Fracture in pelvis

I have Stage IV MBC with bone Mets to my pelvis. I have been suffering with R leg, hip, inner thigh, and abdominal pain for 3 months. Nothing showed on MRI or x-ray in Feb. I had a CT yesterday and it shows a incompletely healed R pubic Fx. I’m waiting for an appt with Ortho. Anyone out there have any advice.



  • maggie15
    maggie15 Posts: 1,547

    @Silvergray , While not quite the same situation as yours my mother had two different pubic rami fractures due to osteoporosis. Treatment was PT with a mind boggling number of small motion exercises and using crutches. This was different from her many bone repairs and joint replacements which required surgery and some PT. What your ortho recommends might be different since no two fractures are the same. I hope you get relief from the pain soon.

  • vlnrph
    vlnrph Posts: 536

    Silvergray, your story parallels mine in quite a few ways! I began having groin pain in early Match 2024. Thought I had strained a muscle or something. After 2 weeks with no improvement, I managed to fall going out our back door into the garage. Scraped my knee on the concrete.

    Went to urgent care then got sent to the ER due to imaging options there. Had CT scans which showed nothing except arthritis so went home. Follow-up included a couple of MRIs plus a bone scan. There was a suspicious spot on my pelvis for which I received a single dose of radiation.

    Too many zaps might weaken the area & allow fracture. The orthopedic oncology team saw joint deterioration and suggested hip replacement. I went for a 2nd opinion. Those folks could get me in sooner than 3 months so I had the procedure there 10 days ago. Hope you get a plan soon.