right pubic parasymphyseal fracture

I have Stage IV MBC with bone Mets to my pelvis. I have been suffering with R leg, hip, inner thigh, and abdominal pain for 3 months. Nothing showed on MRI or x-ray in Feb. I had a CT yesterday and it shows a incompletely healed R pubic Fx. I’m waiting for an appt with Ortho. Anyone out there have any advice.



  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,842

    Hi @Silvergray and welcome to Breastcancer.org.

    We're so very sorry to hear of your diagnosis, but we're really glad you've found us. You're sure to find our amazing community a wonderful source of advice, information, encouragement, and support — we're all here for you!

    We don't have any specific advice for you, but encourage you to also post on the bone mets thread, where there are lots of knowledgeable members who may be able to help!

    We hope you find relief and answers soon. Let us know if there's anything we can do to help!

    —The Mods