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SUV 3.7 in breast on PET for ovary mass

ok so my story is I had BC in 2013 ER+ PR- lumpectomy left breast and rads and 5 years on hormone blockers. Next up was non Hodgkin primary bone in 2015 (very aggressive). Had RCHOP. And more rads. Genetic testing came up with CHEK2. I have a cyst on ovary that has been growing so after lots of other imaging and tumor board recommendations gynecologist oncology recommended a PET. Seems the cyst is no big deal but this came up for my left breast:

relatively stable size soft tissue density currently measuring 1.8 x 1.7 cm with mild FDG avidity in the lateral/posterior breast (4/151 axial PET/60) with SUV max measuring 3.7. Suggest correlation with dedicated breast imaging.

Oncology told me PA reviewed and nothing to worry about but Dr Google (could not resist) says the SUV is indicating cancer. Doctor and I have a video visit on Tuesday. Can SUV be that high on the breast and it be ok? I’ve been getting MRI and mammograms every 6 months. Last mammogram was in December and was clear I wanted a mastectomy years ago but breast oncologist said I did not need. I’m in Chicago and thinking of shifting care from Rush to Northwestern. If this could be something I don’t want to wait. Thoughts please


  • monarchandthemilkweed
    monarchandthemilkweed Member Posts: 176

    hi there! So sorry to read of all of your challenging diagnoses. Your story caught my eye because of chek2 which I also have. I chose, and my drs agreed, to have a mastectomy because of the chek2. I believe having the chek2 gene mutation is very serious. My other siblings also carry it. And my older sister has passed from ovarian cancer. I believe chek2 is responsible for although medical research does not really support this. I think that is only true because of how rare ovarian cancer in comparison to breast and colon. Because my cancer was hormone positive and my sisters ovarian cancer was aggressive, I had my ovaries out the year after I completed my cancer treatment (chemo and mastectomy). I can’t answer the question about SUV because that wasn’t ever reported in my exams. I hope everything is benign in your breast and wish you good health.