'm so thankful for it! And glad you are not in pain now!!!

  • halyy2024
    halyy2024 Member Posts: 36 yay congrats on your first treatment being done! The first one gave me so much anxiety. I also had the stomach cramps! I have them now from the second treatment I got a few days ago. Last time they subsided after a week, hoping that’s the same for you.

  • Member Posts: 230

    oh, thank you! That’s great to know info!!
    I hope it’s not too much worse for your round 2 and beyond, and I hope you feel better soon ❤️

  • halyy2024
    halyy2024 Member Posts: 36 thanks 🩷 you’re too sweet

    Is anyone experiencing random dizzy spells? I get randomly woosy, and the room spins and there’s a ringing in my ear followed by nausea. It happens on and off throughout the day. Also have had a heavy period the last few days so not sure if it’s anemia or related to that. Weird.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558
    edited May 15

    We have an article on dizziness, @halyy2024. There's some suggestions on how to manage it. Have you spoken to your MO about this?

  • chickenlovva
    chickenlovva Member Posts: 58

    @halyy2024 HI hon! Did you have your second round? I'm thinking you did but can't remember! I get random dizzy spells! Just had one thus evening and hubby had to hold my hand while I walked to the couch! I thought it was from my ears because I have fluid behind my ear drums but I'm wondering if it's chemo related??

  • chickenlovva
    chickenlovva Member Posts: 58 I hope you are doing well and side effects are minimal!

  • chickenlovva
    chickenlovva Member Posts: 58

    Anyone know of good shows to binge? I'm in need of some stuff to watch over the weekend for round 2. Also, I have SUPER thin hair, it looks like scraggly witch hair that is actually making me giggle instead of cry so that's good I suppose. Don't want to shave it quite yet so I wear a cotton beanie from it's pretty comfortable. I need to buy wig glue stuff so I can try my wigs. I'll try to post a pic on here when I wear one. I pray everyone has a good night with no cramps, dizziness, aches, fatigue or anxiety 🥰

  • Member Posts: 230

    it’s Wednesday! What’s everyone up to, and how are you feeling? We’ve all had a week, but hopefully it’s looking up across our little thread. 🧸❤️

    I was called in yesterday for the approved neulesta shot, so I ran by the center for that. I’m proactively taking Claritin. There’s been a twinge or two of discomfort, but nothing bad so far. It’s been a good 48 hours out from first chemo day now, and the rest of my side effects have been manageable— there have been ominous gurgles, so I’m proactively taking Imodium too. Taking it easy, breaking out the good PJs and all the little nice things I “save” and don’t let myself use for no good reason, and I’m hydrating like crazy. I HATE the sugar free Liquid IVs, so I’m contemplating ordering the real deal sugar version and tossing these.
    Trying to eat something every day, but carefully timed, so I don’t run into GERD issues. So far, that is instant mashed potatoes with the last of the home canned bone broth. I’m going to break out the instant pot before next round and make some bone broth to just freeze and make some pastina— sounds heavenly but too energy expending to do now. And canning isn’t happening on chemo!

  • Member Posts: 230

    Those head covers look so cute. I think I want a lace sleep one from them. Are you shedding a lot at night? Do these contain it pretty good?

    I’m usually not a big TV person, but I bought the new ghostbusters the other night— part 2. It was adorable!

  • grammie2
    grammie2 Member Posts: 210

    You made me laugh about your hair LOL. Mine was coming out in handfuls and flying everywhere so I shaved before the 2nd treatment. Not a huge tv watcher any more so can't help on the binge watching.

  • grammie2
    grammie2 Member Posts: 210

    Glad you are doing ok ! And yes, fluids, fluids and fluids. My mag was low again so go the trusty IV fluids and mag yesterday. Hopefully it will be up tomorrow when I go back for them to recheck.

    My second one is going similar to the first but more tired, less heartburn and dry mouth. Trouble sleeping past 3 and I think I just have my internal clock set now. How to break that cycle??? LOL. It's weird that some of you start out on the D side of things. I'm constipated day 1-3 or 4 from all of the IV nausea meds, then it turns to mild D. I started taking Murilax the day after treatment on Thursday but still was late Monday before it worked. What does everyone else take for constipation?

  • lbn2222
    lbn2222 Member Posts: 42
    edited May 15

    @grammie2 I take Senna for the constipation. But honestly, I can't calibrate it right. Too much, too little… who knows what's going to happen!

    Agree I've been more tired with round 2, although brain fog has been a little less this time. It might help that I am going to bed at 8:30pm most nights. I wake up many times in the night (unfortunately normal for me) and listen to an audio book to fall back to sleep.

    @chickenlovva I am not a big TV watcher either, but I did watch Ted Lasso while going through initial diagnosis (feel good show if you haven't seen it) and just watched Mare of Easttown on my flights to and from NYC.

    Hope everyone is hanging in there!!