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Biopsy Results

mimi2024 Member Posts: 1

Greetings - just diagnosed today - more testing to come. I had 2 areas biopsied via stereotactic biopsy (right breast).

Area of architectural distortion came back benign - with stroll fibrosis, columnar cell change, usual ductal hyperplasia and focal features suggestive of a radial scar.

Calcifications came back - micro-invasive carcinoma, ductal carcinoma in situ, nuclear grade 3 solid pattern, with comedonecrosis and calcifications. The micro-invasive part came with a special note: shows predominantly DCIS with focal and atypical glands less than 1mm.

Conversation with my doctor stated that I'm staged at 1a due to the micro invasion. I'll be getting an MRI and genetic testing (will examine left breast to make sure nothing is hiding in dense breast tissue - nothing found on mammogram). Doc stated unless something unusual comes back, likely a good candidate for lumpectomy.

I'm primarily freaked out by the nuclear grade 3 as being more aggressive. However, the doctor seemed quite optimistic. Anyone experience something similar? Treatment? I know I still have so much to learn through further testing. Would prefer the lumpectomy, but will do what makes the most sense.


  • ginger_stevens
    ginger_stevens Member Posts: 7

    I was diagnosed today 6/20/2024 but I was not given any information as to what type or anything just an appointment with a surgeon has been scheduled. I know I had some calcifications . I am scared to no end.

    First time posting. If I did not post correctly I am sorry.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,299

    @mimi2024 , I’m sorry about your biopsy result. The aggressiveness of a tumor depends upon many things and grade is just one of them. You still have the MRI and genetic testing which will give you more information about your situation. Final staging is not done until your post surgical biopsy report. If your doctor is optimistic that is a good sign since they deal with breast cancer all the time.

    @ginger_stevens , I’m sorry that you received no information except an appointment with a surgeon. Do you have a patient portal you could check where biopsy results would be posted under test results? If not I would recommend calling the medical provider who ordered the biopsy and ask them what was found. Unfortunately without information everyone imagines the worst. There are precancerous findings which require surgical removal so there is still the possibility that it is not cancer. I hope you can get an answer soon so that you have some idea of what you are dealing with.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558

    @mimi2024 and @ginger_stevens, we're so sorry for what brought you both here, but we're so glad you found us. As you can already see, in this community, you'll find amazing members who are always willing to support you, give advice, and share experiences.

    We know that getting a breast cancer diagnosis can be daunting, so here are some helpful links that will help you read pathology reports, learn more about treatment options, etc.

    Also, a great thread chock full of advice for those just diagnosed: Just Diagnosed - Get Prepared

    We hope this helps. Please keep us posted on how everything is going, we're thinking of you!

    The Mods

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558

    @mimi2024 and @ginger_stevens,

    We're just checking back in on the two of you to see if you've gotten more answers and put a treatment plan in place? We're all here for you as you navigate your treatment, so please make sure to come back often, ask lots of questions, and get the support you need — we're all here for you!

    —The Mods

  • ginger_stevens
    ginger_stevens Member Posts: 7

    Thank you for checking back on me… I met a surgeon this week and have a MRI scheduled on 6/29 at 7:00 am and meet with oncologist and radiologist on 7/1 and 7/11. Will re-meet with the surgeon on 7/12. Things are in motion. The cancer does not seemed to have spread …. Thanks for checking on me.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558

    @ginger_stevens of course! We try to help support however we can, so please let us know what else we can do to help.

    Also, just a reminder we do offer a twice-weekly group virtual meetup for those recently diagnosed and planning/going through treatment. You can see the schedule and sign up here:

    We hope this helps and we look forward to getting to know you!

    —The Mods