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Starting Chemo May and June 2024 Support Thread



  • Love4All
    Love4All Member Posts: 111
    edited July 10

    I wear a hat whenever I’m outside during the day! The pool was in the shade as the sun was almost set when my hubby took the pic. I usually wait until nighttime to go in the pool ❤️

  • justsnapd8
    justsnapd8 Member Posts: 115

    @Love4All I thought so, but just wanted to make sure. I ordered the cream you suggested. Thanks for that! 😘

  • bythebay
    bythebay Member Posts: 40

    @Love4All Yes I still do some online groceries or send my hubby with a list. What a special time with your Dad and great pics! You look wonderful. The bakery looks amazing too!

    Today is two weeks out from my first chemo. I have to say I had up and down days, worse side affects for me were low energy, headache, stomachache and little bout of diarrhea. I hate that I can't taste anything correctly, it all tastes weird right?

    Today I almost felt normal, went out to an outdoor patio breakfast with my sisters and granddaughter (8). It felt so good to be out having fun and felt safe because I was outdoors in a park environment. Tomorrow we are going to watch our grandsons at surf camp. I want to be out while I'm feeling good. Although today when I came home I did fall asleep! I am def tired easily.

    @justsnapd8 Great pics of the new do! Hope your scalp is feeling better. Hope you feel okay after Day 1 of Cycle 2, another dose behind you.

    I'm not a crafter but I have an office full of old photos I need to conquer. At my age, we took so many photos in our day and I have my mothers old photo albums. I have boxes of photos to go through, toss some and I guess scan the special ones. It was supposed to be my retirement project but I have designed and remodeled my kitchen instead 👍️ and put off the photos.

    Have a great day tomorrow all 😊

  • justsnapd8
    justsnapd8 Member Posts: 115

    @bythebay I've done well with the last infusion so far. I take the anti-nausea meds religiously! I've been sleeping decently. Just gotta watch the bodily functions; I think constipation might be and issue. I know what you meen about the pictures. My sister in law has those and will at times order the rest of us over there to sort them. Ever heard of the sister-in-law being the matriarch? That's how we roll! That family time is great! I I think it's important for you to scan the really important ones so they last well into the future period.

    have a wonderful day!

  • Love4All
    Love4All Member Posts: 111

    @bythebay FYI, my taste came back after about a week of losing it from my first treatment. I’m not sure what chemo you’re getting, but your side effects sound exactly like what I had after my first treatment. Glad you’re out having a bit of fun (and being safe) 🥰!

  • bythebay
    bythebay Member Posts: 40

    @justsnapd8 Glad to hear you are doing well so far. Do you take the anti-nausea meds before you need them? As a preventive measure? Our stomachs walk a fine line between Imodium and Miralax!

    @Love4All Yes, we are on the same treatment. I wish my tastebuds were back to normal, but not quite. Would you say the treatments side affects stayed similar or worsened each time? I go for my second next week. Mine is a recurrence after 26 years. I did not have chemo the first time around, just radiation. Found out that radiation doesn't happen a second time. I'm sure enjoying feeling well for now!

  • justsnapd8
    justsnapd8 Member Posts: 115

    @bythebay Yes, I do take them for prevention. Compazine every 6 hours, and olanzapine once in the evening. I haven't had to take Zofran or Phenergan yet, but I have them when needed. The olanzapine is used off-label to turn the nausea button off in my brain. It's a med for schizophrenia usually.

  • amesisland715
    amesisland715 Member Posts: 11

    @Love4All @sarahjunefox @justsnapd8 Thank you all so much for the kind, encouraging words! It is wonderful to have such a group of understanding women to rely on. I felt immensely better after reading yhour comments. I appreciate the advice!

  • justsnapd8
    justsnapd8 Member Posts: 115

    @amesisland715 I'm so glad! I agree this is a great place to get and share advice. Have a wonderful day!

  • Love4All
    Love4All Member Posts: 111

    @bythebay My oncologist lowered my chemo dose by 20% for my second treatment because I had such a wicked reaction to the chemo. The lowered dose made a huge difference! They also skipped the neulasta shot because I had horrible bone pain from it. Overall, I had the same side effects after the second round, but they were not as intense and they didn’t last as long.

    The day after my first treatment, I could barely lift my head off the pillow, couldn’t eat, and slept the entire day. After the second treatment with the lowered dose, my appetite was fine and I was tired but not exhausted. I lost my taste buds for a little while, but not as bad as the first time.

    I was told to take the anti nausea meds BEFORE I feel nauseous, so I take a Phenergan at night (because it makes me sleepy) and I take half a zofran as soon as I wake up and every six hours. I do that for three days after chemo and by the fourth day I stop and see how I feel without it. So far, so good! The zofran causes headaches, so my doctor recommended I just take half a pill since I already get a terrible headache from the chemo. For me, the headache never really goes away completely. It just simmers in the background all the time.

    I’m sorry you’re going through this a second time (plus the chemo). Cancer is a scary, nasty disease, but we women are strong and we will fight!! Keep moving forward and take the hits when they come. You will bounce back from the chemo when it’s all done 💪❤️ (I think I just wrote a little poem 😂).

  • sarahjunefox
    sarahjunefox Member Posts: 58

    I have a weird itchy bruise on my hand ever since my last session, this is where the cannula went in. Should I be worried? It’s there two weeks now.

  • justsnapd8
    justsnapd8 Member Posts: 115

    @sarahjunefox I wouldn't be especially worried, but I would get it checked out just in case.

  • Love4All
    Love4All Member Posts: 111

    @sarahjunefox I would call the oncologist and let them know. Is it hot to the touch? Do you have a fever? If not, it’s probably not an infection. Might be that the vein is no longer viable for the next infusion, though, so definitely let them know. ❤️

  • Love4All
    Love4All Member Posts: 111

    @sarahjunefox I looked up skin rash on hand during TC treatment and found this. Not sure if it applies to you, but it might just be an allergic reaction to the TC at the injection site? Maybe try taking Benadryl (it won’t hurt)? Here’s the article it came from…

  • justsnapd8
    justsnapd8 Member Posts: 115

    @Love4All I can relate to how emotional this is for you. I had 2 cats and lost them both in April. First, Simon had some sort of mental illness that made him hyper-aggressive. It was dangerous for me, and I finally had to make that hard decision. There was a medicine that I could try, but I was unable to administer it. at the same time my other cat, Sebastian was having tummy issues and we ended up doing surgery and he still wouldn't eat. So 23 days after the first, I had to let go the second. My heart is still broken. of course right after that was the cancer diagnosis but I knew that was coming. I had postponed myself to take care of my babies or to try anyway.

  • Member Posts: 230
    edited July 14

    @Love4All Chemo round 1 was the toughest for me too. I'm glad you've found some relief and figured out what works for you. The pics of you and your father are wonderful—so happy he could visit. I'm deeply sorry about your baby. 😔 🙏🏼💙 Sending {{{HUGS}}} your way.

    @justsnapd8 Hope your head is feeling much better. Since going shiny bald, I’ve been struggling with scalp zits—probably due to the heat, hats, and wigs. Fingers crossed round 2 side effects are fading for you!

    @bythebay Everything does taste weird! I cherish that brief period between chemo rounds when food tastes normal and the side effects ease up. Hope you’re feeling better now!

    @sarahjunefox Did the bruise go away yet? What do/did the doctors say?

    My skin is so delicate lately. I can barely wear makeup without reacting. The inner and outer corners of my eyes had a severe reaction and became raw, almost like a burn. They’re healing with ointment, but now look like elephant skin. If it’s not one side effect, it’s another 🙄

  • justsnapd8
    justsnapd8 Member Posts: 115 That Florida heat probably has a lot to do with your scalp zits. I left a little stubble on my head, so maybe I wouldn't get scalp zips. Time will tell! The side effects haven't been too bad but fatigue is overstaying it's welcome. 😞

  • Love4All
    Love4All Member Posts: 111 I just started having scalp zits, too! While my dad was here, we were doing projects in the yard and I had a baseball cap on to protect my scalp. I think all of the sweating caused them. I don’t wear scarves anymore (too freaking hot), and I never even bought any wigs. If it’s not one thing, it’s another 🤪

  • Love4All
    Love4All Member Posts: 111

    @justsnapd8 I am so sorry you lost both of your kitties at the same time. That is such a horrible twist of fate and I’m sure it was like a punch in the gut 💔

  • sarahjunefox
    sarahjunefox Member Posts: 58

    Thanks @Love4All & I checked in with the oncology nurses and apparently my hand is fine, just a vein that doesn't like chemo drugs being pumped into it! It's fading now thankfully after getting worse over the weekend and changing shapes a few times.

    Is anyone doing therapy or counselling? I have had two sessions with an oncology psychotherapist and I don't know if I'm really enjoying it. She's very lovely and encouraging but she wanted me to visualise my fears as occupying an empty chair in the room and then talk to them. I felt way too self conscious to do it and just felt silly more than anything. I don't know if this is for me.

  • justsnapd8
    justsnapd8 Member Posts: 115

    @sarahjunefox Do they not offer ports where you live? They make infusions a lot easier. I personally wouldn't consider counselling but I'm older than most of you here. I can't imagine what you ladies go through with having to take care of your families and yourselves.

  • Love4All
    Love4All Member Posts: 111

    @sarahjunefox I’m glad ur hand is doing better! Can they switch hands for the remaining infusions?

    As for therapy, I’ve been seeing a therapist for many years (for major depressive disorder and severe anxiety that stemmed from post natal depression twenty five years ago and rears its ugly head every few years). It’s very important to find someone who “gets” you. It took me several therapists over the years to find one that actually helped me. I’m a huge fan of journaling my fears and darkest thoughts when I’m feeling down. I do it on my iPad in a locked diary so no one can ever read it. Inevitably, I end up talking my way into what is actually real and not just fear based. It makes me feel better in the end.

  • Member Posts: 230

    @justsnapd8 I agree! I am sure the FL heat is either causing or adding to it! I left stubble too, but that has now fallen out 😄 I’m shiny bald. My brows and lashes are holding on, but thinner and missing bits here and there. I bet that’s at least contributing to my allergy issues around the eyes. 

    @Love4All I started using topical OTC antibiotic cream. It seems to be helping a little, but I’m still getting new ones. I’m also going bald in the house during the day now. 

    @sarahjunefox I’m glad your hand is clearing up! I’ve thought about counseling. But I would really love more of a life coach instead, to help me put together and follow a plan moving forward. There are so many positive changes I want to make for myself, and that’s what I think I really want and need to focus on. 

  • bythebay
    bythebay Member Posts: 40

    @justsnapd8 I know Olanzapine well because I took care of my Brother in. law with Lewy Body Dementia and he took that drug. I didn't have to take the Zofran first time around, we will see what's to come with next round this week. So sad about your kitties ☹️ I hope you are feeling well.

    @sarahjunefox Glad your hand is better. I had to have my first infusion in a vein because my port wasn't in yet. I don't know much about it but I thought everyone used a port. I hope you can find a therapist you feel comfortable with, thats so important.

    @Love4All Thanks for the poem 😉 and I am so sorry about your kitty, on top of everything else. Yes we women are strong and even tho I'm much older this time around, I feel strong and confident that this detour won't keep me from the active fun life I've been living. My husband of 51 years and I still have a lot to do! Its true you just don't know what reaction will happen. I think of it as poison thats killing off good and bad so anything can happen! It's strange my nails are stronger and growing faster, isn't that weird? Hope your skin calms down.

    Is anyone using cold for hands and feet for CIPN? A friend asked if I was and I didn't the first time. I am doing cold capping, which is difficult enough. Curious tho if anyone knows of good results for the hands and feet.

    My second treatment is Wednesday and I am enjoying these great days up until then. Thinking of you all…

    This is my kitty Huli

  • Member Posts: 230
    edited July 15

    I use ice mitts and booties while I’m getting Taxotere (docetaxel). I put them on 15 mins before and leave them on for 10-15 mins after. I have to wear gloves and socks between them and my skin now or it causes intense swelling, tingling, and burning during. So far, I don’t think I’ve had any neuropathy. I figure, if I need to wonder that hard, it isn’t a problem 😊

    My crew. Who will not all cooperate for one pic. The calico, Simi, is 7. Charlie, Ziggy, and Wookie are a litter of orphan kittens we found before moving states almost 3 years ago. I failed hard at fostering— I kept them all 😁

  • Love4All
    Love4All Member Posts: 111
    edited July 15

    @bythebay OMG Huli is soooo precious! 🥰🥰🥰

    I am not doing cold packs on my hands and feet for neuropathy because my treatment dosage and length are pretty mild compared to other types. My friend bought me some cold packs made for hands and feet during chemo because she ended up with permanent nerve damage, but she was on a much more aggressive chemo than me (red devil) and for a lot longer. My doctor didn’t anticipate I would have any issues with it, and so far he’s right (knock on wood)!

    I finished my third treatment today and have one more to go! 🥳

  • fossf56
    fossf56 Member Posts: 36

    @sarahjunefox I've been seeing a therapist for many years, since before my first cancer go round. She took care of someone who had cancer and she gets me. She recommends journaling as well and I do write in a doc my thoughts and fears. It's really hard to be fully open with someone you just met, like getting it all out to a stranger.

    I love all of your kitty cat babies.

    @Love4All we are insync, I just finished my third treatment and have one more.

    @bythebay I use cold packs on hands and feet getting taxol

    I was feeling really down over the weekend, my mid way scan didn't show much change from the chemo and phesgo for either of my tumors. But my nurse navigator came to see me during chemo today and setup an appt for this Friday with the oncologist. I guess I really expected to see radical shrinkage and not seeing that made me wonder if the treatment is doing anything. I can find out on Friday what the next steps are after chemo. Phesgo I'll have every 3 weeks until my body decides it has had enough, and thank goodness it's a 5 minute injection rather than Herceptin and Prejeta infusions for 3 hours.

  • Love4All
    Love4All Member Posts: 111

    @fossf56 Keep us posted on what your oncologist says Friday. I’m sorry you haven’t seen much change in the tumors yet, but don’t lose hope! Wait and see what they say ❤️🙏

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,553

    Sending you all love and strength ❤️