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Starting Chemo May and June 2024 Support Thread



  • Love4All
    Love4All Member Posts: 111 You are definitely on the other side of chemo and things will keep getting better from here! Every day you will get stronger and stronger (even though it may be in tiny increments!). Hang in there and keep moving forward!

    I’m five weeks post chemo now, and I’m just starting to get some energy back. I’m taking it slowly and trying not to get too frustrated with my body for not doing what it used to do. I may not be in the best shape anymore, but I can still walk, take care of myself and the house, and have minimal side effects from the lumpectomy. Trying to be grateful, but sometimes it’s hard. I’m still pissed that I got cancer!

  • bythebay
    bythebay Member Posts: 40

    @sarahjunefox I love your celebration! 🎉 So fun and so happy you are done as well! I will be doing Hormone blockers for 5 years. I am 2 weeks out from my last chemo and still have my port as well.

    My issue is that when I was diagnosed in March I was already scheduled for a hip replacement. I was pretty active and the hip pain stopped me. I had to postpone the surgery and have the mastectomy instead and have been in extreme hip pain through it all. My oncologist cleared me to fix my hip in a couple of weeks so I will go straight into hip replacement. My numbers and pre op all look good. So I won't get my port removed until after I heal up a bit from hip and I won't start the Hormone blockers until then as well. Its not easy to imagine going into another surgery, rehab, PT so soon but I am so tired of this awful pain.

    Then I figure while I'm on a roll, I will start looking into Diep Flap and have my reconstruction done a few months after my hip is done. What the hell, bionic woman!

    Wow that sure was a big accomplishment 10 days out 👏

    Sending you all best wishes for feeling your best 🌸

  • ebfitzy
    ebfitzy Member Posts: 86

    has anyone here had their ct simulation yet for radiation? If so, did they tell you if they saw anything? I had mine done on Monday, but haven’t heard back yet on anything or to schedule my radiation. Just curious if they’d share anything like if they saw spread or if they saw swollen lymph nodes or whatever.

  • Love4All
    Love4All Member Posts: 111

    @ebfitzy I started radiation therapy last week. When they do the CT scan, I think it is only for mapping purposes so the radiation oncologist knows where to send the radiation beams. I assume they don’t even look for evidence of cancer since they’re just getting coordinates. I wouldn’t worry about not hearing back from them.

  • ebfitzy
    ebfitzy Member Posts: 86

    @Love4All thanks for letting me know this 😊 good luck with radiation! How long do you have it for?

  • Love4All
    Love4All Member Posts: 111

    @ebfitzy I have 20 total and I’ve had five as of today. Super easy and fast. I’m only on the table for three minutes tops (the actual radiation only lasts thirty seconds on each side). I don’t have any lymph node involvement, so they’re only radiating my breast. I’ll have one booster dose during the last week of radiation where they direct the radiation directly to the spot where my cancer was.

  • sarahjunefox
    sarahjunefox Member Posts: 58

    How is everyone doing? I love how quiet this group has gotten, hoping it's because we are all done or almost done with the chemo part of this journey. I am three weeks out now, got my hair cut on Monday, the day I'd normally be getting my infusion. Much more enjoyable all together!!

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,553

    @sarahjunefox, you look absolutely beautiful with your new haircut! It suits you so well! 🤩

  • Member Posts: 230

    Hi @sarahjunefox! You look AMAZING! I love your hair so much!

    I’m shiny bald, but I’ve held onto the inner halves of my brows and about 30% of my lashes 😁 I’m ready to start growing some hair again!

    I’m also about 3 weeks out from the last chemo. Depending on surgery pathology, I may need Kadcyla, but fingers crossed I won’t! I’ve been so busy with pre-op appts and surgery (DMX) prep. And I’ve been getting out and about more as I feel better.

    I hope everyone is doing well! 💕

  • justsnapd8
    justsnapd8 Member Posts: 115

    @sarahjunefox You look wonderful! I've been thinking lately about what it will feel like to have hair again. All in good time, though. I'm triple negative, so just started the 2nd half of my chemo regimen; I have a ways to go yet. If I can stay on schedule, my last chemo will be Nov 19, with a DMX just after the 1st of the year. You're almost there! I'm pretty much shiny bald too, except for a few stragglers! I've been told I'll lose the eyebrows and lashes with the AC chemo; time will tell! I hope your surgery path reports are all in your favor! Please stay in touch and let us know how you are.

  • Love4All
    Love4All Member Posts: 111
    edited October 8

    @sarahjunefox Looks like the cold capping worked, huh?! You look so happy and beautiful 😍! My hair is at the peach fuzz stage… and it’s coming in WHITE!!! Oh well, better white hair than no hair 🤷‍♀️

    I just finished day 11 out of 20 of radiation. It’s really starting to hit me now. I am sooooo tired. Feels like I’m getting sick, but I think it’s just the radiation. My chest feels heavy and congested, my ribs and shoulder ache a bit, and I cannot sleep for shit! My last radiation appointment is October 8th, then I start the hormone blockers for five years.

    All things considered, I am grateful to be on the other side of the halfway point of my treatment. Sending all my love and support to you warriors still in the muck of it all! Hang in there!!

    Here’s a pic from this weekend with brother who flew down for a quick visit. I certainly paid for all the beers we consumed, but we had a blast!

  • sarahjunefox
    sarahjunefox Member Posts: 58

    I'm starting hormone blockers too, in about 3 weeks. it's nice to have a wee break now, no medicine at all. Best of luck everyone! We are getting there. ❣️

  • Love4All
    Love4All Member Posts: 111

    I am so freaking pissed off…. ALL of my eye lashes fell out in a matter of hours yesterday. I didn’t lose any of them during chemo (which I finished on august 8th). What the actual fuck?! Chemo… the gift that keeps on giving.

  • Love4All
    Love4All Member Posts: 111

    Finished radiation today. I’m officially done with treatment! Keep moving forward everyone. You can do this!! ❤️

  • sarahjunefox
    sarahjunefox Member Posts: 58

    @Love4All Wahey congrats!! Sorry about the lashes. Mine fell out really late as well.

  • justsnapd8
    justsnapd8 Member Posts: 115

    @Love4All Congrats on finishing treatment! That's freaking awesome!

  • Member Posts: 230
  • Member Posts: 230

    A quick update from me— I had surgery for DMX w/expanders on 10/1. So far, so good, overall! Still waiting on pins and needles for that pathology report. 🙏🏼